Contents tagged with Venezuela

  • Kremlin decides to classify Maduro’s debt

    The Russian Finance Ministry has decided not to disclose any more information about the Nicolas Maduro regime’s debt repayments to Russia, announced Deputy Finance Minister Sergey Storchak at a Moscow Stock Exchange forum on Wednesday.

    In March, Venezuela was supposed to pay Russia a $100 million installment on its $3 billion intergovernmental loan. But Moscow will not say whether it received the money or not, since the government loans program is now classified, Storchak noted.

    “Everything …

  • US Special Representative predicts fall of Maduro regime within year

    Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro will be removed from power or step down on his own accord within a year, said US Special Representative for Venezuela Elliott Abrams.

    Abrams does not think the Venezuelan conflict has the potential to drag on or to transition to an active phase as happened in Syria. He also stressed that Washington was initially not expecting a rapid change of government in Venezuela, and is now waiting for the situation to unfold.

    “I highly doubt it [that Maduro will …

  • Washington: Russian military arrive in Venezuela to restore S-300 missile systems affected by blackouts

    The United States special envoy for Venezuela, Elliot Abrams, speaking at the media briefing, announced that Russian military soldiers who arrived in Venezuela are helping the Venezuelan authorities to restore the work of the Russian S-300 anti-aircraft missile systems, which have been affected by a number of large-scale power outages in the country. The video from this event was published on the official U.S. Foreign Ministry’s Twitter.

    “As we thought from the very beginning, one of the …

  • Russian company opens a helicopter pilot training center in Venezuela

    Rosoboronexport , which is a subsidiary of Rusia’s  Rostec State Corporation, announced that it opened a helicopter training center in Venezuela on March 29,  reports RBC News agency. In this center, with the help of Russian specialists, Venezuelan pilots will received comprehensive training on flying the Mi-17V-5, Mi-35M and Mi-26T helicopters in close to reality conditions, “simulating various unusual situations that may arise during the flight”.

    The company indicated that the staff of the …

  • Russia’s Federation Council: Military base in Venezuela would be 'inexpedient'

    It would be “inexpedient” to establish a Russian military base in Venezuela, commented Vladimir Dzhabarov, deputy chairperson of the Federation Council’s Foreign Affairs Committee, to the Russian news agency Interfax.

    The Russian MP made this statement the day after Trump demanded that Russia “get out” of Venezuela, a country that the Kremlin has loaned $17 billion to over the last 12 years.

    The political and economic crisis in Venezuela should be resolved through “political methods”, …

  • Organization of American States accuses Russia of military incursion in Venezuela

    The Organization of American States (OAS) has accused Russia of making a military incursion in Venezuela.

    “The General Secretariat of the OAS rejects the recent Russian military incursion into Venezuelan territory, which was not authorized by the National Assembly, as required by the Venezuelan Constitution, and which was done in support of a government that has been declared illegitimate,” the organization stated in a press release.

    The OAS openly supports the self-declared interim …

  • Russia and U.S. exchanged accusations over situation in Venezuela

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov and US Secretary of State Michael Pompeo had a telephone conversation to discuss the situation in Venezuela. Both the Russian Foreign Ministry and the United States Department of State stated that Pompeo and Lavrov exchanged accusations over the situation in Venezuela.

    Lavrov stressed that “Washington’s attempts to organize a coup d'état in Venezuela and threats against its legitimate government are a violation of the United Nations Charter and …

  • Two Russian military aircraft land in Venezuela

    Two Russian military transport planes landed in Venezuela on 23 March, according to flight-tracking data from CivMilAir. The Venezuelan news outlet El Nacional reports that the planes were transporting a group of Russian soldiers led by Colonel General Vasily Tonkoshkurov.

    El Nacional cites a post on Twitter by reporter Javier Mayorca, who claims that “a group of 99 Russian soldiers” had landed at the Caracas airport, where they were met by Marianni Mata, head of the Venezuelan Defense …

  • Russia and US start talks on future of Venezuela

    Russia and the US will soon start talks on the future of Venezuela, which for years has been suffering from a sever economic crisis, hyperinflation, and a shortage of basic necessities, and is now also facing a bitter political crisis.

    Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov arrived in Rome early this week to meet with the US Special Representative for Venezuela, Elliott Abrams.

    Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo on 4 March that he is willing …

  • Kremlin takes over sanctioned Russian-Venezuelan bank

    The Russian government has decided to take over VTB Bank’s shares in Evrofinance Mosnarbank, which has come under sanctions for servicing payments by the Nicolas Maduro regime in Venezuela.

    VTB’s share in the bank of 25% plus one share, which is held through VTB’s foreign offices and ITC Consultants, will most likely be transferred to the Federal Agency for State Property Management at no cost, VTB head Andrey Kostin announced on Thursday.

    “The decision has been made, and it has been approved …