Contents tagged with Peskov

  • Peskov has not ruled out the possibility that Putin and Trump could meet prior to the inauguration

    The Kremlin has not ruled out the possibility that contact between Russian president Vladimir Putin and his future American counterpart, Donald Trump, may take place before the US presidential inauguration, Interfax reported.

    “I do not know whether there will be any contact between our president and Trump before the inauguration. I do not know this for sure, but of course it can’t be ruled out. A congratulatory message has already been sent,” the spokesman for the Russian leader, Dmitry Peskov, …

  • Peskov: Russia maintained contact with Trump and Clinton campaigns

    The press secretary for the president of the Russian Federation, Dmitry Peskov, who arrived in New York at the opening ceremony of the World Chess Championship, stated in his interview to the Associated Press that Russian experts maintained contact with colleagues from the US presidential campaign headquarters of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.“Our experts, specialists on the United States and experts on international affairs… constantly communicate with their colleagues here, including those …

  • Night Wolves turned against Putin's Press Secretary

    The Moscow-based daily newspaper Moskovskiy Komsomolets reported that the leader of the Ural biker’s organization "Night Wolves," Mikhail Kaigorodov, advised Russian President Putin’s Press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, to make sure that all members of Peskov’s family returned home and that their American citizenship was dealt with.These comments were made in response to Peskov’s recent criticism of Alexander “The Surgeon” Zaldostanov, to whom Kaigorodov reports directly.The conflict between Peskov …

  • Peskov: Putin's schedule will no longer be sent to journalists

     The Russian President’s press secretary, Dmitry Peskov, announced that the Kremlin will no longer send Vladimir Putin’s tentative schedule to media agencies, RBC reported.

    “The mailing will no longer exist because the President’s schedule is not a dogma,” Peskov said.

    According to him, this decision was made “in order to avoid needless discussions later on the cancellation of actions that had not been [finalized].”

    “Some events may be worked through and charted out, but officially we do not …

  • Kremlin: Trump's comments on Russia 'not the best choice of words'

    TASS reported Russian Presidential Press Secretary Dmitry Peskov's response to U.S. Presidential Candidate Donald Trump's comments on a possible attack by Russia against the Baltic countries. Peskov stated that “The phrase about a hypothetical attack of Russia on someone isn't worded well enough to be significant or insightful.”

    Earlier, Trump stated that if Russia attacks one of the Baltic States, he will decide whether to help them or not only after he finds out whether this country has …

  • Nuland met with Surkov in Moscow to discuss the Donbas

    U.S. Assistant Secretary of State, Victoria Nuland and Russian presidential aide Vladislav Surkov discussed the Ukrainian question in Moscow. According to the U.S. Embassy, the talks were mainly dedicated to security issues in the Donbas. "The discussions were very detailed, thorough and constructive".

    "Negotiators focused on the subject of maintaining security in the framework of the Minsk Agreements, implementation of the ceasefire, withdrawal of the heavy weaponry and ensuring an unimpeded …

  • Peskov: Putin has no time in his schedule to meet with Nuland

    Russian President Vladimir Putin does not have time in his schedule to meet with US Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, according to the Press Secretary of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, as reported by the Russian RIA Novosti news agency,

    “In the President’s schedule there is not such a meeting," Peskov said.

    The Press Service of the US Department of State previously reported that Nuland will visit Moscow and Kiev. In Moscow she is planning to meet with Russian government …