Contents tagged with State Duma

  • Google decides to show annexed Crimea as part of Russia and not Ukraine on Russian users maps

    Google has reported that "it has corrected an error that caused a small number of Russian users of Google maps to see incorrect information", TASS reported with a reference to the press service of the company.

     “We believe that we have corrected the error, due to which a small part of iOS users of Google maps [devices with the operating system] saw incorrect information,” the report said.

    As explained by its press service, Google is making every effort to objectively display the “disputed …

  • Putin: Russia could be disconnected from world wide web, we must be ready

    Russian President Vladimir Putin stated at a meeting with representatives of Russian news agencies and print media, that there is a threat that Russia would be disconnected from the world wide web, the Kremlin press service reported.

    Putin said that he could not speak about what’s on the mind “of our partners.”

    “I think that they will think one hundred times before doing this. However, theoretically, anything is possible. Therefore, we, of course, have to create such [internet] segments that …

  • Putin: Russia is ready to aim missiles at US

    Commenting on the demise of the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty during a speech to the Federal Assembly of the State Duma, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow is ready to aim missiles at the US in the event of a threat.

    According to Putin, Russia will aim its weapons not only against the European countries where the US deploys its intermediate and short-range missiles, but also against the US itself in the event of a threat.

    “If they really are produced and shipped to …

  • Russia prohibits its military from using Internet and smartphones

    On Tuesday’s session, February 19, at the third and final reading, the Russian State Duma adopted a law prohibiting Russian military personnel from possessing phones, tabs and any devices that store data or access the internet. 

    The document was adopted unanimously and will apply to military contractors, conscripts, and citizens undergoing military training. The devices are prohibited not only during military operations or combat duty, but also in any military facility or territory. 

    The law …

  • Russia wants to cover up soldiers’ digital trail

    Russia’s State Duma has passed a bill on the second reading which prohibits soldiers from sharing sensitive information online. The initiative was proposed after a number of cases where journalists used soldiers’ social network posts to discover details about Moscow’s secret role in foreign conflicts.

    The bill bans soldiers and reservists from publishing any information online which could be used to discover their whereabouts or role in the armed forces.

    The ban is extensive, applying to …

  • Russian parliament passes 'sovereign internet' bill on first reading

    Russia’s State Duma has reviewed and passed the bill “on the reliable Russian internet”, also known as the “sovereign internet” bill, on its first reading. 

    The bill is intended to “ensure the reliable operation of the Russian segment of the internet in the event of disconnection from the global infrastructure of the World Wide Web”. 

    The document was authored by Andrey Klishas, chairperson of the Federation Council’s committee on constitutional legislation, his first deputy Lyudmila Bokova, …

  • Russia prepares for possible disconnection from World Wide Web

    The largest telecommunications operators in Russia plan to hold drills to test the practical feasibility of implementing the law “On sovereign internet” that was put forward in the State Duma by senator Andrey Klishas in December last year.

    According to the Russian news outlet RBC, the decision to do this was made during a session of the Information Security work group, which is working to implement the country’s Digital Economy project.

    MegaFon, VimpelCom (the Beeline brand), MTS and …

  • Russia demands that Apple display annexed Crimea as Russian territory on its maps

    The Russian State Duma instructed the National Security and Corruption committee and Information Policy, IT and Communications Committee to find out why annexed Sevastopol is shown on Apple’s maps as Ukrainian territory. 

    State Duma committees have been requested to send a request to the State Prosecutor General’s Office to “prevent Apple’s violation of the Russian Constitution.” The request stated that "the Maps application on Apple’s smartphones display Sevastopol as Ukrainian territory," …

  • Russian Parliament approves draft law introducing punishment for disseminating fake news

    Thursday, January 24, Russian State Duma approved four draft laws  in the first reading. Among them were the laws on disseminating fake news, on criminal responsibility for insulting the government and on administrative penalties in both cases.

    The draft law regarding dissemination of "false public information" on the internet relates to information that can "be a cause for serious bodily injury and lead to other serious consequences," stated the Deputy from the United Russia party, Dmitry …

  • Kremlin considers possibility of imposing fines for 'wrong designation' of annexed Crimea

    The Russian Federation Council is discussing the possibility of drafting and submitting a bill to the Russian State Duma, introducing responsibility for incorrect indication on maps of the territory of Russia, including the Crimea. At the same time, the senator from the Crimea, Sergei Tsekov, stated that there are no definite or specific deadlines, and the project itself may not happen, since “its relevance has become less acute.” 

    Earlier, Izvestia, citing Tsekov, stated that the draft law …