Contents tagged with Russia

  • Lethal Aid to Ukraine bill passed at U.S. Congress

    WASHINGTON - U.S. Congress has passed a defense policy bill that authorizes up to $50 million in lethal military aid for Ukraine and mandates a White House response if Russia is deemed to be violating a key arms control treaty.

    The White House said hours after the $607 billion bill was passed by the Senate on November 10 that President Barack Obama was likely to sign the legislation.

    The House of Representatives passed a similar version of the bill last week.

    Among other things, the package …

  • Russia to supply C-300 missiles to Iran

    Russia will supply S-300 air missile systems to Iran.

    S-300 will strengthen Iran’s defense and make attacks on their military targets challenging."Agreement to supply S-300 missile systems to Iran came into effect" – stated the Head of the “Russian Technologies” State Corporation, Sergey Chemezov.The signing of the agreement means that S-300 will become the first shipment of Russian weapons to be supplied to Iran after the international sanctions were lifted. Supply of these missile systems …

  • Assistant to US President: Russia wants the world to forget about Ukraine

    "Russia is trying to make the world forget about Ukraine" – stated the Special Assistant to the US President, Celeste Wallander, in her interview to Meduza. According to her, Kremlin, in being actively involved in Syria, is trying to make the West forget about the war in Ukraine.“That could be partly true. It’s one of their goals. But I want to emphasize that the USA is ready to cooperate with Russia to find a solution for the Syrian crisis. But Ukraine remains the unsolved problem, and you can’ …

  • Name of Putin's daughter revealed

    As reported by Reuters, Putin's daughter Katerina uses the last name of Tikhonova.Katerina's identity was revealed by Andrey Akimov, deputy chairman of Russia's Gazprombank.Reuters has also learned that earlier this year Katerina, 29, described herself as the “spouse” of Kirill Shamalov, son of Nikolai Shamalov, a longtime friend of Putin. Shamalov senior is a shareholder in Bank Rossiya, which U.S. officials have described as the personal bank of the Russian elite. Katerina and Kirill, 33,   …

  • Ukraine will stop electricity imports from Russia

    On November 11, Ukraine intends to terminate electricity imports from Russia. The statement was made by The Ukranian Minister of Energy and Coal, Vladimir Demchishin, at a press conference. “On Wednesday we will stop any electricity imports from Russia. This becomes possible because Power Unit 3 at the Rivne Power Plant is returning to operation” – he said. He added that Ukraine has enough power to meet its internal consumption. According to him, this year, before the heating season, Ukraine …

  • White House compares Putin with Stalin

    While honoring victims of the Holodomor, a mass starvation in the 1930's Soviet Union, the White House Press Secretary Josh Earnest subtly compared Russia's Vladimir Putin with Soviet premier Josef Stalin.

    "The Holodomor was inflicted on the people of Ukraine, a country who continues to experience massive political struggles today. The Ukrainian people face new threats to their territory and well-being, they have once again demonstrated their resolute commitment to human dignity," Earnest said. …

  • Russian officials admit: Oil prices are set in the USA.

    The president of the Russian oil producer,“Rosneft”, Igor Sechin, stated that shale oil production affects the structure of the world oil production and the flow of exports. “The decline in the oil prices is caused by the increase in the production of shale oil. Thus, the determination of the oil prices that was previously done by OPEC countries has moved to the USA, one of the biggest shale oil producers. This market has become the most important global regulator.” – Said Sechin.

    According to …

  • Foreign ministers meet in Berlin on Ukraine crisis

    The foreign ministers of Germany, France, Russia and Ukraine met Friday in Berlin to further discuss steps required to end the conflict in east Ukraine.Germany‘s Frank-Walter Steinmeier said: "We can be glad that the ceasefire regime has been observed to a certain extent." He said " the progress has been made, but some serious challenges" remained, including organizing fair local elections in separatist-held areas.

    Also in attendance at the Villa Borsig, in north-west Berlin were France's …

  • The number of Russian asylum seekers to US has doubled in 2015

    This year the number of Russian nationals’ asylum applications rose dramatically. This tendency is connected with the growth of policy restrictions, corruption and discrimination for gays. Russian citizens filed 1454 asylum applications in 2015. The U.S Department of Homeland Security reports that, since Vladimir Putin returned to the president’s office, the number of asylum applications has almost doubled.

    Asylum applications are filed individually but can also include other persons, for …

  • Russia steps up its military presence in Syria while Turkey accuses US of insignificant support to opposition.

    According to the American data Russia has doubled the number of servicemen in Syria. At the same time  the media has been reporting that Washington and its allies are planning to increase assistance to the Syrian opposition.

    Commander-In-Chief of the Russian Military Space Forces, Viktor Bondarev, said that Russia has recently sent air defence system to Syria in order to prevent hijackings of aircraft and retaliatory attacks.   

    “We have evaluated all possible outcomes. We have stationed   …