Contents tagged with NATO

  • Defense Ministers of the Baltic States stated that an improvement in relations between NATO and Russia should not be expected

    The Ministers of Defense of Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania stated that improvement of relations between NATO and the Russian Federation in 2017 is unlikely, the portal reported. The representatives also agree that work will continue according to the OSCE Vienna document.

    The ministers signed a traditional communiqué on cooperation, noting that next year will have strategic importance for the region because NATO military forces will be deployed there.

    “The next year will be extremely …

  • US troops will be stationed in Poland in January

    The Commanding General the United States Army in Europe, Lieutenant General Ben Hodges, announced that 4,000 U.S. soldiers will be relocated to Poland as part of the NATO Atlantic Resolve mission in January 2017. During his visit to the Bundeswehr Academy in Osterholz-Scharmbeck (Lower Saxony), General Hodges said that the port of Bremerhaven in northern Germany is going to serve as a crossing base.

    At the NATO summit in Warsaw in July 2016, it was decided to place four of the Alliance’s …

  • Latvia denies that it is planning to build NATO military base in coastal city of Liepaja

    Latvia has no plans to create a NATO military base in the coastal city of Liepāja, as stated by the Ambassador of Latvia in Moscow, Astra Kurme, Postimees reports.

    "There are no plans to create a NATO military base in Liepāja as such. The long-term national plans are being developed for the technical preparation of the port to service warships, as well as the creation of a number of other defense facilities of the Latvian Armed Forces," she said, adding that she does not see how this could be …

  • Media: Turkey will replace pro-Western NATO officials with pro-Russian ones

    Ankara intends to replace its pro-Western NATO representatives with officials who are in favor of cooperation with China, Iran and Russia, The Times reported.

    Journalists of the British newspaper obtained copies of emails sent by recently discharged Turkish officers to the Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Curtis Scaparrotti, in which the former voiced concerns over "a significant increase in ultranationalist and anti-Western sentiments" in the Turkish army.

    One of the Turkish officers noted …

  • Lavrov: NATO is 'dragging Montenegro' into the alliance

    At an OSCE ministerial meeting in Hamburg, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov stated that NATO is “desperately dragging Montenegro” into the alliance, Evropeyskaya Pravda reported.

    According to Lavrov, the continued enlargement of NATO in the Balkans changes the geopolitical situation on the European continent.

    "NATO continues to say that they will continue to expand. Now they are desperately dragging Montenegro into their ranks and we see it. No one asks the people of Montenegro, though …

  • NATO battle group in Latvia is fully staffed

    After Spain’s decision to join the NATO combat group in Latvia, the group became fully staffed. This, as Delfi reports, was stated by the Foreign Minister of Latvia, Edgars Rinkēvičs. The combat group is scheduled to deploy to Latvia in 2017.

    "Now the battle group is fully staffed. The combat group led by Canada will include Canada, Albania, Italy, Spain, Slovenia and Poland. Latvian and Canadian colleagues are now working intensively with all these countries on solving the practical problems, …

  • Stoltenberg: NATO is implementing additional aid programs for Ukraine

    NATO started implementing a package of additional measures as part of the aid program for Ukraine. This is the package that was approved at the Summit in Warsaw in the summer, as stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg after the NATO meeting of the Commission Ukraine in Brussels.

    "We have comprehensive cooperation with Ukraine; we provide support in various areas. At the Summit in Warsaw we decided to increase the level of this aid and to start implementing this aid package,” …

  • Ukraine to participate in creation of NATO-EU Center on Countering Hybrid Threats

    The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, stated that Ukraine will participate in the creation of a joint NATO-EU Center on countering hybrid threats. “The North Atlantic Treaty Organization will create a special platform to counter hybrid threats. We will take part in this process,” Klimkin said at a briefing after the meeting of NATO-Ukraine Commission, Interfax-Ukraine reported.

    The Ukrainian Foreign Minister emphasized that Ukraine’s experience in the fight against Russian …

  • Stoltenberg: The security situation in the Donbas is 'extremely serious'

    The security situation in the eastern Ukraine is “extremely serious” due to the violations of the ceasefire including the use of heavy weapons, only 30% of which are able to be monitored at this time, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated.

    “The ceasefire is violated every day, sometimes hundreds of times, including bombings, using weapons prohibited by the Minsk Agreements. This is because heavy weapons were not withdrawn. Only 30% of the equipment registered by the OSCE now can be …

  • NATO Secretary General reiterates need to maintain dialogue with Russia

    NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg called for toning down aggressive rhetoric towards Russia, while at the same time emphasizing the need to maintain dialogue with Moscow, TASS reported.

    "I welcome any toning down of the rhetoric because I think words matter and the less aggressive rhetoric can be a first step towards also a better dialogue,” Stoltenberg stated. “At the same time, words matter, but of course deeds matter even more. So, therefore the important thing is what we see, what …