Contents tagged with State Duma

  • Russia to adopt law on zero tax for oligarchs

    The State Duma budget and taxes committee has recommended the adoption in the first reading of a bill to create offshore zones in Russia with a special tax regime for the international holding companies through which the wealthiest Russians control the economy’s key assets.It follows from the bill, as cited by TASS, that within the special administrative zones on the Oktyabrsky and Russky islands in the Kaliningrad province and Pimorsky Krai, which are designed to replace the western offshore …

  • Russian State Duma passes law on reciprocal sanctions

    The lower house of the Russian parliament, in the third and final reading, passed a bill on counter sanctions. 

    In the final version of the bill, there is no mention of specific areas to which sanctions may apply. The law enables the government to ban the importation of any product or raw material, with the exception of necessary goods that are not produced in Russia.

    Additionally, restrictions cannot be applied to goods imported for personal use, both by Russians and foreigners.

    The bill …

  • Parliament of Chechnya proposes to allow Putin to hold presidency for three consecutive terms

    The draft bill on Russian President Vladimir Putin’s term appeared on the website of the Russian State Duma after being registered on Friday and sent to the Duma’s Chairman. The document was introduced by the Parliament of the Chechen Republic.

    On May 9, Chechen legislators proposed to allow the Russian President to hold the post for three consecutive terms. This suggestion was initially put forward by the Head of the Chechen Republic, Ramzan Kadyrov, who stated that “there is no alternative” …

  • Russia considers introducing criminal liability for companies observing Western sanctions

    The Russian State Duma has drafted a bill denoting criminal liability, punishable by up to four years of imprisonment, for the implementation of sanctions by foreign states, as well as for assistance in establishing anti-Russian sanctions, in the territory of the Russian Federation, Interfax reports.

    "This draft law, which proposes changes to the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, will be officially introduced to the State Duma on Monday morning; its authors - the speakers for both …

  • Russia to exclude American drugs from the sanctions list

    Interfax reports that the State Duma of Russia is amending the draft bill on counter sanctions to avoid prohibiting the import of drugs from the U.S. that are similar to those which exist in Russia, Ivan Melnikov, the First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma, stated.

    “It is planned to exclude from the draft bill the mention of specific industries and specific goods and services and leave only the measures that can be applied,” Melnikov said.

    In the first reading of the draft bill, it was …

  • Russia considers producing counterfeit American goods in response to US sanctions

    Members of the Russian State Duma have drafted a bill that suggests permitting manufacturing American goods without needing to obtain a license to use intellectual property. This was proposed as a way of retaliation for sanctions imposed by the United States, Interfax news agency reports.

    According to the report, the bill has been drafted by State Duma’s Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin jointly with leaders of parliamentary factions, and does not specify a list of goods that are intended to be …

  • Russian State Duma deputy comes under fire in Donbas

    A Russian State Duma Deputy, Alexey Zhuravlev (non-factional) came under fire on Monday in the Donbas, as he stated to RIA Novosti.

    "I wanted to be assured of today's announced ceasefire. We arrived at the Pyatnashka battalion’s location and came under mortar fire. One of the cars was disabled, we had to turn around and leave," he said.

    According to unofficial data, the shelling occurred in the town of Kruta Balka near Yasynuvata.

    Zhuravlev is the chairman of the Russian Rodina (Fatherland) …

  • Russian parliament urges Foreign Ministry to react firmly to extradition of Russians to US

    Mikhail Degtyaryov, head of the State Duma committee on physical culture, sport, tourism and youth affairs, has officially requested information from the Russian Foreign Ministry on the measures taken to ensure the security of Russian nationals abroad, reported RBC news agency with reference to the parliamentary press service.

    Degtyaryov believes that “recently cases of the extraterritorial application of US laws have become more frequent”. “Among the recent examples is the Spanish police’s …

  • Russia bans reporters of Voice of America and Radio Liberty from entering State Duma

    Representatives of the media outlets Voice of America and Radio Liberty, which are recognized as foreign agents, have been banned from entering the Russian State Duma.

    As Interfax reported, the relevant decision was made by the lower house of parliament.

    413 MPs voted in favor of the ban, 38 refrained from voting, and LDPR Deputy Spokesperson Igor Lebedev voted against it.

    “I think that this is an extremely hasty and premature decision. With one hand we advocate attempts to normalize …

  • Kremlin to ban American journalists from visiting Russian State Duma

    The State Duma of Russia will pass a resolution banning American journalist from visiting the lower house of the State Duma in response to the US Congress taking away the accreditation of RT journalists,  stated the head of Rules and Regulations Committee of the State Duma Olga Savastyanova, RIA Novosti reports.

    According to Savastyanova, on December 4, this proposal will be considered by the committee, and on the 5th - by the Council of the State Duma. On December 6, the proposal will be …