Contents tagged with Serbia

  • Serbian President wants to build new gas pipeline with support of Russia

    Serbian President Alexander Vučić said that the Republic wants to build a new transit gas pipeline from the border with Bulgaria using Russia’s support.

    According to the Head of State, this would allow Belgrade to earn from €100 to €150 million per year.

    "On the border with Bulgaria, we would have to build a receiving gas pipeline, either by ourselves or with the help of Russia. That said, at the border we would get 9.8 billion cubic meters of gas. From us [Serbia] branches would go to Bosnia …

  • President of Serbia: We need Russian weapons

    Serbia needs Russian weapons to ensure its own security, President Alexander Vučić said in an interview with RIA Novosti.

    According to him, Belgrade is awaiting a visit soon from Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and the “arrival of tanks and reconnaissance vehicles” from Russia. “This is of great importance to us, although some ignoramuses say, ‘Why do we need it?’” Vučić said.

    According to him, the supply of weapons from Russia will strengthen the defense capacity of Serbia and prevent …

  • Serbian President announces that he wants to obtain the S-300 missile systems from Russia or Belarus

    The new president of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, stated that Serbia would like to acquire S-300 surface-to-air missile system, as reported by the Serbian television station RTS.

    Along with the announcement, Vučić noted that Belgrade is discussing the possibility of obtaining the S-300 system not just from Russia, but from with Belarus. At the moment, there is no agreement for the delivery of the surface-to-air missile system from any country to Belgrade.

    The Prime Minister of Serbia said that …

  • 10,000 protested in Belgrade, Serbia

    On Saturday, April 8, in the capital of Serbia, more than ten thousand citizens gathered in protest against Aleksandar Vučić’s victory in the presidential election. The opposition fears that Vučić would threaten the country by establishing a dictatorship. The streets were filled mainly with students, police and army representatives.

    Vučić won the election in the first round, gaining 55 percent of the vote. His main rival, opposition candidate Sasha Jankovic scored 16 percent of the vote and …

  • Prime Minister Vucic: Serbia will never be a member of NATO

    During a mourning ceremony on the occasion of the 18th anniversary of the start of the bombing of the territory of Yugoslavia by NATO aircraft, Serbian Prime Minister Aleksandar Vučić stated that his country will never be a member of NATO, as reported by RTS news agency. According to Vučić, 18 years ago NATO launched "one of the most shameful aggressions in the history of mankind." The Prime Minister noted that Serbia would never get over what it experienced in 1999.

    Vučić stressed during …

  • Russia expresses willingness to take Mladic for medical treatment

    Russia sent a message to the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY) confirming its willingness to accept Ratko Mladić, the former commander of the Bosnian Serb forces, for medical treatment. This was reported by TASS on Wednesday, March 22nd.

    “The contents of the message are confidential and meant for the ICTY. But what’s mentioned in the petition (sent to Mladić’s defense team in the ICTY on March 20th) is true,” stated Victoria Goncharova in an interview with the …

  • EU fears Moscow's increasing influence in Serbia

    Moscow is increasing its influence in Serbia, which is a candidate for joining the European Union.

    This was stated by David McAllister, German politician and Chair of the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee, reports Die Welt.

    "Russia is deliberately pursuing a strategy of destabilization in Serbia. This is a cause for serious concern," he told Die Welt in an interview.

    According to McAllister, who represents the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party, "Moscow is trying to exert a …

  • Ukraine imposed sanctions on politicians from the Czech Republic and Serbia for visiting the Crimea

    The Security Service of Ukraine decided to ban for a period of five years the entry of four deputies from Serbia and a deputy from the Czech Republic who had traveled to the Crimea. Olena Gitlyanska, the press secretary of the Security Service of Ukraine posted this update on Facebook.

    "The Security Service of Ukraine checked information about the presence of politicians from European and other countries in the Crimea who arrived there at the invitation of the pro-Russian authorities ‘to …

  • Serbia will soon receive MiG-29 fighters and other weapons from Russia

    On the 12th of February, the Minister of Defense of Serbia, Zoran Đorđević, stated that Belgrade will soon receive a batch of Russian military aircraft. According to him, six Russian MiG-29 fighter jets will arrive in Serbia in the near future. The Russian Federation will also send its experts to modernize the Serbian Air Forces, whose aircrafts were mostly purchased from the reserves of the Russian Air Force.

    “The MiG-29 fighter jets will be equipped with modern weapons, radars, optics, and …

  • President of Kosovo: Serbia wants to divide Kosovo using Ukraine as an example

    Serbia is sending weapons and military to northern Kosovo with the aim of dividing the country, as stated by the President of Kosovo, Hashim Thaçi, in an interview with Deutsche Welle.

    "We know that Serbia has a plan for Kosovo’s division and that Belgrade is arming Serbs in the north," he said. He also noted that he has evidence that Serbia is sending weapons there as well as people, both civilian and military.

    Thaçi added that Russians are actively helping Serbia by preparing paramilitary …