Contents tagged with Telegram

  • Media: Russia decided to block Telegram messenger because of Durov’s plans to launch his own cryptocurrency

    Russia has decided to block Durov’s messenger Telegram in response to founder Pavel Durov’s plans to launch his own cryptocurrency, reports RBC news agency,citing an internal letter of the Federal Security Servicen (FSB).

    “The story is not about terrorism. Pasha Durov decided to become a new Sergei Mavrodi [a Russian financial fraudster],” the letter reads. “After such cryptocurrency is laucnhed in Russia, we would have a completely uncontrolled financial system. It is not Bitcoin for a …

  • Russia to block Telegram messenger service

    Moscow's Tagansky District Court has decided to restrict access to the Internet messenger Telegram on the territory of Russia. The restriction will be enforced until the encryption keys are handed over to the Federal Security Service (FSB), Russian media outlet MediaZona reports.

    Russia's Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media (Roskomnadzor) will enforce the decision of the court. The ruling of the court can be appealed within a month.

    The …

  • Russia intends to block Telegram messaging service

    The Russian Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media, better known as Roskomnadzor, has filed a lawsuit in Moscow's Tagansky District Court to limit Telegram's access to information resources in Russia. This has been reported on the agency's website.

    The initial cause of the claim is that the messenger refused to provide the FSB with the encryption keys for its user’s conversations.

    On March 20, Roskomnadzor issued an official notification on …

  • Putin signs bill allowing authorities to fine messenger services for non-compliance with Russian laws

    Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a law which envisages fines for messengers that do not comply with Russian legislation.

    The relevant document was published on Russia’s official legal information portal.

    If messengers fail to meet the obligations established by the legislation on information, information technologies and information protection, Russian citizens will be faced with fines from 3 to 5 thousand rubles, officials with fines from 30 to 50 thousand rubles, and legal entities …

  • Kremlin: Telegram Messenger has no immunity against Russian laws

    The Telegram Messenger will not have "immunity from Russian laws," as relayed to RIA Novosti by Igor Shchyogolev, an Assistant to the Russian President.

    "The general principle is that when there are laws, they must be implemented," stressed the President’s Assistant in response to a question as to whether Telegram's work in Russia would be stopped. For more detailed information Shchyogolev advised reporters to contact the regulatory authorities.

    In June, the head of Roskomnadzor (Russia’s …

  • Russian court fines Telegram for refusal to cooperate with FSB

    Moscow's Meshchansky District Court has fined Telegram Messenger LLP (London) in the amount of 800 thousand rubles ($13,945 USD) over the company's refusal to comply with a request by the Federal Security Service (FSB) to provide information for decoding user messages. This has been reported by Interfax.

    "Telegram Messenger LLP is found guilty of committing an administrative offense, and is imposed with punishment in the form of an administrative fine of 800,000 rubles," the court said.

    The …

  • Russia creates department to fight internet anonymizers and Telegram messenger

    Russia’s Federal State Unitary Enterprise “General Radio Frequency Center” (GRFC) has created a special department which investigates and analyses means of blocking websites and online services, and how to bypass the blocking, said Roskomnadzor (Russia’s Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Media) head Alexander Zharov, newspaper Izvestiya reports.

    “They [the department] practice blocking all the resources which would have to be blocked if they …

  • Russia threatens to block Telegram messenger, Google and Facebook

    The Minister of Communications and Mass Media of the Russian Federation, Nikolay Nikiforov, stated that Telegram and other Internet services that refuse to comply with Russian legislation will not work in Russia, as reported by RIA Novosti.

    "We have no prejudiced attitude to either Russian or foreign Internet services. As it is written in the law, so it will be, without options. Services that don’t comply with Russian laws in Russia, won’t work in Russia," said the Minister in response to …

  • Founder of Telegram Messenger claims US Special Services attempted to bribe its developers

    Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram Messenger, said that he encountered close scrutiny by American Special Services during a trip to the US. According to Durov, they tried to bribe the employees of Telegram, while the FBI attempted to put pressure on him, he wrote on Twitter.

    According to Durov, US special services twice offered bribes to employees working for him. "During the week of our team's trip to the US last year, US intelligence agencies twice tried to bribe our developers; plus, I …