Contents tagged with trump

  • Ukrainian ambassador to the US is attempting to arrange a meeting between Trump and Poroshenko in February

    Ukrainian Ambassador to the US, Valeriy Chaly, stated that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko intends to visit Washington next year shortly after the inauguration of the new US president, Donald Trump, Krym.Realii reported.

    Chaly noted that they will try to arrange it so Poroshenko will travel to Washington as early as February, and if a meeting can be arranged, it “will be a big victory for Ukraine.”

    According to the ambassador, arranging such a meeting is ambitious, but not unrealistic. …

  • Trump promised to help Poland with the return of the wreckage of Tu-154 from Russia

    Even before winning the United States Presidential Elections, President-elect Donald Trump promised to raise the issue of the return of the wreckage of the Tu-154 during negotiations with Russia.

    "I heard about the case and that the Russians do not want to return the fragments. I will try to help Poland in this regard," the politician said after the Congress of Polish Americans in September.

    TVP Polonia reports that Trump also spoke about the "great respect to the Polish people" and that he …

  • Media: Trump is planning to visit Russia after his inauguration

    The newly elected President of the United States, Donald Trump, is planning on visiting Russia right after his inauguration which will take place on January 20. This has been reported by Izvestia, citing an unnamed source in the Republican party.

    According to the newspaper's source, Trump advisors convinced him that he should pay a visit to Russia right after the inauguration but not before.

    The author of The National Interest, Dimitri Simes, believes that the decision to visit Russia after …

  • McCain warns Trump not to become too friendly with Russia

    The republican senator John McCain warned US president-elect Donald Trump against softening relations with Russia. McCain stated that any “reset” of these relations will be a dangerous step.

    The remarks of John McCain, the Chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee and an avid critic of Russia, showed rising tensions between Trump and the republicans in the senate with regard to Russia. McCain referred to a recent phone conversation between Trump and the Russian President Vladimir Putin …

  • Ukrainian President had telephone conversation with Donald Trump

    In a telephone conversation with the US president-elect Donald Trump, the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko stressed the importance of support from Washington in the face of Russian aggression, reported the press service of the President of Ukraine. The phone conversation took place on Tuesday night.

    “Petro Poroshenko pointed out the importance of the support of Ukraine by Washington in the face of Russian aggression and also the support of the reforms in the country,” the statement reads. …

  • Peskov: Putin and Trump did not discuss the Crimea or Ukraine during phone conversation

    According to Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, Russian President Vladimir Putin and U.S. President-elect Donald Trump did not discuss the Crimea or the war in eastern Ukraine during their phone conversation on Monday, TASS reported.

    Responding a question of whether Putin and Trump discussed Ukraine and the Crimea, Peskov answered, “No, it was not discussed.”

    “Once again, it was a very constructive conversation,” Peskov stated. “The whole tone of the conversation largely corresponded with the …

  • Putin and Trump agree that international terrorism is the common enemy

    On November 14, Vladimir Putin, the President of the Russian Federation contacted his future colleague, the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump by telephone by mutual agreement, the Presidential Administration of Russia reported.

    According to the Kremlin’s website, Putin and Trump agreed on the extremely poor current state of U.S.-Russian relations. They also favored active joint work towards normalization of these relations and working towards constructive cooperation. …

  • Peskov has not ruled out the possibility that Putin and Trump could meet prior to the inauguration

    The Kremlin has not ruled out the possibility that contact between Russian president Vladimir Putin and his future American counterpart, Donald Trump, may take place before the US presidential inauguration, Interfax reported.

    “I do not know whether there will be any contact between our president and Trump before the inauguration. I do not know this for sure, but of course it can’t be ruled out. A congratulatory message has already been sent,” the spokesman for the Russian leader, Dmitry Peskov, …

  • McFaul has predicted a 'clash' between Russia and the US over Iran

    After the recent election of Donald Trump as the next US president, Moscow and Washington may have disagreements on the Iranian nuclear program, according to former US Ambassador to Russia Michael McFaul.

    “The first clash will be over Iran as Trump has promised that he will eliminate the six-party agreement,” he said in an interview with the Dozhd TV channel.

    McFaul also suggested that Moscow may soon become disappointed with the newly elected American president. “I do not rule out that this …

  • Russian politician in Simferopol wrote letter to Trump asking him to recognize Crimea as part of Russia

    The deputy of the Simferopol city council of the Crimea from the Communist Party, Stepan Kiskin, wrote a letter to the newly elected US president, Donald Trump. Kiskin stated this on his Facebook page.

    Kiskin called on Trump to recognize the Crimea as part of Russia and offered to hold a second Yalta conference on the peninsula.

    The letter to Trump, noted Kiskin, was sent to the US ambassador to Russia, John Tefft, with a request that the diplomat give the letter to the president-elect.

    In …