Contents tagged with Russian army

  • Russia’s Bulava ballistic missile ‘critically’ not ready for combat

    The firing of Russia’s R-30 “Bulava 30” submarine-launched ballistic missile (SLBM) does not include the possibility of breaking through the ice, writes military expert Maxim Klimov in an article for LiveJournal.

    According to him, the R-30 Bulava 30 can only be fired from a Borei-class nuclear submarine through “a large, clean opening in the ice”. Searching for such an opening could take an extremely long time, which is incompatible with the high missile readiness required of the naval …

  • Putin brags of ‘superior’ Russian hypersonic weapons

    Russia has been developing missile systems that fly in a flat trajectory at hypersonic speeds, and has also created other technologies that are unparalleled in the rest of the world, Russian President Vladimir Putin told RT, Al Arabiya and Sky News Arabia in an interview ahead of a visit to Saudi Arabia. A transcript of the interview was published on the official website of the Russian President.

    “These are missile systems that fly in a straight trajectory at a hypersonic speed. No one has …

  • Kremlin conducts inspection of tanks, troops and S-400 missile systems in western Russia

    A comprehensive final inspection of troops for the summer training period has begun in Russia’s Western Military District (WMD). Several armies and the Baltic Fleet will participate in the inspection, the Russian Defense Ministry announced on its website.

    The inspection, led by WMD Commander Colonel-General Alexander Zhuravlev, will affect 26 regions where military divisions are stationed within the district.

    The ministry states that during the inspection in the Leningrad province, the …

  • Kremlin to sacrifice economy for the sake of larger military budget

    The Russian Finance Ministry has published a draft federal budget for 2020-2022 in which it has further increased financing for the security forces and reduced the budget for the economy, education and regional assistance.

    According to the document and its appendices, which have been uploaded onto the official legal information portal, the Russian government plans to spend $302 billion out of its expected $315 billion in revenue.

    Overall, the government will spend $5.65 billion (1.9%) more …

  • Russian Defense Minister: Syrian military operation allowed Russia to modernize its weapons

    The shortcoming of the Russian cruise missile Kalibr were discovered after the missiles were used against militants in Syria and it allowed Russia to upgrade these missiles, stated Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu in an interview with the newspaper Moskovskij Komsomolets.

    According to Shoygu, the upgrade of the Kalibr resulted in a significant reduction of their flight preparation. According to Shoygu, Putin himself ordered the upgrade of the missiles after he was acquainted with the …

  • Media: Victims of missile engine explosion in Russia were exposed to radiation

    The victims of the explosion during the tests of a new type of engine on the ship in Severodvinsk (Arkhangelsk region, Russia) were exposed to high levels of radiation, reports Baza Telegram channel.

    As a result of the incident, several people were killed (from 2 to 3), 15 were injured, 6 of them were taken to hospitals in Moscow. In addition to severe explosion injuries, they were exposed to radiation.

    According to several sources in the Russian Defense Ministry, the clothes of the injured …

  • Russian Defense Minister Shoygu urges Russian military to fight in a new way

    Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu said that at the moment it is necessary to fight in a new way, focusing on the fact that the conflicts are short, and the experts have yet to develop a theory of modern warfare, reports TASS news agency.

    "Today, our main task is to develop a theory of warfare in the medium term," said Shoygu At the opening of the scientific-practical conference.

    According to him, wars today require new approaches because modern conflicts are "a set of classical and …

  • Putin limits foreigners’ opportunities to serve on contract in Russian army

    Foreigners legitimately residing in Russia have the right to serve on contract in the Russian army only once, according to a new law signed by Russian President Vladimir Putin. The text of the law has been published on the official legal information portal.

    The document makes amendments to the law “On military duty and military service”. As before, foreigners aged 18-30 can sign a contract to serve in the Russian army. Now, however, they can do so only once, whereas previously there were no …

  • Russian Defense Ministry claims to possess ‘mind reading’ technology

    While the US is developing laser anti-missile defense systems, the Russian army is apparently preparing for psychic warfare.

    The official Russian Defense Ministry magazine Armeisky Sbornik recently published an article which claims that the Russian army has a method of “combat parapsychology” that makes it possible to hack computer programs, disrupt radio communication and read other people’s thoughts using willpower alone.

    “A person’s psychic reserves, even a soldier’s, can readily be …

  • Russia decides to reinforce airborne troops with aviation units

    The Deputy Commander of the Russian Airborne Forces, Lieutenant General Alexander Vyaznikov, announced at the meeting with foreign military attaches that Russian airborne troops will be reinforced by army aviation, air defense and anti-missile units, reports Interfax.

    Speaking about the development of the Airborne Forces, Vyaznikov pointed out that there are significant threats to the security of Russia, which affect vital areas of the state’s activity. To prevent them, Russia will continue to …