Contents tagged with Russian Defense Ministry

  • Kremlin: Russia is ready to prevent color revolution

    The Chief of the General Staff of the Russian Armed Forces, the first Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation and Army General, Valery Gerasimov, announced at a conference on the development of the military strategy that the Pentagon has begun to develop a new warfare strategy called the Trojan Horse. According to Gerasimov, the essence of this strategy lies in the active use of the "fifth column" protest potential in order to destabilize the situation in the enemy state while …

  • Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov passes through the English Channel

    Russian frigate Admiral Gorshkov and its accompanying ships have entered the English Channel, TASS reports, citing the press service of the Russian Northern Fleet.

    The frigate is accompanied by the multifunctional logistics support vessel Elbrus, the rescue tug Nikolai Chiker and Kama sea tanker. Before leaving the North Sea, the frigate and ships underwent communication practice and coordinated the procedures of passing through narrow channels. The squad is wrapping up a long journey from the …

  • Russian Defense Minister orders to transfer four regiments to NATO borders

    Russia will continue to increase and strengthen its army stationed in the Western Military District near the borders of the NATO European members, said the Russian Defense Minister, Sergei Shoygu, at the Defense Ministry meeting on Wednesday. 

    Four new regiments will be formed in the Western Military District in accordance with the approved military activities plan for 2019. 

    This is an anti-aircraft missile regiment of mobile reserve, designed to increase the effectiveness of the shielding …

  • Russian Defense Minister orders to expedite new missile development to counter US

    Russia will have to develop new types of weapons in a limited time frame in response to the US’s withdrawal from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu said in a conference call on Tuesday.

    The defense industry has been given two years to create a ground-based variant of the Kalibr system with the long-range cruise missile that “proved itself” in Syria according to Shoygu.

    “In this same time frame, we will have to create a ground-based …

  • German government allocates €12 million of assistance for Leningrad Siege victims

    Germany’s government has said that it will allocate € 12 million to upgrading hospitals for war veterans in St. Petersburg (formerly Leningrad), a German-Russian meeting center for the Russian and German public, as well as assistance for people who survived the Siege of Leningrad, Deutsche Welle reports.

    German and Russian foreign ministers Heiko Maas and Sergey Lavrov announced this in a joint statement, welcoming the German government’s humanitarian gesture.

    “We are confident that this …

  • Putin: new hypersonic nuclear missile makes an excellent New Year’s gift for Russia

    The Russian Defense Ministry conducted test launches of an Avangard hypersonic glider missile. 

    The missile, the fruit of a 20 trillion ruble ($290 billion) state arms program, passed the testing “completely successfully”, Putin said after the Strategic Missile Troops drill at the Kura Test Range. 

    “All the tactical and technical data has been confirmed,” Interfax cites the Russian president as saying. “The Avangard system is invulnerable to the current and future anti-air and anti-missile …

  • Russian Defense Minister: the army has received record-high number of modern weapons

    According to the Defense Ministry’s website, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu stated that the Russian Army saw an unprecedented increase in equipment with modern weaponry this year, a level not achieved by any army in the world.

    The minister also stated that Russian army has received a total of more than 1,500 weapons and more than 80,000 pieces of military equipment. “In general, we reached the point of 61.5% in modern weapon armaments. Such an availability of modern technology is not …

  • Putin tells Russian military to prepare for arms race with US

    Russian President Vladimir Putin had recently  a series of meetings in Sochi with the heads of the Defense Ministry and other departments, as well as the leading enterprises of the defense industry complex. Together, they discussed ways to improve the combat capabilities of Russian troops in light of the US’s plans to withdraw from the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty – a critical agreement which brought an end to the Cold War and stopped Washington from keeping nuclear missiles aimed …

  • Russia bombs Syrian insurgents after alleged use of chlorine

    Russian and the Syrian authorities accused the opponents of Syrian President Bashar-al Assad of shelling Aleppo with chemical munitions. Russian air force struck their positions in retaliation. The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights stated on Sunday, November 25 that air strikes on the Western outskirts of Aleppo, near the Idlib province, have become the first in the northwest of Syria since September when Russia and Turkey agreed to the establish a buffer zone along the demarcation.

    The …

  • Media: Austrian colonel who spied for Russia was exposed by Germany

    An Austrian colonel who worked for Russian Intelligence was exposed by German counterintelligence that handed over the information to the colleagues in Austria, reported Profil magazine.

    Earlier, Austrian authorities said that the information on the Russian spy was handed over to Vienna by a “friendly intelligence agency.” According to Profil, the Austrians were referring to the German Military Counterintelligence Service (MAD).

    The magazine is currently investigating where the retired …