Contents tagged with Propaganda

  • Kremlin's ultimatum: the real agenda behind Putin's push for peace talks in Ukraine

    After the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) summit held in Astana on July 3-4, Putin declared that Russian troops would not cease fire in Ukraine until the start of the negotiation process.

    "We need to ensure that the opposing side agrees to take steps that would be irreversible and acceptable to the Russian Federation. A ceasefire without reaching this agreement is impossible," he stressed.

    Putin further mentioned that he does not want to negotiate through intermediaries:

    "We have …

  • Ukraine expels two Russian journalists

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) expelled two special correspondents of Russian TV channels who had been sent to Kyiv for the production of propaganda plots featuring the Victory Day. The SBU’s press-service reports that Valentina Solovyova and Olga Yurieva, correspondents of “Channel One Russia” and the “Russia” Channels, were sent back to Russian Federation and Kazakhstan respectively.

    Special Services Operatives documented that the Russian propagandists intended to use video footage to …

  • Russia to create news agency 'to fight American hegemony'

    Russia’s Federal News Agency (FAN) has announced that it is creating a new English-language news agency called “USA Really. Wake Up Americans”, Interfax reports.

    “The Federal News Agency does not intend to put up with the US government’s hegemony in the information sphere, and is announcing the launch of the project “Wake up, America!” In May 2018, the information agency “USA Really. Wake Up Americans” will begin to operate. It will focus on promoting the information and problems that are …

  • Estonia considerably increases expenditures to counter propaganda

    Since 2018, Estonia's expenditures aimed at combating misinformation and propaganda will be increased by 13.3 times - from 60,000 to 800,000 euros, Deutsche Welle reports.

    According to the Postimees, the budget for ensuring strategic communication will be at this level for at least four years.

    Overall, by 2021 Tallinn will spend 3.26 million euros for this purpose. The team of specialists in strategic communications will be increased from two to eight.

    According to Martin Yashko, who is …

  • Dutch government: Russia trying to influence public opinion about MH17 crash

    Russian security services are spreading false news in the Netherlands to influence public opinion in the country, as stated by the Minister of the Internal Affairs of the Netherlands, Kajsa Ollongren, reports Dutch News.

    "The Netherlands is being monitored by the Russian security services among others;" the minister said, and noted that "we should not assume Russia is the only one.”

    According to Ollongren, spreading disinformation is not a new phenomenon, but it is "easy, anonymous, fast and …

  • Mogherini: EU supported the funding for the department to counter fake news

    Foreign ministers of the European Union member states at a meeting of the European Council supported strengthening and financing the European External Action Service’s “EU versus Disinformation” Department on countering fake news, said Federica Mogherini, the High Representative of the European Union for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy of the European Commission, following the meeting.

    “I asked to beef up human resources and to increase financing for the three groups focused on strategic …

  • Ukraine expels Russian journalist working for propagandist channel

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has banned Anna Kurbatova, a journalist of the Channel One Russia, from entering the country. She was detained the day before for her "anti-Ukrainian activity," as indicated by an adviser to the head of the Interior Ministry, Zoryan Shkiryak, on his Facebook page.

    In response to Russian media reports about Kurbatova’s recent abduction, Shkiryak stated that kidnappings and torture are "methods exclusively practiced by Russian special services such as the …

  • U.S. Congress denies accreditation to the Russian agency Sputnik

    The Congressional Periodical Press Gallery committee, which deals with media accreditation, has refused to provide the Russian news agency Sputnik with a press pass, Radio Liberty reported.

    The Senate Periodical Press Gallery Director, Justin Wilson, stressed that accreditation is not given to media whose work is paid by a state.

    He also noted that the news agency could appeal against this decision.

    Sputnik correspondent Andrew Feinberg, Sputnik’s White House correspondent, called the …

  • Polish Media: The St. George ribbon is a sign of Russia's aggressive nationalism

    Russia has announced the beginning of a propagandist initiative. By May 9 it is going to distribute 100,000 Saint George ribbons abroad but even its allies are apprehensive of this plan.

    This was reported by Gazeta Wyborcza, adding that in Russia and some post-Soviet countries the ribbon is considered a symbol of the end of the Second World War. That's why it is massively distributed in the streets on the occasion of the celebration of the Victory Day on May 9.

    Distribution activities began …

  • Russian military created an 'information operations force'

    The Russian armed forces have created an information operations force, which will be tasked in counter-propaganda, Minister of Defense Sergey Shoygu said, speaking on Wednesday in the Russian State Duma, as reported by Interfax.

    “An information operations force has been established that is more efficient and stronger,” Shoygu said, responding to a question about the need to recreate the administration, which would be engaged in counter-propaganda.

    "Propaganda must be smart, competent and …