Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Kyiv demands seizure of Gazprom’s assets in Latvia

    According to Gazprom's reports, Naftogaz of Ukraine filed a motion to the Latvian court to enforce the decision of the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce (SCC) in the case against the Russian gas giant Gazprom. The company is determined to recover $3 billion from the Russian gas giant.

    According to Gazprom, the court hearing on this claim is scheduled for the end of April 2020. At the moment, the company is considering ways to protect its interests.

    "On November 5, 2019 …

  • Naftogaz director on Nord Stream 2: Germany facilitating economic strangulation of Ukraine

    Naftogaz group executive director Yuriy Vitrenko believes that by participating in Russia’s Nord Stream 2 project, Germany is facilitating the economic strangulation of Ukraine and creating threats to the stability of the gas supply to Eastern Europe.

    He explained his view to Deutsche Welle in an interview when asked whether Germany will be taking away Ukraine’s role as the primary transiter of Russian gas to Europe.

    “It’s not taking over the role of primary transiter, it’s that there won’t …

  • Head of Ukraine's defense conglomerate UkrOboronProm: Russia could be behind purchase of Ukrainian defense company Motor Sich

    The deal through which Chinese investors came to hold more than 50% of the shares of the Ukrainian company Motor Sich is concerning with respect to the possibility of technologies leaking to China or even Russia, Aivaras Abromavicius told Economichna Pravda(Economic Truth) in an interview. Abromavicius has been appointed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky as the director general of the state-owned defense conglomerate UkrOboronProm.

    “I think that the state should control the company …

  • Ukraine and Russia hold bilateral gas talks

    Russia and Ukraine conducted bilateral gas negotiations in Vienna on November 28, the Russian media reported, citing the Russian Ministry of Energy.

    The consultations were reportedly attended by Russian Energy Minister Alexander Novak, Gazprom CEO Alexey Miller, Ukrainian Minister of Energy and Environmental Protection Oleksiy Orzhel, and the directors of Naftogaz of Ukraine and the Operator of the Gas Transport System of Ukraine.

    “The parties discussed Russian-Ukrainian collaboration in the …

  • Russia's Gazprom warns Ukraine that it will ‘shut off the gas pipe’ on January 1

    Naftogaz executive director Yuriy Vitrenko said that the company has already received a warning from Gazprom that, without a new gas transit contract, it will stop supplying gas to Ukraine’s gas transportation system (GTS).

    “In a letter which Gazprom sent to Naftogaz it is written in black and white that on January 1 at 10:00 Moscow time (09:00 Kyiv time) Gazprom will have no reason send gas to Ukraine,” Vitrenko told Deutsche Welle in an interview. He explained that, in saying this, Gazprom …

  • Ukrainian and Estonian presidents call on Russia to withdraw from Crimea and Donbas

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and Estonian President Kersti Kaljulaid signed a joint statement on cooperation, in which Estonia reaffirms its support for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine with Crimea and the Donbas, reports the press service of the Ukrainian President.

    "The presidents reiterated their firm commitment to international law and the basic principles of international relations. They called on the Russian Federation to cancel the illegal occupation of …

  • Ukraine willing to accept gas in lieu of Gazprom’s $3 billion debt

    Naftogaz of Ukraine has responded to Gazprom’s official one-year gas transit proposal, Yuriy Vitrenko, executive director of the Naftogaz group, wrote on Facebook.

    He effectively confirmed that Ukraine finds the proposal unacceptable, and pointed out that “Gazprom has every opportunity to sign a new long-term contract for gas transit through Ukraine” according to European regulations. Ukraine is hoping that Russia will reserve transit capacity for 10 years.

    Vitrenko remarked that even if it …

  • Zelensky and Putin discuss gas supplies to Ukraine

    Russian President Vladimir Putin discussed problems with gas supplies and the continuation of gas transit through Ukraine with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

    During the conversation, "gas issues were discussed in detail, including issues of gas transit's continuation and resumption of direct Russian gas supplies to Ukraine," reads the statement of the Kremlin's press service.

    The office of the Ukrainian President, in turn, reported on its Facebook page that the parties "also touched …

  • Ukrainian intelligence agent was elected ‘people’s mayor’ of separatists-held Horlivka

    Eduard Matyukha, an employee of Ukraine’s Chief Intelligence Directorate, has returned to Kyiv after operating in the Donbas for more than five years.

    At one point, he was even the “people’s mayor” of Horlivka which is controlled by pro-Russian militants, and he later held senior positions in the Communist Party of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR), TSN reports.

    Matyukha said that he spent five years in Horlivka without his family. His wife knew nothing about her husband’s …

  • International Monetary Fund to continue discussing Ukraine's new assistance program

    The International Monetary Fund (IMF) mission in Ukraine, led by Ron von Roden, stated that the IMF will continue to discuss the new program for Ukraine next week, reports Ukrinform.

    "The mission has made notable progress in discussions on reforms that could form the basis of a new IMF-supported program. Such steps include measures in the monetary, fiscal, and financial sectors, as well as reforms aimed at improving the business environment, strengthening the rule of law, and boosting economic …