Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Estonia voices support for Ukraine joining EU and NATO

    Estonia is in favor of Ukraine joining the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), said Estonian Foreign Minister Urmas Reinsalu at a press conference.

    “Estonia is the devoted friend of the Ukrainians, and fully supports [Ukraine] joining the political family of the European Union and NATO on the basis of objective reforms and transformation in the country,” the minister said.

    He added that Estonia will never recognize the illegal annexation of Crimea and the eastern …

  • Ukraine to start withdrawal of forces in Petrivske on November 8

    The withdrawal of forces along the third, Petrivske-Bohdanivka stretch is scheduled to begin on November 8, as long as there are no ceasefire violations over the course of the week, said Volodymyr Kravchenko, Commander of Ukraine’s Joint Forces Operation, at a press conference, as cited by Ukrinform.

    “We have already submitted a letter to the OSCE. On the 7th (of November) we will begin, and on the 8th we will effectively withdraw, if there is no breach of the silence regime,” he said.

    At the …

  • Ukraine tests S-125 Pechora surface-to-air missile system against sea targets

    The surface-to-air missiles that were launched successfully destroyed a target ship in the Black Sea, the Ukrainian Navy said in a press release. According to the report, the tests were done at the Yahorlyk Test Range in the Kherson region. The two launched S-125 surface-to-air missiles destroyed a decommissioned Ukrainian naval vessel, which served as the target. The tests were declared successful. “During the combat launches, the missiles launched from the S-125 system destroyed a surface …

  • Ukraine invents supersonic missile that ‘cannot be shot down’

    Ukrainian engineers at the Dnipro-based Yuzhnoye Design Office have unveiled the Bliskavka (“lightning”) supersonic missile, which they claim is virtually “impossible to shoot down”, Dnipro Panorama reports.

    The designers presented the missile at the Weaponry and Security 2019 exhibition. They claim that the missile has a speed of 2,000-2,500 km/h. It will be used by the Su-27 and Su24M aircraft in Ukraine’s Air Force. Only minimal equipment modifications will be required to install them. The …

  • Finland promises Ukraine €600,000 for mine clearance in Donbas

    “Eastern Ukraine is one of the most mine-polluted conflict zones in the world. We are preparing an additional €600,000 [assistance] package for mine clearance,” Interfax-Ukraine cites Finnish Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto as saying.

    The minister promised to allocate the funds to Kyiv during a visit to the conflict region. A Finnish delegation led by Foreign Minister Haavisto visited disengagement section No. 1 in Stanytsia Luhanska, Ukraine’s Joint Forces Operation headquarters announced on …

  • Media: NATO refuses Stoltenberg's meeting with released Ukrainian sailors to avoid irritating Russia

    Ukraine proposed to organize a meeting of NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg with Ukrainian sailors released from Russia in Odessa, but the NATO rejected the proposal, reports Mirror Weekly news outlet, citing its sources.

    According to the publication, France turned out to be the primary opponent, not wanting to irritate Russia with a meeting that, according to Paris, could "disrupt the peace process and negatively affect the preparation for the Normandy Four negotiations."

    Stoltenberg …

  • Ukraine intends to demand reparations from Russia for war in Donbas

    The Ukrainian Minister of Infrastructure, Vladyslav Krykliy said in the program Right to Power on Ukrainian 1+1 TV channel that Kyiv intends to demand reparations from Russia in order to the restore the Donbas.

    According to the Ukrainian Minister, after the conflict resolution in the Donbas and when the region comes under Kyiv's control, Ukraine will require the funds for its restoration, which, of course, must be paid in the form of "reparations" by the "aggressor country," which is Russia. …

  • Ukraine's Naftogaz files new lawsuit against Gazprom in Stockholm Arbitration

    The Managing Director of the Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz Yuriy Vitrenko reported on his Facebook page that the Ukrainian company filed a new lawsuit against the Russian gas giant Gazprom in the Arbitration Institute of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce. The new lawsuit involves the contract for gas transit.

    These are the counterclaims that the Ukrainian side files against the Russian company. "It was our turn to file a statement of protection and counterclaims. The number of pages of the …

  • Ukrainian Foreign Ministry summons French Ambassador after Macron's words about 'Ukrainian gangs'

    The Spokesperson of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry, Kateryna Zelenko reported that the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry summoned French Ambassador Etienne de Poncins to explain the words of French President Emmanuel Macron against Ukrainians.

    "In connection with the appearance in the media of the words attributed to French President Macron, the French ambassador to Ukraine was invited to the Foreign Ministry to provide clarifications," reads the statement.

    The French Ambassador noted that the …

  • Macron: I prefer immigrants from Africa over ‘illegal Ukrainian gangs’

    French President Emmanuel Macron said in an interview with the right-wing magazine Valeurs actuelles that he is going to fight against parallel societies and illegal immigration to France, including Ukrainians, reports Deutsche Welle.

    "I prefer legal immigrants from Guinea or Ivory Coast over illegal Ukrainian or Bulgarian gangs," said Macron.

    The comment of the French President caused a scandal in France. Critics have accused Macron of playing along with right-wing supporters and trying to …