Contents tagged with NATO

  • Lithuania is considering purchasing combat helicopters

    The purchase of combat helicopters for the armed forces is being discussed in Lithuania, as was stated by Lithuanian Defense Minister, Raimundas Karoblis, reports.

    "The discussions are ongoing. We have to admit that, as with the Land Forces, we have some gaps in the Special Operation Forces as well," Karoblis said.

    At present, Lithuania has no combat helicopters. The Lithuanian Army has only five helicopters available: three AS365 helicopters and two Mi-8T’s. All of the Dauphin …

  • US Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham to visit Ukraine

    Two Members of the US Senate Armed Services Committee, John McCain and Lindsey Graham, will visit Ukraine on December 30th and 31st, Interfax-Ukraine reported.

    The two Republican Senators will also visit Latvia, Lithuania, Georgia, and Montenegro.

    Speaking in Estonia on Tuesday, McCain said US-NATO relations will not change once Donald Trump is sworn in as president.

  • McCain called on NATO to tune in to Russia’s aggressive behavior

    According to the Chairman of the Senate Committee on Armed Services, John McCain, the election of Donald Trump as the president of the United States was a surprise, but this result will not affect the US - NATO relationship. According to McCain, who was speaking in the Estonian capital of Tallinn, NATO should prepare for Russia’s possibly aggressive behavior.

    When he touched upon the issue of cyber security, he stated that, "there is no doubt that the Russians were engaged in hacking, but …

  • Latvia to spend 10 million Euro on participation in international military operations

    Servicemen from the National Armed Forces of Latvia will participate in the EU operation against pirates "Atalanta,” in the EU teaching mission in Mali, in the NATO training operation in Afghanistan "Resolute Support," in the EU naval operations in the Mediterranean Sea "Sophia," in military operations against ISIS in Iraq "Inherent Resolve," and in the operation to stabilize the situation in Mali under the auspices of the UN mission "Minusmam," Delfi reports.

    Latvia has the most servicemen …

  • Russian Defense Minister: Russia is capable of neutralizing NATO's Tomahawk missiles

    The Russian air defense forces are capable of neutralizing Tomahawk cruise missiles that can be deployed along Russia’s western borders, stated the Russian Defense Minister, Sergey Shoygu.

    “The decision to develop the capability of neutralizing such threats, taken by you, Vladimir Vladimirovich [Putin], has been fulfilled,” said Shoygu on Thursday while speaking at the Russian Ministry of Defense's board meeting attended by Vladimir Putin, the Interfax news agency reported.

    According to …

  • Russian Foreign Ministry: The Netherlands developed a taste for the destruction of relations with Russia

    A decision of the Dutch authorities on the resumption of the U.S. military facility shows that the leadership of the country is enjoying the destruction of relationships with Russia, as stated by the official representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, Maria Zakharova, RIA Novosti reports.

    "It looks like the leadership of the Netherlands developed a taste for its immoderate activity on targeted destruction of relations with Russia,” she stated. "Now they have …

  • Four western reconnaissance aircraft scouted Russian borders in the Baltic and Black Sea

    Four Swedish, US, and NATO reconnaissance aircraft simultaneously conducted reconnaissance flights on Wednesday near Russia's borders in the south of the Baltic Sea and in the Black Sea, according to data from websites that track the movement of military aircraft, Interfax reported.

    A strategic RC-135W US Air Force reconnaissance aircraft with tail number 62-4138 and call sign FILE10, after taking off from the airbase in Mildenhall, UK approached the Kaliningrad region from the sea to perform …

  • NATO’s aircraft to practice in Estonian airspace

    NATO aircraft based in Estonia at the Ämari Air Base in Estonia will conduct low-altitude flights over the country's territory this week, as stated by the press service of the Estonian Defense Forces, Interfax reported.

    German Air Force Eurofighters will fly in pairs at an altitude below 500 feet (152 meters). The fighters carried out similar exercises in October.

    The flights are conducted on the basis of agreements between NATO countries in specifically designated areas, and the governments …

  • Stoltenberg: Sanctions against Russia are a response to the seizure of foreign territories

    A country that has violated international law and encroached on someone else's territory must pay for it, as stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg during an interview with the German newspaper “Bild.” Stoltenberg was commenting on the EU leadership’s approval of the extension of the sanctions regime against the Russian Federation.

    "Economic sanctions send a clear signal to Russia that the violation of international law and changing of borders by using military force entail a high …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO is considering strengthening its presence in the Black Sea

    The Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Jens Stoltenberg, stated that NATO is seriously thinking about strengthening its presence in the Black Sea region, as quoted by digi24 news portal. “Currently, we are reviewing the possibility of ensuring our presence on the Black Sea by means of naval and air forces. We are discussing this problem mostly with coastal States – Romania, Bulgaria and Turkey,” Stoltenberg explained.

    The Secretary General of NATO noted that, “ …