Contents tagged with SBU

  • SBU conducts searches in Ukraine’s biggest investment firm

    On April 26, the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) conducted a search at Dragon Capital, Ukraine’s biggest investment firm, which specializes in investment banking and brokering services. The company was founded in 2000. In 2007-2017, one of the minority stakes in Dragon Capital was held by Goldman Sachs, one of the biggest world banks.

    After the search was complete, Olga Beloblovskaya, head of the Dragon Capital press service, posted on Facebook: “The search was conducted within the framework …

  • Security Service of Ukraine will hold anti-terrorist exercises near the Crimea

    Anti-terrorist exercises will be held on April 21st in the Henichesk district of the Kherson region which borders on the Russian-annexed Crimea, as reported by Krym.Realii.

    "These are ordinary systematic drills, which we conduct from time to time," the head of the Kherson SBU HQ administration’s press service, Victoria Shakula, explained.

    According to her, the exercise will be conducted by the Coordinating Group of the Antiterrorist Center under the management of SBU (Security Service of …

  • The website of the Ukrainian state-owned passport company temporarily ceased operations

    The website of the state-owned company, Document, which handles the registration and issuance of passports and ID-cards, ceased its work for an indefinite period of time, according to a message that appeared on their website.

    "For technical reasons, none of the services of the Passport Service, including registration and issuance of passports and ID-cards, are being conducted," the message says.

    The press secretary of the State Enterprise, Document, Volodymyr Polishchuk, stated on channel 112 …

  • The DPR said SBU officer ordered the murders of separatist commanders Givi and Motorola

    A spokesperson of the so-called Ministry of State Security or MGB of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic, Maria Petrova, said that the man behind the killings of the separatist leaders Arsen Pavlov, aka “Motorola” and Mikhail Tolstykh, aka “Givi”, is a high-ranking SBU officer named Alexei Petrov, Rossiya 24 TV channel reported.

    Petrova alleges that there are special units in the Department of Counterintelligence of the SBU that are conducting a "terrorist war" against the Donbas. …

  • The Prosecutor General's Office conducts searches of Ukraine's largest oil company

    On April 5, the Office of the Prosecutor General of Ukraine (GPU), together with the Security Service (SBU), began searches of the PJSC (public joint stock company) Ukrnafta. 50% + 1 share of Ukrnafta belongs to Naftogaz of Ukraine (NAK), and 42% of shares are held by Ihor Kolomoyskyi and Gennadiy Bogolyubov, who are former shareholders of PrivatBank [the largest bank in Ukraine, which was nationalized at the end of 2016].

    The press service of Ukrnafta said that searches are being conducted in …

  • Security Service of Ukraine discloses account of surrendered Russian spy

    Officials of the Security Service disclosed an attempt by Russian special services to recruit a resident of the Luhansk region, who worked in Russia.

    According to the Security Service’s press service, the Ukrainian came to the attention of Russian special forces in late 2016 during an illegal stay in Russia.

    “The man was unofficially employed in a company, and this fact was used to pressure him and coerce him to go against the interests of Ukraine,” the Security Service noted.

    After the man …

  • Anti-Corruption Bureau checking National Bank of Ukraine for involvement in loss of billions due to refinancing of insolvent banks

    The National Anti-Corruption Bureau of Ukraine (NABU) is checking the legal basis of directing funds towards the refinancing of certain Ukrainian banks as well as the involvement of the leadership of the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) in this process. This was stated Artem Sytnyk, Chairman of the NABU.

    "For several months already we have been conducting criminal proceedings that involve the management of the NBU, related to the spending of money allocated to a number of commercial banks for …

  • The SBU is still unable to confirm that Voronenkov’s murderer is an FSB agent

    Ukrainian special services cannot yet give a clear answer as to whether Pavel Parshov was an agent of the FSB. Pashov is the main suspect in the murder of the former deputy of the State Duma, Denis Voronenkov. Russia has opened a criminal case for his assassination, which took place in Kiev.

    "In the case of Parshov, whether he really was an agent of the FSB or not hasn’t been proven. We are still working on it. There is no such information. We read all of this on Facebook and other …

  • SBU General: Putin planned to seize Ukraine in three phases in 2014

    The testimonies of Russian special services agents, arrested in the spring of 2014, indicate that Russia planned to gradually establish control over all regions of Ukraine, as indicated by the former head of the Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) departments in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, General Oleksandr Petrulevych, on the air of 112 Ukraine.

    "According to our information, as well as radio interceptions and intelligence messages, three phases were planned: the first was meant to seize …

  • Media: Putin's advisor Surkov arrives in Luhansk

    Ukrainian intelligence has no information about the trip of Putin's Press Secretary, Dmitry Peskov, to Luhansk. However, there is information about the arrival of an adviser to Vladimir Putin,Vladislav Surkov, as reported by Ukrainskaya Pravda  with reference to sources in intelligence.

    "According to our information, Surkov arrived in the occupied territories on March 28," the interlocutor clarified. "We do not have information about Peskov's arrival."

    In turn, the representative of the …