Contents tagged with Serbia

  • Serbia files 45 cases against Serbs who fought in eastern Ukraine and Syria

    The Serbian Prosecutor’s Office filed 45 cases against mercenaries who fought in eastern Ukraine and Syria, reported the Serbian newspaper Politika, citing as a source Tatiana Sekulich, who works in the Belgrade prosecutor’s office.

    Last year the Prosecutor's Office filed charges against 24 persons, and rulings were made by the High Court of Belgrade in 28 other cases.

    According to media reports, several dozen Serbs are still in Ukraine and Syria. Under Serbian law, mercenaries and their …

  • President of Serbia called for reducing tension in relations with Ukraine

    Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić stated that it is important to reduce the tension in relations with Ukraine and develop friendly relations, news portal reports.

    Reporters asked Vučić if he believes that the diplomatic conflict between Ukraine and Serbia has been alleviated after Kyiv held consultations with the Ukrainian ambassador in Belgrade, and Belgrade called its ambassador to Kyiv to talk.

    Vučić replied that he hoped to resolve the conflict as soon as possible. According …

  • Serbian Foreign Ministry recalls Ambassador from Kyiv

    Serbian Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic recalled Serbian Ambassador to Ukraine Rade Bulatovich for consultations.

    The Minister plans to discuss with the Ambassador current issues concerning relations with Ukraine and “further measures” related to them.

    The Serbian Foreign Ministry emphasizes that Serbia has repeatedly stated its support for the territorial integrity of Ukraine, which was also confirmed during Serbia’s chairmanship in the OSCE.

    “Serbia has taken a number of concrete steps to …

  • Ukraine expresses concern over the visits of Serbian representatives to Crimea

    On November 7, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, Pavlo Klimkin, held consultations with the Ukrainian Ambassador to Serbia Aleksandr Aleksandrovich, during which he expressed concern over Serbia’s contact with the annexed Crimea, as reported by the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

    “Illegal contacts between representatives of Serbia and the occupied Crimea are causing considerable concern. It is hoped that Serbia will fully adhere to its declared principle of respect …

  • Serbia calls for international conference on Kosovo

    Serbian Foreign Minister, Ivica Dačić, proposes to hold an international conference that would help resolve problems in Kosovo, as stated in a commentary to the Serbian newspaper, Novosti.

    Dačić stated that Serbia's resistance to recognize Kosovo's independence was similar to Spain's rejection of the Catalan independence referendum.

    "If Spain can fight for its vision of Catalonia, then we Serbs can fight for our country," said Dačić.

    It is noted that at this conference, Belgrade and Pristina …

  • Serbia threatens to expel Ukrainian Ambassador

    The Serbian Ministry of Foreign Affairs criticized the Ambassador of Ukraine Aleksandr Aleksandrovich after his statement that Belgrade is completely subordinate to Moscow, as stated by the State Secretary of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Serbia Ivica Toncev, RTS reports.

    Serbia feels that such a statement by an ambassador can be regarded as another attempt by the Ukrainian embassy to worsen relations between Serbia and Russia. Toncev said that the Ukrainian ambassador in Serbia had …

  • Two MiG-29 fighter jets gifted by Russia arrive in Serbia

    Two of the six MiG29 fighters given by Moscow to Belgrade arrived in Serbia on Monday, the Serbian Defense Ministry announced.

    “The first two MiG-29 planes have been transferred to the Serbian Armed Forces. The landing of the An-124 [cargo plane] and reception of the planes at the Batajnica Air Base was attended by Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin, Chief-of-Staff Ljubiša Diković, and anti-air defense Commander Ranko Živak,” the report states.

    Vulin told those assembled that, on July 4 …

  • Russian Minister of Defense hopes for continued cooperation between Russia and Serbia

    The Minister of Defence of the Russian Federation, and General of the Russian Army, Sergei Shoygu, is counting on the growth of military and military-technical cooperation with Serbia after the appointment of the Minister of Defense of that country, Aleksandar Vulin.

    “In recent years, we have started and done a lot. This also applies to military-technical cooperation, our assistance in the supply of arms and military equipment. Including, of course, military cooperation, joint exercises, and …

  • Serbia says it has no plans to join NATO

    Serbian Defense Minister Aleksandar Vulin has stated that the country has no plans to join NATO, reports RIA Novosti.

    At the same time, the head of the country's defense ministry called on Serbia's partners in the international arena to respect the neutrality of Belgrade.

    "We, of course, communicate with NATO within the framework of the ‘Partnership for Peace’; this is the optimal level of cooperation for us, and we are satisfied with this. We always tell our partners in NATO that we maintain …

  • For the first time NATO to hold joint military exercise in Serbia

    The first joint military exercise with NATO member states in Serbia are planned for October 2018, Raido Svobodna Evropa informs.

    “The event will be a political breakthrough in the cooperation [of Serbia] with the North Atlantic Alliance,” Raido Svobodna Evropa notes.

    Though the Serbian military has participated in more than 20 military exercises under the auspices of NATO as observers, the REGEX 18 military exercise will be held in Serbia for the first time.It is reported that the training …