Contents tagged with Russia

  • Russia shelled Ukrainian territory again.

    As per the Transcarpathian Regional State Administration Press Centre,Two soldiers of the 128th Brigade were wounded during the last night shelling of the township of Stanytsya Luhanska.Russian heavy weaponry “pulled back” as per the Minsk Treaty was used again last night.This time it was the positions of the Transcarpathian 128th Brigade of the Ukrainian Armed Forces that got hit by the enemy fire from the right bank of Seversky Donets river.Both wounded were hospitalized and are receiving the …

  • How many Russian troops are there in Eastern Ukraine

    According to the informartion published by  “Information Resistance” group as of August 26, 2015 the following numbers of  Russian-terrorist forces are operating in the occupied areas of Eastern Ukraine

     (dynamics update for the last 2 months in brakets)

    - Personnel - up to 45 thousand. (decrease of 3-5 thousand)

    - Tanks - about 600 units. (increase of 200 units.);

    - Armored Combat Vehicles - 1430-1450 units. (decrease of more than 400 units.);

    - Artillery - approx. 770 units., Incl .:

    a) …

  • Forbes - Russia Inadvertently Posts Its Casualties In Ukraine

    Russian president Vladimir Putin has decreed that all Russian casualties “in peacetime” be a state secret. In addition to criminal charges arising from divulging state secrets, families risk losing pensions and lump-sum payments if they reveal that their sons were killed in Ukraine. Mothers of soldiers’ associations have been branded “foreign agents” for collecting data on Russian casualties.

    Dissident Boris Nemtsov was murdered shortly before completing his study of Russian casualties in …

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  • Uncertain situation in Eastern Ukraine

    Ukrainian Army Press Center reports multiple cease fire violations from the areas controlled by pro-Kremlin separatists.

    There have been reports of heavy artillery barrages hitting residential areas in the township of Prohorovka.

    During the previous day, eight Ukrainian army personnel were wounded.

    The escalations took place in the areas of Mariupol, Donetsk and Lugansk.

    Ukrainian army officials also accused pro-kremlin separatists of attempting to seize the territory in the buffer zones. …

  • Reuters - Ukraine shifts closer to open war with recent attacks

    Renewed fighting in Ukraine has claimed the lives of dozens of civilians and soldiers in the past two weeks alone. Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin have both called emergency war councils since Aug. 4, as the ceasefire and diplomacy have further broken down. In its recent reports, the Ukrainian military has used the phrase “most shelling in six months” multiple times, and with increasing frequency.

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  • Japan will not allow Medvedev to the Kuril Islands

    Possible visit of the Russian Premier Dmitry Medvedev is unacceptable for Tokyo. As per “Asahi Shimbun”, this was stated by the Secretary General of the Government of Japan Esihide Suga.

    The visit of the Russian Prime Minister to the Kuril Islands does not correspond to Japan’s position on these four northern islands of the southern ridge, Suga was quoted saying.

    Furthermore, such a move by Medvedev would hurt the national feelings of the Japanese. Suga assured that Tokyo would make every …

  • John Boehner - The White House is abandoning Ukraine

    The administration of the republican speaker John Boehner accused President Obama’s administration for not taking any steps towards providing Ukraine with lethal weapons.

    On Wednesday Boehner's administration sent out an email with the subject "The White house is abandoning Ukraine" says quoting the Voice of America.

    The letter says that “while Russia continues to escalate its attacks on Ukraine, USA has a moral obligation to support Ukraine. Ukraine is in desperate need of …

  • Russia threatens to block Wikipedia

    Russian authorities are threatening to block access to

    According to the statement issued by the Russian Government Regulatory agency Wikipedia has been requested to remove certain content from their web site. reports that the administration of Wikipedia have refused to fulfil these demands.

    “Wikipedia is a free Universal Encyclopedia. It has information on majority of the world phenomena including narcotic and psychotropic substances.

    When publishing articled the …

  • Foreign Policy - Impersonate CIA Spies to Pin MH17 on U.S.

    Not all propaganda is created equal. For every piece of elegantly crafted misinformation meant to sway hearts and minds, there is spin so poorly produced that it borders on the absurd. Case in point, a comically bad audio recording released by the Russian tabloid Komsomolskaya Pravda on Wednesday of two alleged CIA agents conspiring to bring down Malaysia Airlines Flight MH17, which crashed in eastern Ukraine on July 17, 2014.

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