Contents tagged with Romania

  • Moldova begins construction of pipeline connecting it to European gas supply system

    Moldovan Prime Minister Pavel Filip and Romanian Deputy Prime Minister for the Implementation of Strategic Partnerships Ana Birchall took part in the ceremony marking the beginning of the construction of the second-stage of the Jasz-Ungheni-Chisinau gas pipeline. 

    The first line of the gas pipeline was put into operation in 2014, making it possible to deliver almost a million cubic meters of gas from Romania to Ungheni and several nearby settlements. The second part of the 120-km-long pipeline …

  • US naval ship to conduct military exercise in Black Sea with Romanian frigate

    USS Fort McHenry, a large dock landing ship of the US Navy, will spend three days at the Romanian Port of Constanţa and then take part in an exercise with the frigate King Ferdinand, the website of the Romanian Navy reports.

    “Leaving the port on Thursday, January 10, USS Fort McHenry and the Frigate King Ferdinand will conduct a series of joint training activities in the territorial waters of Romania and the international waters of the Black Sea,” the report states.

    The American ship arrived …

  • Moldova counts on Romania’s support in integration with European Union

    The Moldovan government expects an improvement in the relations with the European Union, counting on the support of Romania, which will be holding EU presidency next year.

    “The role of the president of the EU Council implies impartial and professional management of the issues on the agenda – from the simplest issues to the most complex ones,” said Romanian Prime Minister Viorica Dancila.

    According to Deputy Prime Minister for European Integration of Moldova Iurie Leanca, “this is a unique …

  • Romania concerned about Russia’s military activity in the Black Sea

    Romania is concerned about the increased Russian military activity in the Black Sea. Strengthening European security will be the main topic in January, when this country, in the order of rotation, will take over the European Union presidency, said Romanian Defense Minister Mihai Fifor.

    “The Russian Federation is using the Black Sea to move forces into the eastern Mediterranean areas,” stated Mihai Fifor at the international conference hosted by the Aspen Institute.

    “The situation has changed …

  • Ukraine and Romania conduct their first joint naval exercises

    Ukraine and Romania have conducted the first joint naval exercises on the Danube River between Izmail and the Romanian port of Brăila, reported the press-service of the State Border Service of Ukraine.

    For three days, marines and marine border guards of both countries practiced joint actions on ensuring security for civilian traffic, rescue and inspection operations, and maneuvers in river navigation.

    "Two Navy ships and a Romanian border police boat, a training boat and two small armored …

  • British fighters intercept six Russian bombers over the Black Sea

    British soldiers stationed in Romania intercepted six Russian bombers over the Black Sea, reported the Romanian agency Agerpres.

    On August 13, Eurofighter Typhoon fighters took off from the Romanian Mihail Kogalniceanu base due to the presence of six Russian Su-24 bombers flying over the Black Sea near the NATO border towards the Crimea.

    "Before the take-off to intercept them, we were warned about the intense Russian air activity, which was observed throughout the night," - said one of the …

  • Criminal investigation initiated against former leaders of Romania

    Romanian President Klaus Iohannis agreed to initiate a criminal investigation against the former leaders of the country, a message on the President’s website reveals.

    Those under investigation are former President Ion Iliescu, former Prime Minister Petre Roman and former Deputy Prime Minister Gelu Voican Voiculescu.

    The website message states: “On Friday April 13, Romanian President Klaus Iohannis referred an application to the Minister of Justice to start criminal prosecution against Ion …

  • Romania joins countries that don't recognize Russian presidential elections in Crimea

    Romania does not recognize the annexation of the Crimea and Russian presidential elections on the peninsula, reports, citing the press service of the Romanian embassy.

    "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Romania reminds that it [Romania] does not recognize the illegal annexation of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and the city of Sevastopol by the Russian Federation, and therefore does not recognize the elections in this territory, and shares the position of the European Union and its …

  • 11 villages in Moldova want to join Romania

    The authorities of eleven villages in Moldova adopted a symbolic "declaration of union with Romania," Newsmaker reports. They became participants in the campaign for the unification of Moldova and Romania, organized by the Unionist platform Acţiunea 2012.

    The activists expect that by the 100th anniversary of the reunification of Romania, which is likely to be in 2018, this declaration will be adopted in a hundred Moldovan settlements. For now, 11 Moldovan villages have documented their desire …

  • President Dodon intends to punish officials that favor the unification of Moldova and Romania

    The President of Moldova, Igor Dodon is convening an emergency meeting of the Supreme Security Council where he wants to punish the local public administration counselors that signed the symbolic "declarations on Moldova's Union with Romania," Ukrinform reports.

    "The actions of local counselors take place against the background of the unprecedented campaign aimed at undermining the statehood, sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of the Republic of Moldova. These campaigns are …