Contents tagged with Russia

  • NATO will provide Turkey with new military equipment

    The North Atlantic Alliance finds new ways to enhance the Turkish air force.This statement was made by the Secretary General of NATO,Jens Stoltenberg, on Dec. 1, reported Deutsche Welle.In his speech to the Foreign Ministers of NATO in Brussels, Stoltenberg appealed to Turkey and Russia to resolve the crisis and find ways to prevent such a situation.Stoltenberg said that NATO will be working on further measures to ensure the security of Turkey.As expected, the Foreign Ministers will formally …

  • ISIS released a video showing the execution of a Russian spy

    The video begins by showing a man wearing orange overalls, who states that he was recruited by the Russian Intelligence service. Then, a terrorist insults and threatens the Russian President, Vladimir Putin, and cuts off the captive spy's head. As reported by the web-site SITE, which analyzes jihadists' activities, extremists claimed that he was a spy acting within the territories of Syria and Iraq, which are under ISIS control.

    Reuters noted that the Russian Foreign Ministry hasn’t yet …

  • NATO doubts Russia will fulfill the terms of the Minsk Agreements

    Changing the intensity of the conflict is the Russia's way to demonstrate its power, General Breedlove stated.

    Breedlove, the U.S. European Command General and the NATO Supreme Allied Commander for Europe, does not believe that Putin intends to implement the Minsk agreement.

    The probability that the Kremlin will fulfill its commitments by the end of the year is negligible,  said Breedlove at a press conference on Wednesday, December 2.

    "It is unlikely that we can get everything Putin …

  • ISIS oil smuggled though Turkey is consumed in Israel

    An Israel Business portal, Globe, reported that Israel is one of the biggest consumers of ISIS oil.According to Globes, Kurdish and Turkish smugglers buy oil from the Islamic State, transport it through Iraq and Syria and then re-sell to the third countries. Globe confirmed that Israel is one of the main consumers. Jihadists’ oil is extracted from fields in the Syrian province of Dayr al-Zawr and oil regions of northwestern Iraq. The fuel is transported through the Kurdish town, Zaha, which is …

  • John Kerry calls on Russia to withdraw from eastern Ukraine

    Speaking at the annual ministerial council of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe, a two-day session held in Belgrade, Serbia, the U.S. Secretary of State John F. Kerry called on Russia to withdraw its troops and equipment from eastern Ukraine so a peace deal can take effect by the end of the year.

    “This is the time for concrete steps to end this disastrous and unnecessary conflict, and begin the process of rebuilding in Ukraine’s east,” Kerry said.

    Russian Foreign …

  • U.S. Missile Cruiser USS Ross to enter the Black Sea.

    According to the reports by the US Navy 6th Fleet, USS Ross will enter the Black Sea on Thursday to promote peace and stability in the region and enhance cooperation with "allies and partners."

    Earlier in October, the USS Ross intercepted a ballistic missile as a part of exercises testing the first part of the US missile shield in Europe.

    The Black Sea is adjacent to countries with tense relations, in particular Ukraine, Russia and Turkey.

    The USS Ross is an Arleigh Burke-class guided …

  • Turkey plans to impose retaliatory sanctions on Russia

    Turkey is responding to the sanctions imposed by Russia after the SU-24 incident with a list of its own sanctions against Russia, as reported by the Milliyet, a Turkish news outlet. Under the leadership of the Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey, Mehmet Şimşek, a meeting was held to discuss the type of sanctions that would be imposed. A bill specifying sanctions was developed at the meeting and will be submitted for approval to the Prime Minister of Turkey, Ahmet Davutoğlu.

    The main provisions of …

  • Crimean Tatar activists promise a naval blockade of the Crimea

    The coordinator of the civil actions to blockade the Crimea, Lenur Islyamov, said that the road blockade prohibiting the supply of goods, and the destruction of the supply of electricity to Crimea from mainland Ukraine will soon be followed by a “naval blockade” of the Peninsula, including the Kerch ferry, the main transport artery connecting the Crimea with the Krasnodar region of the Russian Federation.

    In an interview with Open Russia, Islyamov stated, "We will go further.  We will do the …

  • US and EU to continue sanctions against Russia until Ukraine regains control over its borders

    The U.S. and the EU agreed to extend sanctions against Russia until full compliance with the Minsk agreements is reached. This information was confirmed by the Coordinator of Sanctions Policy at the U.S. Department of State, Daniel Fried.

    The last defining element of all the Minsk agreements – the Minsk Protocol, Minsk Memorandum and Minsk set of activities – is for Kiev to regain control over its internationally recognized border with Russia in Eastern Ukraine, Fried explained, speaking at …

  • Crimean authorities impose sanctions against Turkey

    The Russian Head of the Crimea, Sergey Aksyonov, indicated that Crimean authorities have imposed sanctions against Turkey.

    "Turkish citizens will not be able to work within the territory of the Crimea, all investment contracts will be terminated, and goods imported into the territory of the Crimea by the Turkish Republic will be banned.  I should mention that the volume of Turkish products exported to the Crimea is insignificant and this will not have a significant impact on development in the …