Contents tagged with Telegram

  • Massive internet outage in Russia: Kremlin’s attempt to block messaging apps causes nationwide disruption

    Russian users have reported issues accessing popular messaging apps like Telegram, WhatsApp, Discord, and Skype. This appears to be a blockage by Russian authorities, analysts told the news outlet Agenstvo.Novosti. Roskomnadzor, the federal agency responsible for controlling the internet, attributed the problems to DDOS attacks targeting Russian telecom operators.

    The problems, which began around 2 PM, impacted not only messaging apps but also Wikipedia, Yandex, VKontakte, telecom support …

  • Russian government unable to block Telegram

    Internet service providers have reported back to the Russian Communications Ministry on the results from testing the deep packet inspection (DPI) equipment for implementing the law “On the sovereign Russian internet”.

    Citing its own sources, RBC news agency reports that several providers experienced malfunctions while installing the equipment. A number of providers reported a drop in the speed of web traffic and also a drop in signal level. Telegram could not be blocked, because the messenger …

  • Russia ready to surrender in fight against Telegram

    The Russian government may give up its attempts to completely block the Telegram messenger, and instead try to find a compromise with its owners, said Dmitry Peskov, the newly appointed President’s Special Representative on Digital Development, several hours after his appointment, reports

    According to Peskov, who previously headed one of the departments of the Agency for Strategic Initiatives, the “ideal time” has arrived to initiate contact with the owners of Telegram. This comes …

  • Apple blocks Telegram updates at Russia's demand

    Apple has stopped support of Telegram messenger after Russia blocked the service, and has limited updates of the application for all users, reported Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov.

     “Apple has been preventing Telegram from updating its iOS apps globally ever since the Russian authorities ordered Apple to remove Telegram from the App Store. Russia banned Telegram on its territory in April because we refused to provide decryption keys for all our users’ communications to Russia’s security …

  • Russian government demands that Apple remove Telegram from its AppStore

    The Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications (Roskomnadzor) demanded that Apple stop distributing the Telegram application in the AppStore in Russia, and that they block the messenger from sending push notifications.

    The statement by the press service of the ministry, published on Monday, May 28, says that the regulator is waiting for an immediate response from Apple about the company’s further actions "aimed at solving these …

  • Kremlin: Microsoft and Google help Russian authorities block Telegram

    Interfax reports that Aleksandr Zharov, the head of Roskomnadzor (The Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media), has announced that Microsoft and Google will stop providing the messaging service Telegram with opportunities to bypass Russia’s blocking service.

    "Microsoft has stopped providing Telegram with the opportunity to use the Microsoft Download configuration file service; [additionally] Google has informed us that, at present, it has …

  • European Court of Human Rights ready to deliberate on Telegram’s claim concerning the blocking of the application in Russia

    As stated by the International human rights organization Agora whose lawyers represent Telegram, the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) is ready to consider Telegram’s appeal concerning the Russian government blocking of the application.

    "The Court was notified of the [Russian] court decision that authorized the blocking of Telegram and suggested to file a complaint about this in a separate application,” Agora Chairperson Pavel Chikov wrote on his Telegram Channel.

    He stressed that this …

  • Russia may block another messenger application

    Nikolay Nikiforov, Minister of Communications and Mass Media of Russia, stated that the Viber messenger application may be blocked in Russia, TASS reports.

    According to Nikiforov, the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation (FSB) must decide on this “specific” issue. According to him, responsibility for making the decision does not fall on the Ministry of Communications. However, FSB can take the issue to court if they encounter problems obtaining an encryption key. In that …

  • Russia unblocks 3 million of Amazon’s IP addresses

    On April 28, the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) unblocked 3 million IP addresses from two sub-networks of Amazon cloud services, as reported by online service which keeps track of websites and services blocked in Russia. The unblocking of sub-networks of Amazon was also confirmed by Roskomnadzor.

    “Roskomnadzor unblocked three sub-networks of a number of foreign hosting providers in order to lift restrictions …

  • Russia recognizes that it’s impossible to block Telegram messenger

    RIA Novosti reports that Russian Internet ombudsman Dmitry Marinichev claims that blocking Telegram by adding IP addresses to the blacklist is impossible.

    "Even considering that the client part of Telegram is open source. The code is open. It can be analyzed and how it works can be understood. Because Telegram is not a website, it's an application. It's almost impossible to close [such] a resource through IP addresses," he said.

    According to Marinichev, "the block could last forever." He …