Contents tagged with Roskomnadzor

  • Russia accuses ‘foreign forces’ of inciting unrest through YouTube

    Andrey Klimov, a member of Russia’s Federation Council, said that “foreign forces” used YouTube videos to provoke Russian citizens to protest unlawfully in Moscow on August 10.

    The commission for the protection of sovereignty that Klimov leads supposedly received information that “a large number of citizens received information that they did not ask for, from sources that they were not subscribed to”. He claims that the information was “incendiary” in nature and incited citizens to act …

  • Russia refuses to allocate radio frequencies to OneWeb global satellite internet

    The Russian authorities have once again refused to allocate radio frequencies to the developers of the OneWeb global satellite internet project. The State Commission for Radio Frequencies announced its ruling on Monday 29 July. All members of the commission voted against granting frequencies to the project, said Russian Deputy Communications Minister Oleg Ivanov as quoted by the newspaper Kommersant.

    The creators of OneWeb have been trying to obtain frequencies in Russia since 2017. Russia’s …

  • Russia prepares to block Facebook and Instagram

    Russia’s Public Prosecution Service has begun scouring social networks in search of materials that violate the law “On insulting state symbols and organs of state power” which was initiated by senator Andrey Klishas in December last year and came into force on 29 March.

    Images offensive to the Russian government have been found on Facebook and Instagram, Interfax reports, citing Russia’s federal censorship agency, Roskomnadzor (RKN).

    Facebook has already been added to the register of …

  • Tinder denies reports it will provide users' data to Russian Special Services

     The dating service Tinder confirmed that the Russian media watchdog, Roskomnadzor, entered the company in its  database of the information distributors, but that this does not mean that the data of its Russian users will be transferred to the authorities, reported Kommersant citing an official representative of Tinder.

     “The Russian authorities sent us a registration request and we registered the business in order to comply with the law. However, being registered in the database by no means …

  • Russia adopts law on autonomous internet

    On April 16, the State Duma of the Russian Federation, in the third and final reading, has adopted a law on ensuring the stable operation of the Russian Internet segment in the event of a disconnection from the global infrastructure, more commonly known as the Runet Isolation Law, writes TASS.

    This law will come into force on November 1, 2019.

    According to the Bell publication, the purpose of the law is “to counter the threat to the stability, security and integrity of the Internet in Russia.” …

  • Moscow court fines Twitter for refusing to provide information about Russian users

    On Friday, April 5, the Moscow Magistrates’ Court examined  administrative offense complain made by the Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media or Roskomnadzor against Twitter for failing to confirm information if Russian users’ personal data is stored in the territory of the Russian Federation. During the third hearing of the case, Judge Anton Kozyrev  ordered Twitter to pay a fine of 3,000 rubles ($4.60 USD), DW reported.

    In court, …

  • Putin signs laws on 'disrespect towards authorities' and 'fake news'

    Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed laws which prohibit “the dissemination of fake news” and establishes fines for “blatant disrespect for society, the government, official symbols of Russia and state authorities". Both sets of documents were published on the portal of legal information on Monday, March 18.

    According to the document, by “unreliable socially significant information”, the law on fake news implies information which is disseminated as “reliable reports” but creates threats …

  • Kremlin promises to punish Facebook and Twitter if they do not move users' data to Russia

    By the end of February, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomandzor) will officially require Facebook and Twitter to localize the databases of Russian users in Russia. If Facebook and Twitter refuse to do so, they “will be punished”, Alexander Zharov, the head of Roskomandzor, told reporters. 

    As reported by Interfax, Zharov said that they would make a decision on Twitter or Facebook on February 21 and sign relevant protocols. The …

  • Russia prepares for possible disconnection from World Wide Web

    The largest telecommunications operators in Russia plan to hold drills to test the practical feasibility of implementing the law “On sovereign internet” that was put forward in the State Duma by senator Andrey Klishas in December last year.

    According to the Russian news outlet RBC, the decision to do this was made during a session of the Information Security work group, which is working to implement the country’s Digital Economy project.

    MegaFon, VimpelCom (the Beeline brand), MTS and …

  • Russian Parliament approves draft law introducing punishment for disseminating fake news

    Thursday, January 24, Russian State Duma approved four draft laws  in the first reading. Among them were the laws on disseminating fake news, on criminal responsibility for insulting the government and on administrative penalties in both cases.

    The draft law regarding dissemination of "false public information" on the internet relates to information that can "be a cause for serious bodily injury and lead to other serious consequences," stated the Deputy from the United Russia party, Dmitry …