Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Israel to build medical center in Crimea despite sanctions

    A new cardiac center will be built in Yevpatoria (Crimea) "with the support of Israeli doctors," reports Rossiyskaya Gazeta newspaper, citing a member of the Coordination Council of International Association of Friends of Crimea and the future Director of the medical institution Alexander Lichstein.

    "Anti-Crimean sanctions will not stop the project. Over the past year alone, three delegations from Israel have visited Crimea. And we concluded that the Peninsula looked much worse before the …

  • Poland and Slovakia express readiness for ‘gas war’ between Russia and Ukraine

    Polish oil and gas state company PGNiG stated that Poland is prepared if the transit of Russian gas to Europe through Ukrainian territory stops. The company has also presented possible options for fuel supplies in 2019-2023.

    “If gas transit stops from the beginning of 2020, gas production in Poland, its reserves, and imports, including through Belarus, will amount to 25.6 billion cubic meters of gas per year with a total consumption of 19 billion.  If, after the expiration of the agreement …

  • Ukrainian President calls on EU to maintain sanctions against Russia

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky, in a telephone conversation with the President of the European Council Charles Michel, said that he hopes that the sanctions against Russia will be extended, reports the press service of the Ukrainian President.

    "I expect that the leaders of the EU Member States will maintain unity in support of the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, as well as in the continuation of sanctions against the Russian Federation until full implementation of the …

  • Polish largest oil and gas company plans to produce gas in Ukraine's Lviv region

    The largest Polish oil and gas company PGNiG plans to produce gas in the Lviv region with the Ukrainian ERA trading company, reports PGNiG.

    "The agreement we signed today will allow us to produce natural gas in a very promising region. I am confident that our partnership with the ERA trading company will contribute to the value of both companies," said PGNiG's Board President Piotr Woźniak.

    The agreement between ERA trading and PGNiG provides for joint operations in the Lviv region.

    First, …

  • Latest Turkish-Ukrainian Akinci drone makes its first flight

    The latest Turkish “Akinci” attack drone, created in partnership with Ukraine, has made its first flight, the Ukrainian Military Portal reports.

    According to information published on the portal, the Turkish drone, which is fitted with Ukrainian AI-450 engines, made its first take-off. The unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) spent 16 minutes in the air, flying around the airport, after which it landed. Before this, the drone had undergone ground tests, the final stage of which consisted of short …

  • Ukrainian Defense Minister: Paris agreements with Russia can fall apart at any moment

    During the negotiations at the Normandy Format on December 9 in Paris, a number of agreements were reached to resolve the conflict in the Donbas, but the process of implementing them will not be quick, warned Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Zahorodniuk.

    The risks exists of the agreement being broken off “at any stage”, the minister remarked.

    “There is a high likelihood of the agreements being broken off at any of the stages, but there is progress: We are working on bringing back prisoners …

  • Putin warns of ‘carnage’ if Ukraine regains control over border in Donbas

    Russian President Vladimir Putin, responding to the speech of the Russian propagandist Kirill Vyshinsky at a meeting of the Russian Presidential Council for Civil Society and Human Rights, said that Ukraine might arrange a massacre in the separatist-held territory of the Donbas. The statement was made several days after the Normandy Four Summit.

    "The Ukrainian side always asks to allow them to close the border by deploying troops. I can imagine that something like the Srebrenica massacre will …

  • Kyiv creates new combat ship division in Sea of Azov

    The Ukrainian Navy has established a division of surface vessels in the Sea of Azov, announced Navy Commander Ihor Voronchenko, as cited by Interfax-Ukraine.

    The division will be based in the ports of Berdyansk and Mariupol, and will include the small armored artillery boats “Lubny” and “Kremenchug”, the search and rescue ship “Donbas” and the sea tug “Korets”. In future, the division is expected to grow as new combat units are added.

    Before the division was created, the surface forces served …

  • Poland: sanctions against Russia should be extended

    Polish Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz said that sanctions of the European Union against Russia should be extended for the next six months, reports Polskie Radio.

    "We do not believe that there have been significant changes in Russia's policy, which would be a prerequisite to change our policy. Therefore, I think the sanctions will be extended for the next six months. We believe that Russia is the side that started aggression, and Russia should withdraw from the Donbas, and implement the …

  • German Foreign Minister opposes easing EU sanctions against Russia

    German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas sees no reason to lift the economic sanctions imposed by the European Union against Russia. According to him, Moscow should make its contribution to end the war in the Donbas in order to improve Russian-European relations.

    "People in Eastern Ukraine have been waiting for peace for too long. So far, there is no reason to oppose the policy of EU sanctions," wrote Maas on Twitter.

    The easing of EU economic sanctions against Russia is not planned at the EU …