Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Europe Will Not Consider Lifting Sanctions Until Russia Fully Complies With Minsk Agreements

    The issue of lifting the sanctions against Russia will be not considered by the European Union until Russia has fully complied with the Minsk Agreements. The Head of Unit for the Eastern Partnership of the Foreign Service of the European Union, Dirk Schuebel, made this statement in the European Parliament.

    The European diplomat recalled that the EU extended economic sanctions for six months, until July 31st. He clearly stated that the sanctions will be extended until the Minsk Agreements are …

  • Herashchenko: Ukraine to use all International Platforms Available to Restore Territorial Integrity

    The issue of the restoration of Ukraine’s territorial integrity and the return of Crimea is the responsibility of the whole world, said the Presidential Envoy for the Peace Plan for Eastern Ukraine and ‘Poroshenko Bloc’ MP, Irina Herashchenko.

    "Ukraine is ready to actively use all international platforms to solve the issue of Crimea. It is the duty of the whole world to look for an answer to the restoration of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine and the transfer of Crimea to  …

  • In Meeting between Prime Ministers, Estonia Affirms Support for Ukraine

    The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, had a meeting with his Estonian colleague Taavi Rõivas. According to Glavnoye, the Ukrainian government's website states that Yatseniuk expressed his gratitude for the tangible assistance of Estonia towards Ukrainian internal reforms and for its firm position on defending the territorial integrity and security of Ukraine.

    Nowadays, many new international threats and challenges arise, he said, and it is important that Ukraine remains the focus …

  • Joint Lithuanian-Polish-Ukrainian Brigade to be ready in 2017

    A ceremony was held in Lublin to mark the beginning of the Polish-Lithuanian-Ukrainian brigade, as reported by web portal TVN 24.

    The ceremony was attended by the Defense Ministers of Poland, Lithuania and Ukraine; Antoni Macierewicz, Juozas Olekas and Stepan Poltorak.

    According to the Defense Minister of Poland, all three battalions have shown solid progress, and there is every chance that the joint team will be at full combat readiness next year.

    He added that he considers the cooperation …

  • Four Russian Citizens Receive Political Asylum in Ukraine

    Four Russian citizens received political asylum in Ukraine in 2015, as reported by the head of the press service of the State Migration Service, Sergei Gunko.

    Refugee status was received by seven Russians; overall 86 Russian citizens requested asylum in Ukraine. As of January 1st, Ukraine is now home to 2,500 refugees and about 600 citizens who are in need of additional protection.

    Previously, the Director of the Department for Foreigners and Stateless Persons, Natalia Naumenko, said that …

  • Ukrainian Media: Former Swedish Prime Minister a Possible Successor to Yatsenyuk

    The Government of Ukraine may be headed by the former Swedish Prime Minister, Carl Bildt, instead of Arseniy Yatsenyuk, as reported by Glavcom, citing a source in the presidential administration.

    The appointment of Bildt, as the newspaper notes, would simplify the negotiations with international money lenders for Kiev, and would also allow President Poroshenko to take greater control of the activities of the government. In addition, such a personnel choice would help the authorities to shift …

  • Separatists in Donbas use the exchange of prisoners as leverage over Ukraine

    Former President Leonid Kuchma, the second President of independent Ukraine and current representative of the Ukrainian government to the Trilateral Contact Group, stated that separatists in Donbas use the exchange of prisoners as leverage over Ukraine, when in fact many of those prisoners could be deceased by now.

    “The last time, we negotiated twice on the number of prisoners to be exchanged. Representatives of the separatists came and negotiations started anew. Delaying this process is their …

  • Despite Frequent Power Cuts, Russian Authorities in Crimea Say Electricity Supply Is 'Stable'

    Russian authorities in Crimea provided three straight hours of electricity to homes and called the power supply situation ‘completely stable.’ The press service reported on January 24th that industry works and that the supplied power came to 48 megawatts. The power supply priorities have changed.

    In the past, homes were disconnected from the electrical grid three times a day for 2 hours at a time. This was a problem because heavy frosts—17 degrees below zero—plagued Crimea.

    On the 30th of …

  • Poroshenko: Ukraine Expects $7 Billion Loan from IMF

    Ukraine expects the allocation of $7 billion from the International Monetary Fund this year, reported the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, in an interview with CNN.

    Information about the upcoming loan installment was posted on Twitter by the Administration of the President. Previously on Twitter, Poroshenko said that the IMF may allocate another loan in February 2016. "Ukraine expects the next allocation from the IMF in February 2016," said Poroshenko.

    Previously it was also reported …

  • Yatsenyuk Outlines Priorities of Cabinet of Ministers in 2016

    According to Ukrainian Prime Minister, Arseniy Yatsenyuk, the Ukrainian government in 2016 will implement policies aimed at opening new markets for Ukrainian products and creating new workplaces, as reported by the Glavnoe, citing Yatsenyuk during the program "10 minutes with the Prime Minister."

    "We will concentrate our forces on gaining all the possible advantages offered by the free trade zone agreement with the EU. A separate area of work will focus on the special trade missions of our …