Contents tagged with Romania

  • Romania accuses Russia of ‘aggressive behavior’

    The Romanian authorities have prepared a draft national defense strategy for 2020-2024, which refers to Russia's "aggressive behavior" and "actions to militarize the Black Sea region."

    "The aggressive behavior of the Russian Federation, the actions of the (militarization) of the Black Sea region and the hybrid type of actions carried out by this state aimed at maintaining a tense climate in an area close to our country, force Romania to resolutely continue the extensive process of creating …

  • Ukraine and Romania conduct join naval drills in the Black Sea

    Ukraine and Romania conducted PASSEX join naval drills in the Black Sea.

    The patrol boat of the Ukrainian Navy Starobelsk and the Romanian Navy corvette Contraamiral Horia Macellariu took part in the exercise, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Navy on Facebook.

    It is noted that the ships of the two countries have worked out a series of tasks on compatibility according to NATO standards. The emphasis in training was placed on improving the skills and actions of ship crews in carrying …

  • Ukraine unlocks gas imports from Romania

    Ukraine and Romania have signed an interconnection agreement which will come into effect on January 1, 2020, the Operator of the Gas Transportation System of Ukraine (OGTSU), one of the signatories, announced on its website. Romania was represented by the company Transgaz.

    The negotiations lasted more than three years, with mediation from the European Commission and the involvement of the operators of Bulgaria, Greece and Moldova.

    The agreement will make it possible to freely transport gas to …

  • Romanian prosecutor to reform Moldovan justice system

    The reformation of Moldova’s justice system and fight against corruption will be supervised by former Romanian Prosecutor General Augustin Lazar, who will serve as an advisor to the government, announced Moldovan Prime Minister Maia Sandu, lauding Lazar’s past work to consolidate and improve the independence of the Romanian state.

    “Augustin Lazar has shared his experience as prosecutor general, and has also commended our initiatives to reform the prosecution office. I am very glad that he has …

  • Ukraine and Moldova plan to start importing gas from Romania in 2020

    Ukraine and Moldova will be able to import gas from Romania through Isakcha-1-Orlovka connection point in the South Odessa region from January 1, 2020, reports Ukrainian national gas transit company Ukrtransgaz on its webpage.

    "Ukrtransgaz and Moldovagaz, together with gas transport systems operators of other countries agreed on the necessary technical solutions for creating new import capacities based on the Trans-Balkan pipeline system in the South-North direction (reverse through the …

  • Romania doesn't allow Russia to deliver military equipment for Serbia through Danube river

    Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania reported that Romania had not allowed the transit of Russian military equipment for Serbia through the Danube river, as it is prohibited by European sanctions imposed on Russia because of its aggression against Ukraine, reports the Romanian newspaper Mediafax.

    The Romanian Ministry explained that to issue a transit license for the transportation of military products, which under the law can be issued only to the Romanian transporter, it is necessary to …

  • Foreign ministers of Turkey, Poland and Romania advocate in favor of Ukraine joining NATO

    Ukraine and Georgia should become members of NATO to help strengthen security in the Black Sea region which is being fundamentally undermined by Russian actions.

    The topic was broached at the trilateral meeting held in Ankara between the Foreign Ministers of Turkey, Poland and Romania, reports Ukrinform.

    “From a security point of view, our countries (located in the Black Sea region) are going through similar problems... Countries such as Georgia and Ukraine should join NATO. We also note that …

  • Hungarian Foreign Ministry summons Ukrainian ambassador after leader of the Union of Hungarians denied entry to Ukraine

    The Hungarian Foreign Ministry summoned Liubov Nepop, the Ukrainian ambassador in Budapest, after the leader of the Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania (RMDSZ), Hunor Kelemen was banned entry to Ukraine,  reported Evropeiska Pravda with reference to the press service of the Hungarian Foreign Ministry.

    "The press secretary stressed that he considers the entry ban for the leader of the Democratic Union of Hungarians of Romania, Hunor Kelemen as an unacceptable and anti-Hungarian move," the …

  • Leader of Romania's Union of Hungarians denied entry into Ukraine

    The leader of the Union of Hungarians of Romania and deputy of the Romanian parliament, Hunor Kelemen, was not allowed to enter Ukraine. According to his Facebook page, he was banned entry into Ukraine until October 2020.

    According to Kelemen, he was going to Uzhgorod to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the local Hungarian organization “Society of Hungarian Culture of Transcarpathia”. He was kept in the border control zone for an hour, and then he was told that he can not cross the border. …

  • Ukraine and Turkey hold joint naval exercises in the Black Sea

    The crew of the small armored artillery boat Vyshhorod of the Ukrainian Navy carried out PASSEX type joint exercises with TCG Barbaros frigate and TCG Marti assault boat of the Turkish Navy in the Black Sea, reported the press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry.

    “During the current exercises, almost simultaneously, 67 Turkish military units will visit forty foreign ports in the Sea of Marmara, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. A frigate and assault boat will visit the port of Batumi, in …