Contents tagged with Russian army

  • Russia to start sending new Crimean conscripts to its northern territories

    During the autumn conscription, the Armed Forces of Russia plan to draft 2800 Crimeans, many of whom will be sent to the Extreme North of Russia to serve for the first time, said Russian Military Commissioner of Crimea Oleg Yermilov, as reported by Krym.Realii.

    According to the commissioner, 2,300 people will be sent to serve in neighboring Russia. The Crimean conscripts will be made to serve in the ground, aerospace, engineering, and even the strategic forces, the Russian National Guard, and …

  • UN: Since 2015 12,000 Crimeans have been conscripted to the Russian army

    Since 2015, Russia has called into its Armed Forces approximately 12 thousand people, living in the annexed Crimea, said the Head of the UN Human Rights Monitoring Mission in Ukraine Fiona Frazer while presenting the second report of the Mission on the human rights situation in the Crimea.

    According to Frazer, Russia also prosecutes Crimeans who do not want to serve in the Russian army. As stated in the report, the draft campaign is becoming more aggressive: in 2015, 500 men were called up, …

  • Russia creates 70 new army units on western border

    Since 2016, Russia has created more than 70 new military units in its Western Military District, including two divisions and three brigades, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu said at a Defense Ministry board session.

    The “situation unfolding in the western strategic direction” requires Russia to constantly improve the troops and their base systems, the defense minister explained.

    According to Shoygu, new infrastructure is being created to accommodate the new units. More than 350 …

  • NATO Supreme Allied Commander Scaparrotti meets with Russian Chief of General Staff Gerasimov in Baku

    The NATO Supreme Allied Commander Europe, Curtis Scaparrotti, and the Russian Chief of General Staff, Valery Gerasimov, held a meeting in Baku on Thursday, April 19th.

    The Russian Defense Ministry’s website reported that the military leaders discussed a number of topics, including: the military activities of NATO and the Russian Federation in European regions, potential confidence-building measures, procedures for preventing incidents, and the situation in Syria.

    Supreme Headquarters Allied …

  • Russian expert: Russian Army is no match for American military power

    A Doctor of Military Sciences, and the Deputy President of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences, first rank captain Konstantin Sivkov, compared the capabilities of Russia's and the US’s sea, air, and land forces. The article written by the expert was published by the Military Industrial Courier newspaper.

    "In terms of aircraft carriers, the American fleet is 12 times more powerful than the Russian one (Kuznetsov aircraft carrier is only half as powerful as its American …

  • Russian Ministry of Defense says Russia has additional new weapons that were not mentioned by Putin

    Deputy Defense Minister Yuriy Borisov said on Russia-1 TV that the Russian Army has access to many latest weapons systems though they have not been revealed yet.

    "The Supreme Commander-in-Chief does not disclose everything that we have in our arsenal. It is necessary to correctly evaluate the performance of our Supreme Commander-in-Chief [Putin] and determine correctly the goal setting. The announcement and publication of these new weapons systems was not aimed at saber rattling or the …

  • Putin: Russia must create an army of a new generation

    Russia should be among the leaders in building the army of a new generation, stated Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    According to Putin, with the advent of new technologies, the military sphere will be affected by profound transformations.

    "We need not only to take into account these trends but make them the foundation of military planning and construction." Russia should be among the leading countries and in some areas the absolute leader in building a new generation army, the army of the …

  • Media: Russia to begin reorganizing army in Far East

    The Russian Ministry of Defense intends to combine the naval aircraft and the anti-air defense forces of the Pacific Ocean Fleet as part of a powerful army with its headquarters in Kamchatka, Izvestia reports, citing the Russian Ministry of Defense.

    The Defense Ministry announced that the formation of the air force and anti-air defense would begin in 2018. It will include aviation units, surface-to-air missiles and radio-technical troops. The division’s zone of responsibility will include the …

  • Kremlin: Putin launched four ballistic missiles during exercises of Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces

    Russian President Vladimir Putin took part in the exercises of the Russian Strategic Nuclear Forces and launched four missiles, as stated by the spokesperson of the Russian President, Dmitry Peskov, TASS reports.

    "The Supreme Commander-in-Chief conducted the launch of four ballistic missiles," Peskov said. "During the drills, the interaction of the Strategic Missile Troops, nuclear submarines of the Northern and Pacific Fleets, and long-range aviation of the Russian Aerospace Forces was …

  • Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs demands that Russia stop military conscription in the Crimea

    In a statement released on October 3 on the website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine demands that Russia cancel conscription for military service in annexed Crimea.

    "The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine expresses its strong protest over the intention of the Russian Federation to draft citizens for military service in the temporarily occupied territory of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea and in the city of Sevastopol," Ukrainian diplomats …