Contents tagged with Serbia

  • Serbia negotiates purchase of Mi-35 combat helicopters from Russia

    Aleksandar Vulin, the Serbian Minister of Defense met with the Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and reported afterwards that Serbia is negotiating with Russia for the supply of four Mi-35 combat helicopters and further military cooperation, Russia's TASS news agency reported.

    "Recently, we have talked about the purchase of four Mi-17 transport helicopters and four Mi-35 combat helicopters. We have also discussed the continuation of military-technical cooperation, the further equipping …

  • Serbia launches large-scale military exercises on the border with Kosovo

    On Thursday, March 29, a large-scale military exercise of the Serbian armed forces was launched at the Pasuljanske Livade training ground, near the territory of the partially-recognized Republic of Kosovo, according to a report by RTS (Radio Television of Serbia).

    Before the beginning of the exercise, several Serbian aircrafts were spotted over the village of Preševo, located on the border of Kosovo. Aircrafts scared the locals and attracted the attention of the international peacekeeping …

  • Serbian President asks Putin for advice over intensification of Kosovo conflict

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić has asked Russian president Vladimir Putin for advice regarding the intensification of the Kosovo conflict, reported RTS-a (Radio Television of Serbia).

    During a telephone call with Putin, Vučić informed the Russian President about the latest developments in Kosovo, including information about the detention of Serbian diplomat Marko Djurić.

    "President Vučić requested the opinion and advice of the President of the Russian Federation on how to counter the …

  • Serbian president promises Putin not to expel Russian diplomats

    Serbia does not intend to join the other countries in its region in the expulsion of Russian diplomats, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić told Russian President Vladimir Putin in a phone call.

    “President Vučić told President Putin that Serbia will not take part in any measures whatsoever against the Russian Federation, and will not expel Russian diplomats, despite the fact that all the other countries in Serbia’s region have done so,” the Serbian president’s website states.Serbia is a …

  • Russia to give Serbia 2 million euro in addition to MiG-29 fighters

    The Serbian Minister of Defense, Aleksandar Vulin, said that Russia will provide 2 million euros in addition to MiG-29 fighters that were given to Serbia free of charge.

     “The Russian Defense Ministry has approved assistance for us which will be used to train future MiG-29 pilots,” Vulin said during his visit to Moscow, RIA Novosti reports.

    In the end of 2017, it was reported that Russia will present Serbia with four combat and two combat training fighter aircrafts. At the same time, Serbia …

  • Serbia and Montenegro may join the EU soon

    The European Commission is going to accelerate the negotiation with Serbia and Montenegro to join the European Union, Die Welt reports with reference to the latest strategic document of the European Commission. "By 2025, they should be ready to become members of the EU," the document says.

    Johannes Hahn, European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy will introduce a new EU strategy for the Balkan countries in Brussels on Tuesday, February 6. He said that Serbia and Montenegro …

  • Serbian pro-Russian party calls on Putin to deploy troops to Kosovo

    The pro-Russian party, Serbian League, had called upon the country’s authorities to appeal to Russian President Vladimir Putin to deploy troops to Kosovo, as stated in the appeal of the chairman of the party, Aleksandar Djurdjev, which was published on the party's website.

    The Serbian League warns that the interim UN Mission and EULEX in Kosovo are not able to protect the Serbian people from the actions of Albanian terrorists, although their main task is to preserve peace, stability, and …

  • Russia: NATO is pressuring Serbia to join Alliance

    Members of the Serbian Parliament's Committee on Defense and Internal Affairs reported to Russian colleagues that Belgrade is feeling pressure from NATO to join the Alliance, as stated by the Deputy Chairman of the Russian Federation Council Committee on International Affairs, Andrei Klimov, on November 24 in Belgrade, RIA Novosti reports.

    "The Serbs are now under unprecedented pressure; today, in a conversation with members of their Committee on Defense and Internal Affairs, they made …

  • Serbia wants to recognize the Crimea as part of the Russian Federation

    Serbian Parliament Deputy Alexander Šešelj informed Russian newspaper Izvestia that his country's politicians wanted to officially recognize the Crimea as Russian.

    The Serbian Radical Party drafted a statement for the forthcoming meeting of the National Assembly of the Serbian Parliament that intends to emphasize the difference between the "reunification" of the Crimea with Russia and the violent secession of Kosovo.

    "Belgrade cannot expect Moscow to support the disputed territorial issues …

  • Serbian Foreign Minister: Serbia will never support sanctions against Russia

    Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said in an interview with the Russian newspaper Izvestia that his country will not support anti-Russian sanctions.

    Answering a question about whether there is a possibility that under certain circumstances Serbia might be swayed by the West to go against Russia, Dacic said that “Serbia will remain consistent with its policy and will not join European sanctions against Russia.” The foreign minister also stressed that Serbia hoped and wished for the “soonest …