Contents tagged with Roskomnadzor

  • Kremlin prepares to block Twitter and Facebook

    Roskomnadzor, the Russian federal executive body responsible for media and telecommunication censorship, has begun an administrative procedure against Facebook and Twitter, which do not abide by Russia’s law on personal data.

    The social networks, which are legally obligated to store users’ personal data in Russia, have not proposed any specific plans or deadlines to localize this information, Roskomnadzor director Alexander Zharov told Interfax.

    According to him, the companies have one month, …

  • Kremlin threatens to block Google in Russia

    The Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, also known as Roskomnadzor, will start to block Google in Russia if the company continues to ignore its demands to filter search results, deputy department head Vadim Subbotin announced on Wednesday.

    An administrative court case has already been lodged against the search engine for failing to connect to the Federal State Information System with a list of prohibited online resources.

    So far, …

  • Kremlin intends to fine Google

    Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media or Roskomnadzor has accused Google of violating Russian law and will request a court to fine the company between 500 ($7,615 USD) and 700 thousand (10,660 USD) rubles, Radio Liberty reports.

    The reason for this is that the Internet search engine did not connect to the Russian federal state information system, which contains a list of banned and blocked sites in Russia.

    According to the Russian law, …

  • Russia threatens to close France 24 TV channel

    Russia's state media regulator Roskomnadzor threatened to stop broadcasting France 24 TV chanel the day after the French Superior Council of Audiovisual (CSA) issued a warning to the Russian channel RT France for inaccurate reporting on Syria.

    Roskomnadzor stated that the French channel violated Russian legislation, Russian media reported.

    Roskomnadzor employees allegedly found that the editorial activity of France 24 is directed by a foreign legal entity. This violates Russian law on the …

  • Russia to block Telegram messenger service

    Moscow's Tagansky District Court has decided to restrict access to the Internet messenger Telegram on the territory of Russia. The restriction will be enforced until the encryption keys are handed over to the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russian media outlet MediaZona reports.

    Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) will enforce the decision of the court. The ruling of the court can be appealed within a month.

    The …

  • Russia intends to block Telegram messaging service

    The Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, better known as Roskomnadzor, has filed a lawsuit in Moscow's Tagansky District Court to limit Telegram's access to information resources in Russia. This has been reported on the agency's website.

    The initial cause of the claim is that the messenger refused to provide the FSB with the encryption keys for its user’s conversations.

    On March 20, Roskomnadzor issued an official notification on …

  • Russia threatens to block Instagram and YouTube because of footage about oligarch Deripaska

    Roskomnadzor (Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) gave Instagram and YouTube until the evening of February 14 to block posts and videos as stipulated by the Ust-Labinsk court on the lawsuit of businessman Oleg Deripaska to Anastasia Vashukevich (Nastya Rybka) and Alexander Kirillov (Alex Leslie). The agency's representative reported this to Vedomosti newspaper.

    Roskomnadzor has been trying for months to get the content voluntarily …

  • Kremlin wants to verify that Facebook follows Russia’s data collection laws

    The officials of the Roskomnadzor, Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media announced they intended to check whether the social network Facebook was complying with Russian legislation governing the processing of personal data. The announcement was made by the executive body’s press service, reported Interfax.

    "Soon, the Roskomnadzor will plan supervisory actions  aimed at analyzing the activities of the administration of the social …

  • Kremlin: Telegram Messenger has no immunity against Russian laws

    The Telegram Messenger will not have "immunity from Russian laws," as relayed to RIA Novosti by Igor Shchyogolev, an Assistant to the Russian President.

    "The general principle is that when there are laws, they must be implemented," stressed the President’s Assistant in response to a question as to whether Telegram's work in Russia would be stopped. For more detailed information Shchyogolev advised reporters to contact the regulatory authorities.

    In June, the head of Roskomnadzor (Russia’s …

  • Russia adds Wikisource to list of banned websites

    Russia's Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications, Roskomnadzor, found a page with "extremist text" on Wikisource (the electronic library of the fund, as reported in the fund’s press release. The publication in question is “The Protocols of the Elders of Zion.” According to Roskomnadzor,based on the decision of the Lenin District Court of Orenburg of July 26, 2010, the website was determined to have extremist …