Contents tagged with Venezuela

  • Guaido speaks out against the presence of Russian warships in Venezuela

    Leader of Venezuela's National Assembly Juan Guaido spoke out against the possible presence of Russian warships in the Venezuelan territorial waters.

    "We did not approve the presence of Russian warships in the country, as it would be a serious violation of the country's sovereignty," said the leader of the opposition on the Union Radio.

    Guaido also believes that the current Venezuelan government is trying to demonstrate that it has international support by inviting foreign warships to the …

  • Belarus and Venezuela owe Russia $11 billion

    Belarus, Ukraine and Venezuela are the countries that owe Russia the most through government loans, according to an estimate by RBC based on open information.

    Traditionally, Russia does not disclose information about loans issued to other governments. Their existence becomes known if Russia signs an international agreement which is later ratified by the State Duma. In such cases, Russian MPs talk about the loans, or the borrowing state discloses information about them.

    According to RBC, …

  • Russia to establish naval base in Venezuela

    The Russian and Venezuelan defense ministries have agreed to expand the cooperation between their navies.

    At a meeting in Moscow on Thursday, Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoygu and his Venezuelan counterpart Vladimir Podrino Lopez signed an agreement to allow visits by military vessels.

    As part of the agreement, the Venezuelan ports will be opened to the Russian Navy, effectively enabling Russia to acquire a naval base in Latin America.

    Since December 2017, Russia has had a similar …

  • Russia refuses to participate in conference on Venezuelan conflict

    Russia decided not to participate in the international conference on the ongoing crisis in Venezuela on August 6 in Lima.

    Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs explained that the Ministry has studied the purpose of the conference "in support of democracy" and considered it inappropriate. According to Moscow, the dialogue does not make sense without representatives of the government of Nicolás Maduro.

    "It is unlikely that 100 delegations with different views will be able to agree on measures of …

  • Kremlin: Russia has contact with Venezuela’s Juan Guaido

    Venezuela’s self-declared interim president Juan Guaido has been trying to contact Moscow, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT in an interview.

    He said that Moscow has never ceased its dialog with Venezuela. “We are actively talking to all members of the Venezuelan political landscape – the government, the opposition, we even have people from Juan Guaido coming to us,” he noted.

    Lavrov said that Moscow has explained to him “the inadmissibility of attempts to resolve internal …

  • Venezuelan military exercises to involve Russian equipment

    Russian-produced military equipment will be used in Venezuela’s upcoming military drills, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov told the press.

    “To a large extent, the weaponry and military equipment in Venezuela and in the possession of the Bolivarian Armed Forces is Russian-produced equipment, and so it simply cannot be done any other way,” Ryabkov explained in response to reporters’ questions.

    The deputy foreign minister said that he does not know whether Venezuela has military …

  • Kremlin: Russian military experts left Venezuela

    Russian Il-62 aircraft, which arrived in Caracas on June 25, flew back a group of military-technical experts who worked in Venezuela under the old contracts for the last three months, reads the message of the Russian Embassy in Venezuela.

    The diplomats recalled that earlier Venezuela received complex equipment from Russia that requires regular maintenance. In addition to equipment support, Russian specialists "were involved in the training of Venezuelan personnel."

    The Embassy assured that …

  • Kremlin confirms Putin's meeting with Trump in Osaka

    An aide to the Russian President, Yury Ushakov said that the meeting of US President Donald Trump with Russian President Vladimir Putin during the G20 summit in Osaka is scheduled for Friday, June 28. It will be about an hour long, and presidential teams will also participate in it. The meeting will be held in the negotiation zone for the presidents, reports Radio Liberty.

    According to Ushakov, Putin and Trump plan to discuss the general state of bilateral affairs, issues of strategic …

  • Venezuelan Foreign Ministry announces Maduro's visit to Russia

    Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro will make an official visit to Russia soon, reports the press service of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Venezuela on Twitter.

    "Soon the President Nicolás Maduro will sign new agreements in Russia for the benefit of the people," the report said.

    At the same time, the Venezuelan Foreign Ministry did not specify the dates of Maduro's visit to Russia, and also did not specify what agreements are mentioned.

    Commenting on this information, the Press …

  • Kremlin demands tax concessions for Rosneft in Venezuela

    Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev has approved a proposal drafted by the Ministry of Energy to make amendments to the Russian-Venezuelan agreement to cooperate in several joint strategic projects. The Prime Minister advised the president to authorize the signing of the document. The text of the proposal was published on Russia’s legal information portal.

    The document proposes to add a provision on Moscow’s and Caracas’s obligation to create “favorable and undiscriminating conditions” and …