Contents tagged with SBU

  • SBU detains director of the ammunition factory from separatist-held Luhansk

    Employees of the Main Investigation Administration of the Security Service of Ukraine together with the counterintelligence of the SBU detained the separatist ex-director of the PJSC (Private Joint-Stock Company) Luhansk Cartridge Works.

    “Law enforcement officials discovered that in June 2014, by order of the so-called Prime Minister of the LPR (Luhansk People’s Republic), a Ukrainian citizen was appointed as the plant’s Acting Director. Special Service employees recorded that the malefactor, …

  • Head of SBU: Ukrainian politicians should be disallowed from traveling to Russia

    The head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU), Vasyl Hrytsak, proposed to legislatively prohibit visits to Russia by members of Parliament, politicians and public figures.

    In answering journalists’ questions on Saturday in Kyiv regarding the decision to introduce biometric control of Russian citizens’ entry to Ukraine in 2018, Hrytsak said, "This will definitely help us in our work. I support the President’s initiative. I would go even further, I would introduce a legislative ban and …

  • Security Service of Ukraine: 144 Ukrainians are held captive by the separatists

    As of September 2, there are 144 Ukrainians being held captive by the separatists in the Donbas, as stated by the adviser to the head of the Ukrainian Security Service (SBU), Yuri Tandit on 112 Ukraine TV.

    "In recent days, unfortunately, the number has increased slightly because ordinary civilians were detained, who had no weapons and were not near the line of demarcation, and were not participants of the ATO [Anti-Terrorist Operation]. They have been accused of espionage and other crimes that …

  • Authorities of separatist LPR called Jehovah’s Witnesses ‘Ukrainian agents’

    Alexander Basov, the so-called Minister of State Security of the Luhansk People’s Republic stated that members of the religious organization Jehovah's Witnesses who are in the uncontrolled areas of Luhansk region are really agents of the Security Service of Ukraine.

    The LPR officials claim that the religious organization was "an active agent of the Security Service's influence in the LPR." According to separatist authorities, searches conducted on the premises belonging to the Jehovah's …

  • Security Service of Ukraine: Zaporizhya Aluminium Plant deliberately destroyed to serve Russian interests

    Investors deliberately destroyed the Zaporizhya Aluminum Plant (ZALK) in the interests of Russian metal producers, the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) press center reported.

    During the pretrial investigation, security services agents established that the only producer of primary aluminum in Ukraine had been deliberately destroyed, with this beginning as early as 2006.

    “At first, structures affiliated with Russian businessmen acquired a controlling share of ZALK. In order to implement the …

  • Media: Security Service of Ukraine received information on planned Poroshenko assassination attempt

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) received information from an unknown source regarding a planned attempt to assassinate President Petro Poroshenko, Ukrinform reported with reference to a source in SBU management.

    The information regarding the possible attempt on the president’s life arrived, while Poroshenko was on a work visit in the Kharkiv province.

    “Yesterday, on August 22, at roughly 12:00, the SBU received an anonymous phone call. The call was not from a stationary telephone, it …

  • Ukrainian Security Service uncovers an illegal ring exporting military aircraft parts to Russia

    In the Kharkiv region, the Security Service officers exposed the supply channel of repaired units and equipment for military transport aviation to Russia, as reported by the press service of the SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) on Facebook.

    "Law enforcement officers established that a group of businessmen were using account details of economic entities under their control in Ukraine and the Russian Federation. They registered orders under legitimate Russian business entities, including those …

  • Security Service of Ukraine: three groups of Russian saboteurs were neutralized in the last month

    Vasyl Hrytsak, head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) announced at a briefing in Kyiv that in the last month the Ukrainian intelligence agency has detained three groups of Russian saboteurs.

    “In Kharkiv on July 17 we arrested the leader and main perpetrator of such a group which was created by the Main Directorate of the Russian General Staff. They received the mission of assassinating several Ukrainian public and state figures,” he announced. A quadcopter was supposed to be used for …

  • Russian FSB announces arrest of 'SBU agent' in Crimea

    The Russian Federal Security Service (FSB) announced that on August 12, Ukrainian citizen Hennadiy Limeshko was arrested while attempting to damage the power line between Sudak and Novyi Svit. The FSB report calls him an SBU (Security Service of Ukraine) agent, sent to Crimea to carry out acts of sabotage, as   reported on the FSB website.

    He was allegedly found in possession of two TNT type 200 blocks and a ZTP-50 capped fuse, a mechanism for detonating the explosive device, an RGD-5 grenade …

  • Security Service of Ukraine reported that the separatists released two Ukrainian prisoners

    Vitaliy Rudenko, acting judge of the Luhansk Court of Appeals, was released from captivity by separatists, announced the press service of the Security Service of Ukrain. According to the SBU, Rudenko was returned to Ukrainian-controlled territory the day before with the assistance of the Patriot volunteer group.

    "For nine months he was illegally detained and subjected to torture by the LPR (Lunahsk People’s Republic) MGB. The leadership of the SBU informed the President of Ukraine about the …