Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Ukraine places MH17 crash suspect Vladimir Tsemakh on wanted list

    The Security Service of Ukraine (SBU) has placed Vladimir Tsemakh on the national wanted list, Ukrayinsky Noviny (Ukrainian News) reported, citing the Ukrainian Interior Ministry’s list of wanted persons. Tsemakh is a former anti-air defense commander of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), and an important witness in the case surrounding the downing of Malaysia Airlines flight 17 (MH17) over the Donbas in 2014.

    Tsemakh has been accused of committing the crimes envisaged by §3 Article 258 (the …

  • Ukraine and Russia extend oil transit contract until 2030

    UkrTransNafta and Russia’s Transneft agreed on Tuesday to extend the current contract for transporting oil through Ukraine by another 10 years, until January 1, 2030, the Ukrainian company announced in a press statement.

    The document was signed in Zagreb by UkrTransNafta CEO Mykola Havrylenko and Transneft Vice President Sergey Andronov.

    Apart from extending the contract, another agreement was signed which updates a number of its terms, taking into account the current state of changes in the …

  • Donetsk People's Republic wants to make Russian an 'official' language

    The head of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic (DPR) Denis Pushilin proposed to deprive the Ukrainian language of the official language status and make Russian the only official language in the "Republic," report media controlled by the militants, citing the press-service of "DPR's People's Council."

    "The head of the DPR, Denis Pushilin, proposed to amend article 10 of the Constitution of the Donetsk People's Republic, defining the status of the Russian language as the only official …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry summons Hungarian Ambassador over his statements about Hungarian autonomy in Ukraine

    Ukrainian Foreign Ministry summoned the Hungarian Ambassador to Ukraine István Íjgyártó in connection with his recent statements about the autonomy of the Hungarian national minority in Ukraine, reports the press service of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry.

    "On December 2, the Hungarian Ambassador to Ukraine István Íjgyártó was invited to the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, where he was told about the unacceptability of the statements he made in an interview on November 28," reads the message. …

  • Kyiv speaks of difficulties collecting Gazprom’s debt in three countries

    Yuriy Vitrenko, an Executive Officer of Naftogaz Group Ukraine, said that Naftogaz of Ukraine faced different willingness of courts in several European countries to consider cases of compulsory recovery of $3 billion from the Russian gas company Gazprom by the decision of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce, reports Radio NV.

    "We are not able to launch compulsory recovery in Germany," said Vitrenko, as quoted by Interfax-Ukraine. He added that Ukraine has similar problems in Poland and Moldova. …

  • Ukrainian defense conglomerate Ukroboronprom could be hit by US sanctions for selling Motor Sich to China

    The US could impose sanctions on Ukraine’s state-owned defense conglomerate UkrOboronProm if the China-controlled company Skyrizon Aircraft Holdings Ltd. gains joint control over the company Motor Sich, said Yuriy Terentyev, head of the Anti-Monopoly Committee of Ukraine, in a broadcast of Radio NV.

    “We could find ourselves in a completely absurd situation, if the Chinese party acquired control over this enterprise together with UkrOboronProm. The US could find confirmation that the Chinese …

  • Ukraine and Russia discuss settling $3 billion arbitration dispute using gas

    Ukraine and Russia are discussing the possibility of Gazprom paying the $3 billion owed by it according to the Stockholm Arbitration Institute’s ruling using gas, said Naftogaz executive director Yuriy Vitrenko in a broadcast of Radio NV.

    “[Russian Energy] Minister Novak, who was at the talks, admitted that they are discussing the matter of implementing the arbitration ruling by supplying the corresponding amount of gas. We see some progress in the public statements. We’re talking about $3 …

  • Ukraine to launch TV channel for residents of Donbas

    On November 30, Volodymyr Borodyansky, who heads the Ukrainian Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport, said in an interview to Mirror Weekly (Dzerkalo Tyzhnia) that the TV channel for residents of the Donbas areas that are not controlled by Ukraine will be launched in February 2020.

    He specified that broadcasting of this TV channel would be carried out only in the territory of the Donbas. The new channel is created based on the UATV channel. Broadcasting will take place in Ukrainian and Russian …

  • OSCE: troops withdrawal in new areas in Donbas is discussed

    OSCE Chairperson-in-Office and Slovak Foreign Minister Miroslav Lajčák said that as part of the work of the Trilateral Contact Group on Ukraine negotiations are taking place on potential withdrawal of forces and equipment in new territories along the demarcation line in the Donbas, reports Novosti Donbasa news outlet.

    "Negotiations on withdrawal are ongoing  within the Trilateral Contact Group. We fully support this. I don't want to say what the result will be. But there is a positive trend," …

  • Ukraine tests Neptune cruise missile with 280 kilometer range

    Tests of the Neptune cruise missile P-360 have been successfully completed in Ukraine, reports Defense Express. The missile flew more than 250 kilometers.

    According to Oleh Korostelev, General Director of the Ukrainian defense company Luch Design Bureau, the Ukrainian rocket flew such a distance along a given route and altitude for the first time.

    "Today, the development of the aircraft with the specified characteristics has been completed," he said.

    Next, the combat capabilities of the …