Contents tagged with Roskomnadzor

  • Massive internet outage in Russia: Kremlin’s attempt to block messaging apps causes nationwide disruption

    Russian users have reported issues accessing popular messaging apps like Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord, and Skype. This appears to be a blockage by Russian authorities, analysts told the news outlet Agenstvo.Novosti. Roskomnadzor, the federal agency responsible for controlling the internet, attributed the problems to DDOS attacks targeting Russian telecom operators.

    The problems, which began around 2 PM, impacted not only messaging apps but also Wikipedia, Yandex, VKontakte, telecom support …

  • Kremlin blocks access to CIA and FBI websites in Russian territory for ‘spreading fake information’

    Access to the websites of the Central Intelligence Agency and the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has been restricted in the territory of Russia, reports TASS, citing the Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor. According to Roskomnadzor, the sites were blocked for "spreading fake information."

    According to the Roskomnadzor, materials "containing inaccurate socially significant information" aimed "at destabilizing the social and political situation in Russia" were found on the websites …

  • Kremlin accuses Wikipedia of 'information attacks on Russians'

    Russian media watchdog Roskomnadzor demanded that Wikipedia remove "unreliable socially significant information" regarding the war in Ukraine, threatening a fine of up to 4 million rubles ($48,000). In its message published on Tuesday, April 5, Roskomnadzor accused the online encyclopedia of "becoming a new line of constant information attacks on Russians", since it "massively hosts" materials with "unreliable information" about the military actions of the Russian Federation in Ukraine.

    The …

  • Russia fines Google $98 million

    The Russian authorities continue the campaign of pressure on foreign Internet companies amid plans to move to a "sovereign internet" with censorship and control over internet traffic.

    On Friday, December 24, the Moscow Tagansky District court imposed a fine of 7.2 billion rubles ($98 million) on Google for not deleting content prohibited in Russia.

    "By the decision of the judge of the Tagansky judicial district N422 of Moscow, Google LLC was found guilty of committing an administrative …

  • Kremlin will allow Russians to use messenger apps only after registering with their passports

    Russian citizens will be able to use Internet messengers only after passing identification, including providing their passport data, according to the government decree N 1801 which was signed by the Russian Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.

    The document, dated October 20, comes into force on March 1, 2022 and is valid for six years.

    It requires that the "organizer of the instant messaging service" when registering a user would conduct identification "by reliably establishing information about …

  • Russia threatens Facebook with huge fines

    The Russian authorities continue to tighten the regulatory noose on major foreign Internet platforms, preparing the ground for the cleansing of the network space and the transition to the "Russian sovereign Internet".

    After threatening to block YouTube, the Russian media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, announced plans to dramatically increase fines for Facebook, claiming that the Internet giant failed to comply with the Kremlin’s numerous requests to remove certain content.

    The fine for Facebook can …

  • Russia starts blocking Google Docs

    Russian authorities continue to expand restrictions on internet traffic trying to fully block the Smart Voting application.

    Smart Voting is a voting strategy promoted by opposition leader Aleksei Navalny that makes the Kremlin and the ruling United Russia party nervous. It helps opposition-minded Russians vote for candidates deemed most capable of beating candidates from United Russia.

    GlobalCheck reports that on Wednesday evening traffic to was blocked on the cellular …

  • Russian Central Bank communication system fails after Kremlin attempts to shut down Google services

    The Russian Central Bank experienced a failure of its electronic systems a few days after the Russian media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, stepped up efforts to block VPNs and attempted to limit the work of a number of Google services.

    Communication channels through which Russian banks interact with the Central Bank became unstable on Monday, September 13, Interfax reports, with reference to the press service of the Russian Central Bank.

    On Tuesday, the problems persisted and created difficulties …

  • Russia prepares video bloggers for its YouTube alternative

    The Kremlin’s campaign to prepare for a possible blocking of YouTube in Russia continues to gain momentum.

    The Russian alternative of the world's largest video hosting RuTube, which is owned by Gazprom Media, announced plans to grow a new generation of video bloggers for an updated version of its platform, where viewing without registration has become available and the possibility of monetization is expected to be introduced.

    "We will bet on young, as yet unknown bloggers, and with the help …

  • Kremlin threatens to slow down access to YouTube

    Foreign Internet platforms continue to allow posting banned content in Russia. This includes Facebook and YouTube, said Russian media watchdog, Roskomnadzor.

    Roskomnadzor warned that these internet platforms would face sanctions similar to those applied to Twitter, namely partial slowdown of user access using equipment installed by internet providers under the "sovereign Internet" law.

    As for Twitter, it will not be blocked, despite the fact that the deadline for removing ”illegal content”, …