Contents tagged with Serbia

  • Serbian President intends to discuss situation in Kosovo with Putin on October 2

    At a press conference, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić said that he plans to discuss the situation in Kosovo at the coming meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin and ask for his support.  

    "Today, we have notified the ambassador of the Russian Federation, as well as the US ambassador and others of the situation. In two days, I will be meeting with President Putin. We will be speaking about important issues for Serbia, therefore the situation in Kosovo and Metohija will definitely be …

  • Serbia receives two Russian fighter jets

    The air force of Serbia received two Russian Mig-29 fighter jets, as reported by the Voice of America.

    According to the publication, at the ceremony at the military airport near Belgrade, the capital of Serbia, President Aleksandar Vucic thanked Russian President Vladimir Putin for Russia's assistance in the development of the Serbian Armed Forces.

    In October 2017, Serbia received 6 Mig-29 fighter jets from Russia. In addition, Russia promised to provide Serbia with 30 tanks and about 30 …

  • Serbia shuts down Russian 'military patriotic' youth camp

    Police in Serbia stopped the activities of the “military and patriotic youth camps that was create by Russian and Serbian ‘patriotic’ veteran organizations,” reported Blic news outlet.  “The camp on Zlatibor no longer exists,” Serbian Minister of Interior Nebojša Stefanović stated. 

    The Minister said that he ordered the camp eliminated because of public concern and possible child abuse. He added that the Serbian authorities were in the final stages of dismantling the camp.

    The camp’s closure …

  • NATO forces withdraw from Kosovo border with Serbia

    NATO military personnel from the International Peacekeeping Force in Kosovo (KFOR) left the Gazivoda Lake reservoir on the border with Serbia on Sunday, August 5, where they were stationed for over thirteen hours.

    According to local media, there are no more vehicles and NATO soldiers on the access roads to the reservoir and hydroelectric power station. They resumed patrolling the main road in Zubin Potok and the northern part of Kosovo.

    KFOR explained to reporters that regular exercises were …

  • Media: Trump and Putin have reached an agreement on partition of Kosovo

    In a summit in Helsinki, US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin reached an agreement on a possible partition of the breakaway state of Kosovo, reports Gazeta Ekspres, citing diplomatic sources.

    According to these sources, the Trump administration has agreed that Kosovo should cede territory, particularly in the northern regions, to Serbia in exchange for recognition.

    “It is clear that the Trump administration is of one mind with Russia when it comes to the partition of …

  • Serbia to buy S-300 missile systems from Russia

    Russia has received an official request from Serbia to deliver S-300PMU-2 systems in 2021, TASS reports, citing an unnamed Russian military official. “From Serbia we have received an official request to supply a regimental set of S-300PMU-2s as part of a regiment command center and two divisions. The request is now being considered by the competent organizations of Russia’s defense industry,” the source said.

    The source believes that in light of the friendly relations between the countries, “ …

  • Ukraine submits lists of foreign mercenaries who fought in the Donbas to the International Court of Justice

    Ukraine handed over the lists of all identified foreigners who were fighting for Russia in the Donbas to the International Court of Justice, as stated by Chief Military Prosecutor Anatolii Matios on 112 Ukraine TV.

    "We handed over the lists of all individuals identified during the criminal proceedings regarding the war against Ukraine by the northern neighbor to the International Court of Justice through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. We handed over the lists of not only Serbians but all …

  • Serbia sentences several mercenaries who fought in Donbas

    Serbia sentenced several of its citizens who were fighting for Russia in the Donbas, said Ukrainian Minister of Foreign Affairs Pavlo Klimkin.

    "We have discussed with Serbian friends the issue of Serbian mercenaries who were fighting in the Donbas for the separatists and openly and fundamentally for Russia. We already have several court sentences here, in Serbia, and I thank Serbia for that.” the Minister of Foreign Affairs posted on Facebook.

    Klimkin added that, if it is proven that any of …

  • Poroshenko confirms Ukraine’s non-recognition of Kosovo during visit to Serbia

    At a joint briefing with Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić , President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, who is on an official visit to Serbia, stated that Ukraine does not recognize Kosovo and hopes that problems in the area can be resolved in favor of the interests of Serbia. “We honor and respect the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Serbia. We do not recognize Kosovo, and we proceed from the premise that the Kosovo problem should be resolved by compromises being made, taking into account …

  • Serbian President explains decision not to recognize Crimea as part of Russia

    Serbia has not recognized Russia’s annexation of Crimea, since it would have implied recognition of Kosovo’s independence, Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić told Le Monde in an interview.

    “We have not recognized Crimea as part of Russia. If we did that, it would imply that we support the independence of Kosovo,” the Serbian leader said.

    He also explained why Belgrade has not placed sanctions on Russia.

    “Serbia cannot shoot itself in the foot by introducing sanctions against Russia. Put …