Contents tagged with Serbia

  • Russia delivers first shipment of Pantsir-S1 air defense systems to Serbia

    The first part of a Pantsir-S1 aerial defense system has arrived in Serbia, announced Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, as reported by the Serbian Defense Ministry.

    “With the acquisition of the protective weapon, the only one of its kind in the region, Serbia is continuing to reinforce its defensive power and to grow its deterrence potential,” Vulin observed. He said that this improves Serbia’s ability to maintain military neutrality, which is the underlying principle of the country’s …

  • Russia to deliver first Pantsir missile system to Serbia by the end of the week

    The first out of six Pantsir-S1 anti-aircraft missile systems will be delivered to Serbia by the end of the week, announced the Radio Television of Serbia.

    The agreement was reportedly reached during a meeting between Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin and Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu. Shoygu visited Belgrade on February 17. According to the TV channel, the Serbian military has been trained and ready to work with the new equipment.

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic said on …

  • US strategic drone approaches Russian Defense Minister’s plane over Europe

    An unknown drone approached the plane of the Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu over Europe, reports the Russian newspaper Izvestia, citing Serbian military and diplomatic sources.

    The Minister’s plane was in Kosovo airspace at the time of the incident. The UAV approached the aircraft at an approximate distance of at least 150 km.

    Several MiG-29s of the Serbian Air Force were scrambled to intercept the UAV in case it was required.  

    The drone passed along the border between Serbia and …

  • Serbia calls Russia its main friend and ally

    During the Congress of the Serb People's Party, which is part of the ruling coalition in the country, Serbian Innovations Minister Nenad Popović said that Russia is the most significant ally and friend in defending Serbian national and state interests.

    Popović noted that Moscow always, when it had the opportunity, helped and supported Belgrade, and if "because of its internal reasons," it could not help Serbia, it "never interfered with us." At the same time, the Minister spoke about his …

  • Serbian president accuses Russia of spying

    Serbian intelligence has uncovered a large-scale intelligence-gathering operation jointly carried out by Russian spies and Serbian soldiers, announced Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic.

    Vucic made the statement after convening a National Security Council session in light of a video published on YouTube which shows a Russian special agent paying money to a Serbian citizen in Belgrade.

    The Serbian authorities have identified the Russian as Lt. Col. Georgy Kleban, a former assistant military …

  • Russian-Serbian ‘Slavic Shield’ aerial defense exercise to be held annually

    The Slavic Shield joint exercise for anti-air divisions from Russia and Serbia will become an annual event, Russian anti-air commander Yuri Grekhov told Echo of Moscow radio station in an interview.

    The commander noted that the countries are currently considering numerous options for joint exercises. One such option would be to conduct exercises annually, but alternating the host country, i.e. one year in Russia, the next in Serbia. However, other formats are also possible.

    “Next year we are …

  • Russian S-400 missile systems to be used in military exercises outside of Russia for the first time

    Russian anti-air defense divisions armed with S-400 and Pantsir-S surface-to-air missile systems have been sent to Serbia to take part in the second stage of the Russian-Serbian Slavyansky Shchit (“Slavic Shield”) 2019 exercise. The Russian Defense Ministry announced this on October 24 in a press release, pointing out that this is the first time that the missile systems are being used in an exercise in another country.

    According to the Defense Ministry, the systems have already been moved to …

  • Russia to give Serbia multimillion-euro loan

    Russian Deputy Finance Minister Yuriy Zubarev and Serbian Finance Minister Siniša Mali signed an agreement on providing the export credit to Belgrade, reports TASS news agency. The document was signed during the visit of Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev to Serbia.

    Earlier, the First Deputy Head of the Russian Government Office Sergei Prikhodko said that the total amount of the loan is €172.5 million. According to him, the agreement on the government loan will create conditions for Russia' …

  • Russia to sell Pantsir air defense systems to Serbia

    Serbia will buy from Russia Pantsir-S air-defence missile-gun system, reports Interfax news agency, citing a source in Belgrade.

    Pantsir-S air defense systems are designed for short-range protection of civilian and military facilities from the air attacks.

    Russian military also use Pantsir-S missile systems in Syria. They are used to protect the Khmeimim Air Base, as well as the Russian Navy base in Tartus.

    The Russian military expert Alexander Golts doubts the feasibility of the acquisition …

  • Serbia promises Russia not to join NATO

    Serbia won't join NATO during the presidency of Aleksandar Vučić, said Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin at a meeting with Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu, reports TASS news agency.

    Vulin stressed that in the "military terms, Serbia remains and will remain neutral. Serbia intends to choose friends and make decisions independently" .

    Serbian Defense Minister conveyed to Shoygu "the warmest greetings and personal invitation to come to Belgrade" from Vučić.  Serbian authorities …