Contents tagged with SBU

  • Ukrainian Security Service publishes list of Wagner mercenaries transported to Syria by Russian Navy

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has released a list of mercenaries from the Wagner Private Military Company (PMC) who were transported to Syria by the Russian Navy, as announced in a statement by SBU head Vasyl Hrytsak, the department’s press service reports.

    “Despite the statements by the Russian Defense Ministry concerning the supposed ‘unsuitability’ of the Varyag cruiser for transporting personnel and equipment, the SBU is disclosing a list of Wagner PMC mercenaries who were secretly …

  • Kyiv: Russia plans large-scale invasion of Ukraine in fall

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has information on Russia's plans to foster preconditions for the deployment of Russian troops into Ukraine this fall, under the pretext of "protecting the Russian-speaking population."

    "We have information about Russia’s plans. We know of the agenda of…a group in Putin’s circle, who have set out to create the preconditions for the deployment of Russian troops in Ukraine this fall, on the pretext of protecting the Russian-speaking population," Viktor …

  • Ukraine accuses Russia of organizing a terrorist attack in Kyiv

    The Security Service of Ukraine accused the General Staff of the Russian Federation of organizing terrorist attacks in Kyiv near Espreso TV, where the Deputy of the Verkhovna Rada, Ihor Mosiychuk was injured.

    Two people died and four were injured at an explosion at the building exit of the Espreso TV station in Kyiv at the end of October 2017. The deceased were former employee of the Ministry of Internal affairs Mykhailo Mormil, walking nearby and Police Staff Sergeant Ruslan Kushnir. …

  • Kyiv bans entry to 60 Russian diplomats expelled from the US

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has banned 60 Russian diplomats expelled from the US from entering Ukraine. The Russians’ activities are recognized as incompatible with their diplomatic status, reported SBU on its website.

    The five-year ban affects 48 diplomats from the Russian embassy and 12 from the United Nations headquarters in New York, all of those who were deported from the US on March 26.

    A similar ban was introduced on March 27 against 23 Russian citizens who were expelled from …

  • Ukrainian Security Service: Moscow ordered Russian soldiers stationed in Donbas to hand over their passports

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has published audio recordings of intercepted phone calls made by separatist from the Donetsk and Luhansk People’s Republics (DPR and LPR).

    “The SBU has acquired repeated evidence of the presence of Russian soldiers in the illegal armed formations of the so-called D/LPR. In the audio recordings of the terrorists’ phone calls that were intercepted by the SBU, one can hear an order from Moscow to immediately hand over the Russian citizenship passports of all …

  • Ukrainian Security service detains an officer of the Ministry for State Security of the DPR

    In Kherson, Ukrainian counter-intelligence officers detained an officer of the so-called intelligence services of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), a woman whose history of activities is connected with the Crimea and Donbas where she advocated for “Russkiy Mir” [Russian world] and recruited citizens of the separatist-held territories and armed units of militants, as reported by TSN news.

    Elina Borozenna is a “Junior Lieutenant” of the so-called Ministry of State Security of the DPR.  After …

  • Ukrainian Security Service shuts down the operation of the office of ‘pro-Kremlin hackers’ in Kyiv

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) claims to have unmasked the activities of the office of "pro-Kremlin hackers" in Kyiv.

    The SBU press center says that "the hacker group controlled by the FSB of Russia organized cyberattacks, in particular against critical infrastructure facilities, state, and bank institutions."

    According to the department, the persons involved in the case used internet anonymizers to prevent the identification of the attacks, and used so-called "bot farms" to conduct …

  • Poroshenko: Mass terrorist attacks were being prepared in Ukraine

    At a meeting with the head of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) Vasyl Hrytsak, President Petro Poroshenko instructed the Security Service of Ukraine to investigate the head of the "Officers Corps," Volodymy Ruban’s case, in the shortest possible time.

    "I order General Hrytsak to take the investigation of this case under his personal control, I want to emphasize that this is not about the driver [Volodymyr Ruban was driving a car that brought weapons from the separatist-held territories]. …

  • Security Service of Ukraine accuses Russia of trying to provoke a conflict between Ukrainian churches

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) believes that Russia is trying to provoke conflict between Ukrainian Orthodox churches, as stated at a briefing by Deputy Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine Viktor Kononenko.

    “The representatives of Russian special services considered the prospect of developing confrontation within the Ukrainian Orthodoxy. The Russia’s future efforts would aim at provoking an escalation of conflict there in the near future. The Russians plan to exploit the …

  • Russian FSB detains Ukrainian citizen in Crimea on suspicion of working for Ukrainian Secret Service

    Ukrainian citizen Konstantin Davydenko, who has been detained in Simferopol, confessed that he was assigned by the Security Service of Ukraine to go to the Crimea to collect information, reported TASS, citing a video recording by the FSB. The suspect’s testimony was recorded on video, the report said.

    On the video, Davydenko said that he arrived in the Crimea “following instructions of the Ukrainian Secret Service” and that he had to give information to someone named Vitaly.

    The detained man …