Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Gazprom officially offers Ukraine one-year gas transit contract

    On Monday, Gazprom sent Naftogaz of Ukraine an official offer to extend the current gas transit contract by one year or to sign a new one-year contract, Interfax reports.

    As a precondition, all lawsuits and claims in international arbitration courts must be withdrawn.

    This would also include the withdrawal of the Ukrainian Anti-Monopoly Committee’s fine against Gazprom for economic competition violations and of Naftogaz’s motion to have the European Commission investigate the Russian company. …

  • German Foreign Minister to visit Ukrain

    Ukrainian Ambassador to Germany Andriy Melnyk reported that German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas will visit Ukraine on November 18-19.

    "On November 18-19, German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas will visit Ukraine. It is his second trip to Kyiv in the last five months. We appreciate the support of our German partners," Melnyk wrote on Twitter.

    Earlier, Maas said that there are "positive indicators" from Ukraine after Zelensky's election as the President.

    Earlier, it was reported that the Czech …

  • Russia to return ships seized in Kerch Strait to Ukraine

    Russia will return to Ukraine the ships detained during the conflict in the Kerch Strait, reports Kommersant, citing two informed sources.

    According to the newspaper's interlocutors, the countries are at the final stage of negotiations. Parties already agreed on the date and exact place of the transfer of the ships.

    Sources say that the return of the ships will take place at sea, not in port. Three Russian tugs will tow the vessels to an agreed point where three Ukrainian tugs will meet them. …

  • Putin: Luhansk and Donetsk People's Republics will respond if Ukrainian Forces move back to the disengagement areas in Donbas

    During a press conference at the BRICS Summit in Brazil, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that if Ukrainian Police and the National Guard enter the withdrawal areas, then militants of Donetsk and Luhansk People's Republics (DPR and LPR) will respond to these actions.

    Putin welcomed the withdrawal of troops in Zolote and Petrovske areas but stressed that there are "some ambiguities."

    "We see the statements of Ukrainian officials that the Ukrainian police and the National Guard can return …

  • Ukrainian naval commander: Russia rehearsed missile strike against Odessa

    This summer, Russian Tu-22M3 strategic bombers rehearsed carrying out a strategic missile strike against the city of Odessa, said Ukrainian Naval Commander Admiral Ihor Voronchenko at the third international maritime security conference for countries in the Black Sea region, Dumskaya reports.

    According to Voronchenko, the aircraft performed a virtual launch 60 km from Odessa, and then went back towards the Bosporus Straight. The exercise, which the commander described as “provocative”, was …

  • MH17 investigators: Moscow orchestrated capture of Donbas

    The Joint Investigation Team (JIT) that is investigating the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 catastrophe which took place over eastern Ukraine in July 2014 has published new information which proves the connection between the separatists of the Donetsk People’s Republic (DPR) and Russian government officials.

    The team released recordings of intercepted phone calls made by the leadership of the self-proclaimed republic, including Defense Minister Igor “Strelkov” Girkin and Prime Minister Alexander …

  • Russian Gazprom cancels eurobond placement due to Ukraine's lawsuit

    The Kremlin’s gas strategy in the last few years, designed to deprive Ukraine of revenue from gas transit to Europe by replacing the Ukrainian gas transport system with the Nord Stream 2 and Turkish Stream pipelines, appears to be backfiring on Gazprom.

    Already faced with a legislative ban on utilizing more than half of Nord Stream 2’s capacity, and having lost one third of Nord Stream 1’s capacity due to a ruling by the European Court of Justice, the Russian gas company has now sustained …

  • Ukrainian President Zelensky has three main steps planned for ‘de-occupation’ of Crimea

    Anton Korynevych, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s permanent representative to Crimea, named three primary steps that will be taken towards the restoration of the annexed peninsula to Ukraine, reports UNIAN news agency. In particular, there are laws that are important to Crimeans which need to be drafted.

    “We are really trying to become the organ that drafts the bills that are necessary for Crimea and Crimeans. Some initial work has already been done. We look forward to distributing it, …

  • Kyiv: War with Russia will end after reparation has been paid and Crimea returned

    The Russian-Ukrainian war will end once the aggressor-state returns all of the occupied territories, including Crimea, and pays reparation, said Dmitry Kuleba, Ukraine’s Vice Prime Minister for European and Euro-Atlantic Integration, as cited by RBC-Ukraine.

    The vice prime minister said that the full extent of the damage caused by Russia’s invasion of the Donbas has not yet been determined.

    “Factories there have been ripped apart and taken away, mines there have been flooded, and if there is …

  • Ukraine unveils warhead of Crimean Bridge ‘destroyer’ missile

    Ukraine has unveiled the warhead of the self-guided “Neptune” missile, the Ukrainian publication Defense Express reports.

    The Neptune missile is anti-ship, subsonic and low-altitude, with a maximum range no greater than 300 km. Neptunes are designed to destroy land targets and ships with a displacement of less than 5,000 tons.

    The missile was developed on the basis of the Soviet-era X-35 missile by the Luch Design Bureau. It was first demonstrated in 2015 and first tested in 2016. In 2018 …