Contents tagged with UN

  • Ukrainian President Poroshenko confident UN will recognize Russia as ‘occupier state’

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko expressed his full confidence that the UN General Assembly would adopt a resolution on the Crimea in which Russia would be recognized as an “occupying state.”

    “The UN resolution on the Crimea will be adopted for sure. In this document, Russia will be called a state that occupies Ukrainian territory,” said the President at the international economic forum “Innovations. Investments. Kharkiv Initiatives!”

    Poroshenko also said that some countries assured him …

  • Media: Ukrainian President Poroshenko stumbles into Lavrov’s meeting room at UN

    Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko accidentally entered the Russian delegation’s negotiation room at the 73rd session of the UN General Assembly in New York, RBC reports.

    The Ukrainian President stumbled into the room while Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov was in it.

    “Poroshenko spent 15 seconds in the room, after which he left it and went into the meeting hall,” the report states.

    According to RBC, one Russian journalist managed to ask the Ukrainian president about the proposal to …

  • Crimean Deputy Minister of Education denied entry to Switzerland

    The press service of the Foreign Affairs Ministry of Russia reported that the so-called Deputy Minister of Education, Science and Youth of annexed Crimea, Aider Abliatypov was unable to obtain a visa to Switzerland.

    He had planned to participate in the 39th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, where he would talk about “the real picture of what is happening on the peninsula.” However, the authorities decided not to give him the visa.

    The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Russia …

  • President of Belarus Lukashenko ordered to strengthen security on the border with Ukraine

    President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko has ordered to reinforce the security of the border with Ukraine.

    "We have decided to strengthen security on the border with Ukraine. We see how many troubles it causes for Belarus, including smuggling of arms. We must close the border, not for decent people, but for criminals, for those who carry weapons "- he said at the meeting with the State Secretary of the Security Council and the chairman of the State Border Committee of the Republic of Belarus. …

  • UN: Battle of Idlib could become worst humanitarian catastrophe of 21st century

    The United Nations has warned that a full-scale war in the province of Idlib in north-western Syria could turn into the worst humanitarian catastrophe in the 21st century, because many thousands of the three million inhabitants of this region could be killed.

    According to the UN, many civilians were already killed in the air and ground strikes by the Syrian army and its Russian allies last week, and more than 30,000 people were forced to abandon their homes.

    Nearly half of Idlib’s three …

  • UN calls for increase in humanitarian aid for Donbas residents

    The United Nations called for measures to protect Ukrainians suffering from active hostilities in the Donbas, as mentioned in the statement on the 10th commemoration of World Humanitarian Day on the website of the United Nations Office in Ukraine.

    United Nations Resident and Humanitarian Coordinator in Ukraine Osnat Lubrani made a public plea for “increased support by the international community to scale up much-needed humanitarian assistance to respond to the large-scale humanitarian needs …

  • Ukrainian President calls for closing the border with Russia

    The Kremlin must agree to deploy a UN peacekeeping mission to the separatist-held areas of Donetsk and the Luhansk region including the Ukraine-Russia border, stated Ukrainian president Petro Poroshenko after talks with the head of the European Council Donald Tusk and the chairman of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker.

    “I believe, that the only way to change the situation, is to seal the uncontrolled areas of the Ukrainian- Russian border with the aggressor state and ensure the …

  • UN: Escalation southern Syria will be like battles for Aleppo and Ghouta combined

    The United Nations warned that a full-scale battle in the southwest of Syria could affect the population and area similar to those affected by the battles for Eastern Ghouta and Aleppo combined.

    UN special envoy for the Syria crisis Staffan de Mistura told the UN Security Council that such a battle could exacerbate tensions with Israel and jeopardize the small progress being seen in international political negotiations, which are focused on efforts to establish a constitutional committee. …

  • Ukraine: UN Human Rights Council is in crisis

    Ukraine understands US concern about the effectiveness of the work of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC), as stated in a commentary by Deputy Foreign Minister of Ukraine, Sergiy Kyslytsya, that was released on Wednesday, June 20.

    "We understand the position of the United States of America and their concerns about the effectiveness of the HRC. The US decision on early termination of membership in the Council was not a surprise. More than a year ago, the United States, at a meeting of the UN …

  • Kyiv asks UN to ensure that Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia have access to doctors

    Ambassador of Ukraine Yuriy Klimenko appealed to the United Nations with a request to ensure that doctors have access to the Ukrainian political prisoners who are in Russia, reported the Permanent Mission of Ukraine to the UN and other international organizations in Geneva.

    “Since every hour is crucial for Ukrainian political prisoners in Russia whose health continues to deteriorate, we appeal to the UN special rapporteur and call for ways to ensure their right to health care and access to …