Contents tagged with UN

  • Poroshenko: Russia preparing to attack Ukraine

    During debates in the UN General Assembly on “The situation in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine and the environment in New York”, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko said that Russia is preparing for a military attack against Ukraine, and that future escalation to the level of full-scale war is no longer unrealistic, Interfax-Ukraine reports.

    “Military experts unambiguously find that the armed group on the Russian border with Ukraine is an offensive assault group. It has …

  • Moldova complains to UN about Russia’s failure to provide access to Moldovan pilots released from Taliban captivity

    The Moldovan Ministry of Foreign Affairs and European Integration wrote on Facebook that Moldovan authorities complained about Russia to a number of international organizations. 

    The reason for the appeal was the “unacceptable actions” of the Russian Federation against two Moldovan pilots Lionel Buruiana and Mihail Crihan, who was captured by the Taliban in Afghanistan and released with the assistance of Igor Chaika, a member of the council of All-Russian public organization “Business Russia”. …

  • UN investigates possible Russian involvement in tortures of civilians in the Central African Republic

    The UN started investigating reports of tortures in the Central African Republic with the alleged participation of Russian citizens, stated United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA) spokesperson Vladimir Monteiro.

    “We confirm that we are investigating the accusations of a person from Bambari that he was arrested and tortured by Russian citizens in January this year,” he said. He explained that the investigation is being carried …

  • Ukraine will not allow Transnistrian diplomatic mission in Kyiv

    The speaker of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Kateryna Zelenko, said that Kyiv will not agree to open a "diplomatic representation" of the unrecognized republic of Transnistria in Ukraine. 

    "We already have diplomatic representation, and this is a representation of Moldova," said Zelenko as quoted by news outlet. 

    According to her, Ukraine, as a guarantor country, will continue its efforts in the Transnistrian settlement. 

    Earlier the leader of unrecognized Transnistria, Vadim …

  • Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland to allocate $14 million for the Donbas

    The Governments of Denmark, Sweden and Switzerland announced the launch of the project which will provide for $14 million in aid to the Donbas, stated the website of the United Nations Development Program or UNDP. 

    "The conflict in eastern Ukraine, dragging into its fifth year, has had a significant impact on civilians, including over 3,300 men, women and children killed, up to 9,000 injured since 2014, 1.5 million people internally displaced and many others facing the challenges of living in …

  • Poland urges UN to send peacekeepers to Donbas

    Polish Radio reports that during a meeting of ministers from European countries members of the UN Security Council with the head of the EU diplomatic department Federica Mogherini, the Polish Foreign, Minister Jacek Czaputowicz called on the participants to consider sending a UN peacekeeping mission to Ukraine.

    “It is important for us to keep the issue of aggression against Ukraine on international forum agendas, including the UN. It would be good to consider new initiatives that will bring us …

  • Russian Foreign Minister rules out possibility of UN peacekeeping mission in Donbas

    Commenting on the differences between Russia and the West’s approaches to the peacekeeping mission, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said in a press conference on Wednesday that no UN peacekeeping mission will be sent to the Donbas in the form that Ukraine wants to see.

    “When the OSCE observers’ mission began to experience safety problems – there were incidents, one mission member was killed – in response to the alarm from Germany and France, we proposed to arm the observers with light …

  • Poroshenko signs law expanding Ukraine’s zone of control in Black Sea

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has signed the law “On Ukraine’s surrounding zone,” which doubles the country’s zone of control in the Black Sea, the presidential press service reported.

    The law harmonizes Ukraine’s maritime legislation with that of other states on the Black Sea and other signatories of the UN Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982. It is intended to prevent smuggling operations and illegal visitation of the closed ports in the temporarily occupied territories of …

  • Ukraine calls on international community to increase pressure on Russia after Kremlin sentences four Crimean Tatars

    In a statement published on the website of the Ukrainian Foreign Ministry after the decision of the North Caucasian District Military Court of the Russian Federation, which sentenced four Ukrainian citizens on charges of terrorism, Ukraine called on the international community to increase pressure on Russia “to stop the violation of human rights” in the Crimea and to release Ukrainian prisoners. 

     According to Russian court, Enver Mamutov was sentenced to 17 years, and Rustem Abiltarov, Remzi …

  • Ukrainian President: UN resolution on Crimea is a step towards the 'de-occupation' of the peninsula

    In a statement on his Facebook page, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko welcomed the results of voting in the UN General Assembly on the resolution on the militarization of the Crimea and Sevastopol.

    “Today another important step has been taken towards the de-occupation of the Crimea. The resolution showed an unequivocal assessment of the world community about the continuing unlawful behavior of the Kremlin,” the president of Ukraine said.

    Poroshenko said that the support of the UN will be …