Contents tagged with Propaganda

  • Documentary film 'Donbas Seasons' caused a scandal in diplomatic circles

    The Ukrainian Ambassador to Tallinn, Viktor Kryzhanovsky, requested that an Italian documentary film called Donbass Seasons not be broadcast in the European Union. A major scandal has emerged in diplomatic circles over the Italian documentary film about the situation in eastern Ukraine.

    According to Rus.err (Estonian Public Broadcasting website), Kryzhanovsky appealed to the Estonian authorities with a request not to allow the screening of the documentary film Donbas Seasons in Estonia.

    As …

  • Polish citizen known for spreading Russian propaganda was denied entry into Ukraine

    The Security Service of Ukraine prohibited the entry of Tomasz Maciejczuk, who is well-known for his participation in spreading Russian propaganda in Europe, into Ukraine for five years, as Maciejczuk wrote on his Facebook page.

    “This morning, I came to the Polish-Ukrainian border in Dorohusk. The border guard took my passport and checked the information in the computer. I was invited into the office and told that I’m banned from entering Ukraine for five years. The ban was issue by the …

  • Media: Russian propagandist works for opponents of the Ukraine Association Agreement in the Netherlands

    The Russian propagandist, Sergey Markhel, is now working for the opponents of the EU-Ukraine Association Agreement in the Netherlands, as outlined in the article, "We Don’t Care about Ukraine: a Report on the Last Days of Campaigning in the Netherlands", published in Evropeyskaya Pravda. In the past, Markhel was often involved in organizing events for Russian Embassies in European Union countries.

    He is now involved in the campaign against the Ukraine-EU Association Agreement in the …

  • Bill on countering Russian propaganda presented in the US Senate

    A new bill aimed at strengthening Washington’s efforts in countering propaganda and misinformation spread by Russia, China and other countries, was presented in the US Senate. The bill, entitled Countering Information Warfare Act of 2016, was created in response to calls by the US Congress, European governments and NATO to strengthen forces to counter misinformation campaigns.

    The new US legislation, developed by the United States Senator from Ohio, Rob Portman and the United States Senator …

  • Anti-Ukrainian Documentary Shown on Polish TV Channel

    On February 21st, Polish TV Channel TVN24 broadcasted the controversial documentary film The Masks of the Revolution during the program Eva Evart Advises. The director of the film is French journalist Paul Moreira. This documentary film depicts  the events in the Kiev Euromaidan movement as a riot started by radical nationalists. The film is full of allusions to the leading role of the US in the events in Kiev two years ago. It hints at the fact that the Russian annexation of Crimea was …

  • German Intelligence investigates methods of Russian propaganda

    The German intelligence service, BND, is checking whether Russia is using the old KGB methods in order to weaken the position of Angela Merkel. The investigation is being conducted on behalf of the German government.BND and the Federal Office for the Protection of the Constitution, on behalf of the German government, are investigating whether Russia has resorted to the methods of the Soviet KGB, aiming to influence political debate and public opinion in Germany. The investigation is about the …

  • Canal + will not engage in public discussion of anti-Ukraine documentary

    The management of the private French channel, Canal +, refuses to engage in any public discussion regarding the Paul Moreira propaganda film, “Ukraine, Masks of the Revolution.”

    "The management has no intention of engaging in an open dialogue concerning discussion of the scandalous and misleading anti-Ukrainian film,” representatives stated.

    The original broadcast occurred on the 1st of February, with the channel planning to repeat it the next day.

    The film documents the events which …

  • Erdoğan: Allegations of Turkish invasion of Syria are 'ridiculous'

    According to the Al Arabiya news channel, the President of Turkey, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, has referred to allegations of a Syrian invasion by Turkey as "ridiculous".  This is in response to claims made by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    “I think that the allegations made by Russia are ridiculous.  Rather, it is Russia who has invaded Syria,” Erdoğan stated.

    A representative of the Turkish government had already denied the statements made by Russia and stated that such …

  • Ukraine asks French TV Channel to take Anti-Maidan Documentary off the Air

    The Ukrainian Embassy in France called the movie, The Masks of the Revolution, a pamphlet made according to the worst traditions of misinformation, and appealed to the leadership of the broadcasting channel to take it off the air.

    The Ukrainian Embassy in Paris asked the board of directors of the French TV channel Canal + to cancel the screening of the film, The Masks of the Revolution, which depicts the events on the Maidan in February of 2014. The film is scheduled to be aired on February 1 …

  • Russian Propaganda Film about Ukraine to be Shown on French Television

    On February 1st, one of the largest and most popular private television channels in France will broadcast a movie by French director Paul Moreira called, Ukraine: the Masks of the Revolution.

    According to EuroPravda, the movie was shot in the spirit of Russian propaganda and serves to spread information about "extremist nationalist battalions in Ukraine that have become a threat to the government," as well as about the "massacre in Odessa."

    The documentary shows violent scenes of the fight on …