Contents tagged with Ukraine

  • Kyiv: Russia strengthens troops in Donbas

    Russia continues to reinforce its troops in the Donbas by supplying weapons, which is prohibited by the Minsk agreements, reports the press service of the Ukrainian Defense Ministry, citing Ukrainian Intelligence Service.

    "The Russian command continues to strengthen the occupation troops on the frontline with weapons, which are prohibited by the Minsk agreements. So, under the guise of preparation for large-scale joint military exercises, the opponent carries out the deployment of tanks and 122 …

  • Ukrainian President : Kyiv is ready to speed up preparation for joining NATO

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky said that Ukraine is ready to speed up preparation for NATO membership and is ready to prove its readiness for the NATO Membership Action Plan, reports Interfax-Ukraine.

    During a press conference with NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg, Zelensky said that "we are ready to cooperate even more closely with the Alliance and accelerate preparation for NATO membership, without removing from agenda the possibility of Ukraine joining the NATO Membership …

  • NATO allocates 40 million euros to support Ukraine

    NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg said that NATO had allocated 40 million euros to support Ukraine’s combat command and control, cyber defense and medical rehabilitation, reports the press service of the Ukrainian President.

    "Today, we have reviewed our comprehensive package of assistance to Ukraine. Through trust funds, NATO allies and partners allocated more than EUR 40 million to support Ukraine's military command, cyber defense, and medical rehabilitation. This support is bringing …

  • NATO calls on Russia to return Crimea to Ukraine

    Representatives of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) met with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky and the Ukrainian government in Kyiv on Thursday. The topics of the meeting included matters related to the NATO-Ukraine partnership, the situation in eastern Ukraine, and Russia’s significantly increased military presence in Crimea, which is “part of the larger model of Russia’s aggressive actions in the region”.

    In a statement, the NATO-Ukraine commission emphasizes the illegality …

  • Russia transfers special forces and ‘Cossacks’ to Donbas

    The Russian Armed Forces command has been transferring special forces and so-called “Cossack formations” to eastern Ukraine to rotate and reinforce the pro-Russian forces, said Ihor Lossovsky, Ukraine’s deputy envoy to international organizations in Vienna, during a session of the OSCE Forum for Security Cooperation in Vienna on October 30, Ukrinform reports.

    “Through the stretches of the Russian-Ukrainian border not controlled by Ukraine, special forces divisions and so-called ‘Cossack …

  • Ukrainian President announces launch of Donbas reconstruction Fund with support of World Bank

    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that Ukraine, with the support of the World Bank, is launching an International Partnership Support Fund for the reconstruction and future reintegration of the Donbas.

    Zelensky spoke about the Donbas International Partnership Support Fund  at the first investment forum on the restoration of the Donbas in Mariupol, where 12 memorandums were signed, and hundreds of prospective projects were presented to investors.

    "Together with the World Bank, …

  • Ukrainian Naftogaz prepares new lawsuit against Gazprom

    Executive Officer of the Ukrainian gas company Naftogaz Yuriy Vitrenko reported on his Facebook page that Naftogaz has started preparing a new lawsuit against Russian gas giant Gazprom.

    Vitrenko made this comment after the negotiations between Russia, Ukraine, and the European Commission in Brussels on the future of the Russian gas transit through Ukrainian territory.

    "No agreements were made. But I did not waste time because I worked on the claims against Gazprom in the new arbitration …

  • Putin and Merkel discuss gas transit to Europe via Ukraine

    Russian President Vladimir Putin and German Chancellor Angela Merkel held a telephone conversation to discuss the continuation of Russian gas transit to the EU through Ukraine after 2019, reports the Kremlin’s press service.

    According to the Kremlin’s press service, Putin and Merkel discussed the transit in connection with the beginning of the next stage of the trilateral gas consultation of Russia, the EU, and Ukraine in Brussels. The parties are working on a decision on gas transit after the …

  • European Commission: negotiations with Russia on gas transit through Ukraine have failed

    The European Commission is disappointed with the results of the trilateral negotiations on Russian gas transit through Ukraine, said Maros Sefcovic, Vice President of the Energy Union, after meeting with the Russian and Ukrainian energy ministers, Alexander Novak and Oliksiy Orzhel, in Brussels.

    According to Sefcovic, the Russian delegation refused to make concessions, even though there are only two months left in which to reach an agreement. Gazprom’s current contract with Kyiv expires on …

  • NATO to reform Ukraine assistance system

    According to an agreement regarding the new format of cooperation between Ukraine and NATO, the Alliance will be reforming its system for providing assistance to Ukraine, Eurointegration reports.

    During a visit to NATO’s headquarters on October 25, Ukrainian Defense Minister Andriy Zahorodniuk announced that NATO and Ukraine have decided on a new format of relations, which will soon be adopted. Among other things, the changes will affect NATO’s system for providing assistance to Ukraine. …