Contents tagged with State Duma

  • Washington: US State Department follows up the adoption of Russian law on foreign agent media

    The Department of State is closely following the fate of the Russian law on foreign agents, RIA Novosti reports, citing a department representative.

    "We are closely following this bill to see whether it will be adopted and how it will be implemented," he said.

    According to him, the State Department informed its Russian partners that "FARA (Foreign Agents Registration Act in the United States) promotes transparency without limiting freedom of speech."

    Previously, the State Duma adopted, in …

  • Russian Duma rules that foreign media can be recognized as foreign agents

    The State Duma of Russia, in its third and final reading, adopted an amendment that will allow the Russian Ministry of Justice to recognize foreign media as foreign agents, Dozhd TV reported.

    The vote was unanimous. A total of 414 deputies voted for the adoption of the law.

    According to the document, “legal entities registered in a foreign state” and “foreign structures without the formation of a legal entity” can be declared as foreign agents. The Ministry of Justice will be empowered to do …

  • Russian State Duma accuses Ukraine of 'ethnocide of Russians' and prepares statement to UN, OSCE and PACE

    The Council of the Federation of the State Duma of Russia adopted a statement on the inadmissibility of imposing restrictions in Ukraine regarding obtaining education in native languages by indigenous peoples and national minorities.

    “The law on education, signed by the President of Ukraine, will become an act of ethnocide of the Russian people in Ukraine, as the law violates the basic standards of the UN and the Council of Europe on the protection of the linguistic identity of indigenous …

  • The Russian Parliament approved the draft law on restriction of freedom on the Internet

    The Federation Council of Russia approved a bill banning the use of proxy servers, including a virtual corporate network. The document, approved on July 25, also prohibits sending text messages from a phone anonymously.

    On July 21, this bill was approved by the lower chamber of the Russian parliament, the State Duma. The next step is to send it to Russian President Vladimir Putin to be signed.

    If signed, the document will come into force on January 1, 2018, less than three months before the …

  • Russian parliament committee proposes creation of tourist zones in separatist republics in Eastern Ukraine

    On Wednesday, May 17, an exhibition titled the “Industrial Heritage of the Donbas” will be opened in the State Duma, RBC news agency reported. It will be organized by MP Iosif Kobzon from the “Yedinaya Rossiya” (United Russia) party and the Lower House Committee for Culture, two sources from the Committee for Culture told RBC. From the unrecognized republics, Eduard Golenko, acting Minister of the Coal Industry of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) is expected to speak at the exhibition, one …

  • A US Federal Court sentenced the son of a Russian deputy to 27 years in prison

    The Federal District Court in Seattle sentenced Russian citizen, Roman Seleznev, the son of a State Duma deputy from the LDPR party Valery Seleznev, to 27 years in prison in a cyber fraud case.

    In August last year, Roman Seleznev was convicted of fraud, computer hacking, possession of illegally acquired credit cards and theft of personal data.

    In a written statement made by Seleznev and read out by his lawyer, Igor Litvak, the convict called the verdict "equivalent to a death sentence" and " …

  • Russian State Duma announced a bill on patriotic education

    Deputies of the State Duma are developing a bill that defines the general principles of “patriotic education,” said United Russia Party member and Deputy Chairman of the Duma's Committee for Security and Anti-Corruption, Anatoly Vyborny. His statement was published on Monday, March 27 on the party's website, reported.

    “My colleagues and I have prepared a draft federal law that should establish uniformity in the patriotic education system throughout the Russian Federation,” the …