Contents tagged with Serbia

  • Putin discusses risk of exporting Russian gas to Europe through Ukraine

    In a press conference after meeting with Serbian President Aleksander Vučić, Russian President Vladimir Putin spoke about the risk of transiting Russian gas to Europe through Ukraine.

    According to Putin, the Russian delegation to the trilateral gas meeting in Brussels will bring up this issue.

    “The management of Gazprom will be in Brussels next week, and will discuss a number of collaboration matters. Incidentally, [they will also discuss] transit through Ukraine, taking into account the …

  • Media: Serbian authorities detain a person suspected of planning Putin's assassination

    Serbian security forces detained a man in the town of Novi Pazar in  Southern Serbia, who was suspected of being a militant of Islamic State, reports the Serbian news outlet the Informer citing its source. Serbian Security forces suspect him of plotting to assassinate Russian President Vladimir Putin. 

    According to the newspaper Kurir, 21-year-old Armin Alibashevich was detained by police on January 15. A scoped rifle was found in his backpack, leading the police and the Security Intelligence …

  • Putin plans to visit Serbia

    Russian presidential spokesperson Dmitry Peskov’s said that the preparation of a visit by Russian President Vladimir Putin to Serbia is underway, RIA Novosti. According to Peskov, the visit agenda is being prepared currently.

    On January 7th, Putin signed a decree awarding the Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic with the Order of Alexander Nevsky. According to the Kremlin, the Serbian leader was awarded this award for “a great personal contribution to developing mutual cooperation” with Russia. …

  • Leader of Kosovo: Serbia is a mini-Russia in the Balkans

    Pristina will maintain the 100% tariffs on goods from Serbia until Belgrade decides to recognize its independence, promised Kosovo Prime Minister Ramush Haradinaj. 

    During a press conference on the results of 2018, Haradinaj called Serbia a “small Russia in the Balkans” and urged it to change its policy to comply with European and American standards. 

    “If Serbia does not change, the tariffs will remain forever. If Serbia wants to reach an agreement on mutual recognition and acts in accordance …

  • Kremlin: creation of Kosovo army is a threat to stability in the region

    The decision of the Kosovo’s Parliament to transform Security Forces of the partially recognized Republic into a fully-fledged army is a violation of the Resolution of the UN Security Council and can lead to armed conflict, stated the Russian Foreign Ministry.

     “This step has become a blatant violation of Resolution 1224 of the UN Security Council aimed at a serious escalation of the situation in the Balkans, fraught with armed conflict in the region,”  said the Russian Foreign Ministry. …

  • Lavrov: West has decided to use Balkans as bridgehead against Russia

    The West is trying to implement the next step in the anti-Russian script by pressurizing the countries of the Balkan peninsula and demanding that the countries in the region “make a choice: [you are] either with Moscow or with Washington and Brussels”, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov in an interview with the Siberian Telegraph, the full text of which was published on the Foreign Ministry website.

    “The impression is developing that the lessons of the Ukrainian tragedy in the West have …

  • Representatives of Serbia and Kosovo meet in Minsk

    The meeting of the Prime Minister of Serbia, Ana Brnabić and the leader of the Kosovo separatists, Hashim Thaçi took place on October 31 in Minsk, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Belarus, Vladimir Makei told journalists as quoted by BelTA news agency. 

    According to the Foreign Minister of Belarus, during the discussion devoted to the relations between Serbia and Kosovo, representatives of both sides frequently used the words “dialogue” and “compromise”.

    “Even this makes this meeting …

  • Vucic: Serbia doesn’t want to be a part of NATO

    Serbia does not wish to join NATO. It wants to maintain its military neutrality, said Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic after a meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin.

    As TASS reports, the presidents of the two countries discussed the situation in the region, focusing on Serbia’s position regarding the North Atlantic alliance. According to Vucic, his country is “in good relations with all military alliances, including NATO, but Serbia has no desire, no wish to join NATO.”

    “Serbia …

  • Russia condemns deployment of Kosovo’s Special Forces to Serbian border

    The Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs called Kosovo’s “demonstrative invasion” to the north the region inhabited by Serbs as provocation. The purpose of this provocation is “to intimidate Kosovo Serbs and exert pressure on Serbia”, said Maria Zakharova, the spokeswoman of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

    Zakharova said that Russia condemns “the passive behavior of the International Forces for Kosovo (KFOR), which have not taken any action”. She noted that these forces must ensure …

  • Serbia and Russia to conduct joint military exercises amid Kosovo conflict

    From October 1 to 5, Russian and Serbian military pilots will conduct exercises in Serbia as joint crews on MiG-29 fighters and Mi-8 helicopters, reported the press service of the Russian Defense Ministry.

    “The Russian Aerospace Forces pilots and the Serbian Air Force and Air Defense will conduct joint tactical aviation exercises BARS-2018 in the Republic of Serbia,” announced the ministry.

    "In total, up to 10 units of the Russian Air Force and Serbian Air Defense Forces will be involved (in …