Contents tagged with Ukrainian Army

  • US to help Ukrainian Armed Forces create rapid response units

    The United States is ready to continue to support Ukraine.

    According to Douglas Hoyt, the head of the military-political department of the US Embassy in Ukraine, American specialists will join a team creating a special unit of the National Guard of Ukraine (NGU). The main function of this unit would be to act as a rapid resonse team.  As reported by the press service of the Ministry, this was discussed during a meeting with the Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs on European Integration, …

  • Poltorak: US Military Base Not Allowed On Ukrainian Soil

    According to Ukrainian News, Defense Minister Stepan Poltorak said that Ukraine has no plans of allowing a US military base on its territory.

    "We are not considering such a possibility. Ukrainian legislation doesn't allow such an occurrence. All we have is a close cooperation that allows us to learn from each other and share experiences," he said.

    The Minister explained that the country has high hopes for establishing a Ukrainian-Polish-Lithuanian brigade. Conducting joint exercises as part …

  • Poroshenko pardons captured Russian major

     Russian officer, Vladimir Starkov, detained in the Donetsk region in July, was exchanged for the Ukrainian soldier, Andrey Grechanov, who has been detained by DNR (Donetsk People’s Republic) separatists. Ukrainian President, Petro Poroshenko, signed a decree to pardon Russian Major, Vladimir Starkov, sentenced to 14 years in prison for participation in hostilities against Ukraine. This was reported on the first of December in the statement published on the Ukrainian President’s website.

    The …

  • US launches a new stage of Ukrainian Army combat training

    The Ukrainian Defence Ministry explained that military exercises, supported by American instructors, will last until the beginning of 2017. According to The Pentagon, Washington has pledged funding of more than $265 million for this purpose. On November 23, Pentagon official, Mr. Davis , stated that The United States has initiated the second stage of its program Fearless Guardian with the preparation and equipping of Ukrainian Army servicemen. In his interview to reporters, Davis explained that …

  • Ukrainian President signed the law allowing foreigners to serve in Ukrainian army

    “The issue about granting of Ukrainian citizenship to foreign nationals protecting our country, will be reviewed immediately” – declared President Petro Poroshenko in response to the electronic petition signed by thousands of Ukrainians.

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, on Tuesday November 3, signed a law that gives foreign nationals and stateless persons the right to serve in the Ukrainian army.  This is reported on the website of the Parliament of Ukraine, Verkhovna Rada, which …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Defence : All foreign nationals have received Ukrainian citizenship.

    All the foreign citizens serving in Ukrainian armed forces have been granted Ukrainian citizenship - said Stephan Poltorak, the Ukrainian Defense Minister.

    The minister made this statement while talking to journalists on Wednesday.

    "All the servicemen have officially joined the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We have expedited the submission of the documents and they have already received the citizenship .“-  the Minister said.

    The minister stated  that he is not aware of the situation in the …

  • New Military Doctrine of Ukraine

    According to the press service of the National Security Council after the meeting held on Wednesday,  a new Military Doctrine draft has been adopted and passed for approval to the President of Ukraine.

    The document defines the Russian Federation as a military adversary of Ukraine and takes into account the high probability of a large-scale military campaign against Ukraine.

    In addition, new military doctrine confirms the rejection of the policy of non-alignment and restores the strategic …

  • Anniversary of Ilovaysk. Simple tragedy or an act of negligence.

    Ilovaysk, is one of the biggest tragedies of the war in Ukraine.  This was the first face to face combat between Russians and Ukrainians troops.One year later, the volunteer soldiers paint a picture of incompetence and negligence on the part of army leadership.The soldiers’ plight and their apparent dispatch into battle with little training and inadequate equipment has sparked scorn across Ukraine.Volunteer commanders have denounced what they say is the government’s neglect.

    Last August when …

  • Poltorak: We stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe

    Poltorak: We stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe

    One of the most powerful armies on the continent was stopped by Ukrainian army in the Donbass region, as stated on a briefing earlier today by Stepan Poltorak, Ukrainian Minister of Defense.

    "We were able to upgrade our armed forces and their combat effectiveness. In the East we stopped one of the most powerful armies in Europe and stabilized the situation. We have equipped numerous lines of fortifications," - said Poltorak, …

  • Ukrainian speakers added to MAVNI program

    Ukrainian has been added to the language list for MAVNI

      The Military Acquisitions of Vital National Interest program, or MAVNI, authorizes the military services to specifically recruit foreign nationals in high-demand healthcare specialties or who possess certain language skills in short supply

    A majority of the MAVNI recruits have been medical doctors who enlist in the U.S. Army Reserve and who receive an officer’s commission once they obtain U.S. citizenship.MAVNI recruits do not have to  …