Contents tagged with SBU

  • SBU: mercenaries of Wagner private military company arrived in Luhansk from Russia

    The Security Service of Ukraine reported that additional forces from the private military company Wagner arrived at the separatist-controlled territory of the Luhansk region. The website of the SBU states that they came to support the separatist Igor Kornet, after the conflict between him and former head of LPR Igor Plotnitsky which resulted in Plotnitsky fleeing to Russia.

    The special service reported that in 2015, Kornet and the head of the Wagner private military company under the …

  • Security Service of Ukraine detains a Russian spy who worked for Ukrainian National Guard

    The Security Service of Ukraine detained a National Guard Servicewoman named Rodionova, who, according to the investigation, was recruited by Russian special services, as stated by the head of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine), Vasyl Hrytsak, at a briefing on Wednesday.

    "This woman visited the Russian Federation last year during the summer, she has a sister there. She was recruited by the Russian Special Services during her visit. She had even two pseudonyms, as she claimed – “the 45th” …

  • Ukraine accuses Russian private military company Wagner of involvement in Donbas conflict

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) said that the Wagner Group, a Russian private military company, participated in conflicts in the Donbas in 2014, and subsequently in Syria.

    “An evidence base has been collected on the activity of Russian soldiers in the Donbas and in Syria, the activity of the Wagner Group. The campaign’s leader is Dmitry Utkin. This project makes it possible for the Kremlin to tell the international community that there are none of its soldiers there [in Eastern Ukraine],” …

  • Russian performers touring Ukraine will have to inform SBU about their visit 30 days in advance

    The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine has required concert organizers to inform the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) about the events featuring Russian artists at least 30 days in advance. 232 deputies voted in favor of Bill 6682 which only required 226 to pass.

    If a Russian artist is scheduled to perform at the event, the organizer must request information from the Security Service at least 30 days in advance to determine whether there are legal grounds preventing the artist from participating in …

  • SBU: the DPR ‘representative office’ in France was opened by politicians sponsored by the Kremlin

    Marginal French politicians and experts financed by the Kremlin took part in the opening of a fake "representative office" of the separatist DPR (Donetsk People’s Republic) in Marseilles, as reported by the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) on their Facebook page. The report notes that the SBU knows well the identities of five French citizens who attended the opening ceremony of the DPR center in Marseilles.

    "Huber Fayyar, the chairman of the center, together with like-minded people Christian …

  • Security Service of Ukraine investigating more unauthorized visits of Crimea by foreign ships

    In response to the appeal by the Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has promised to include in the records of joint pre-trial investigation the violations in August to September 2017 by foreign vessels of the ban on entry into the ports of annexed Crimea, as reported by the press service of the Ministry of Temporarily Occupied Territories of Ukraine.

    The Ministry’s website indicated that it had previously sent appeals to the Office of …

  • Security Service of Ukraine prevents the staging of a ‘fake’ protest in Kyiv

    Employees of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), together with the Ukrainian National Police, documented and stopped an attempt to conduct an "anti-Ukrainian action" in Kyiv by Russian Special Services, as reported by SBU on the department's website.

    The SBU stated that "law enforcers [have] established that Russian Special Services planned fake protests on behalf of the so-called "Assembly of mothers of Anti-Terrorist Operation (ATO) participants."

    "The pseudo-event was initiated and …

  • Saakashvili talks of wiretapping, SBU denies

    Former Odessa Governor Mikheil Saakashvili said that unknown persons intended to place a special listening device in his hotel room in Chernivtsi.

    “Everything would have been fine if at first my bodyguard hadn’t stopped an attempted break-in – and my bodyguard is a professional… he is well versed in protection against such things – a break-in by people with suitcases specific to the Ukrainian SBU. When they came over, they said, as I recall, that they represent some agency. They tried to come …

  • SBU initiates criminal proceedings over the sale of Ukraine’s Motor Sich to Chinese investors

    On 6 July 2017, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) initiated criminal proceedings according to the article on “preparation for sabotage” in connection with the sale of the Motor Sich factory to Chinese investors affiliated with the company Beijing Skyrizon Aviation Industry Investment Co. Ltd, reports with a reference to the ruling of the Shevchenkivsky District Court from September 7.

    “The pretrial investigation has established that from 2016 to the present, unidentified persons …

  • Security Service of Ukraine: 18 Russian spies have been detained in Kharkiv

    During a broadcast of Ukrainian Pryamoi TV channel, the head of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), Vasyl Hrytsak reported on the detention of a large group of Russian spies in Kharkiv.

    "Recently, on August 17, a large ‘residentura’ [group of Russian intelligence agents] was detained in Kharkiv. It consisted of 18 people. Criminal cases have already been opened against seven of the detainees,   and 16 searches have already been carried out. All of the detainees used to conduct sabotage and …