Contents tagged with Venezuela

  • Caracas promises to expand economic cooperation with Russia amid crisis in Venezuela

    The Venezuelan government does not plan to reduce cooperation with Russian companies but will, on the contrary, increase it despite the political crisis in the country, stated Venezuelan Vice President Delcy Rodríguez at a briefing with Russian media on Sunday.

    "Yesterday I met with the representatives of Russian companies,” she said. “Not only are we are not going to reduce relations with them in any way, but we will expand the cooperation." 

    "The President of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro is …

  • Media: Plane sent to Russia with Venezuelan gold returned with a billion dollars for Maduro

    The Russian plane, which flew to Caracas and back, returned with a billion dollars for the dictator Nicolas Maduro. Novaya Gazeta reported with a reference to its sources that the gold reserves which the plane flew out of Venezuela were sold.

    Novaya Gazeta reported that the “empty” plane, which flew to Caracas on January 29, in fact carried two crew teams. It first landed in Dubai (UAE) and then flew to the Venezuelan capital after landing in Morocco and Cape Verde.

    It was reported that the …

  • Maduro prepares to send 20 tons of Venezuela’s gold to Russia

    The Venezuelan government under Maduro is preparing to transfer 20 tons of gold – roughly 20% of the Central Bank’s reserves – to Russia, said José Guerra, a member of the country’s National Assembly and a retired economist for the Central Bank.

    Guerra claims to have received the information from a Central Bank official with whom he still has contact. An aircraft from Moscow has supposedly arrived to collect the gold.

    “We demand that the Central Bank give us information about what is going on, …

  • Russia prepares to kiss goodbye to multi-billion investments in Venezuela

    The US sanctions on PDVSA, the Venezuelan state-owned oil company, threaten to affect the Maduro government’s ability to repay its debts to Russia, Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergey Storchak said on Tuesday. 

    According to Storchak, Venezuela has borrowed more than $3 billion from Russia in intergovernmental loans. 

    The debt had to be restructured in November 2017, when the repayment schedule became impossible for Nicolás Maduro, whose 6 year rule has seen the Venezuelan economy shrink by …

  • Russia: US sanctions on Venezuelan state oil company illegal

    Moscow has said that the sanctions imposed by Washington on PDVSA, the Venezuelan state-owned oil company, in an attempt to undermine Nicolas Maduro’s power, are illegal. 

    “The legitimate leadership of Venezuela has already described these sanctions as illegal. One can fully get behind this perspective,” Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov told reporters. 

    The US Treasury Department said that the measures against the Venezuelan state-owned oil company were adopted in order to “change the …

  • Venezuelan Ambassador to Russia promises safety of Russian investments

    All investments of Russian companies in projects in Venezuela are totally safe, the Ambassador of Venezuela to Russia, Carlos Rafael Faria Tortosa stated in an interview with the newspaper Izvestia. 

    “I can say with full confidence that investments are totally safe,” the diplomat said. According to him, authorities “are in control of all processes” and the situation in the streets is calm. “They [ the projects] will also be protected by the Venezuelan Armed Forces, if necessary,” Tortosa added. …

  • Kremlin denies sending Russian military to protect Maduro

    The Russian Press Secretary for the President Dmitry Peskov stated on the “Moscow. Kremlin. Putin” television program that Russians were not sent to Venezuela to protect the country’s president, Nicolas Maduro.

    He responded, “of course not,” to the corresponding question from a journalist, as quoted by Interfax quote.

    When the host of the program reminded that media is reporting more than 400 militants in Russia, sent to protect Maduro, Peskov said: “fear has a vivid imagination.”

    Earlier, …

  • Russian media reveals sources of the reports about Russian mercenaries in Venezuela

    Yevgeny Shabaev, a Cossack leader who chairs the All-Russian Officer’s Assembly, revealed the sources of the reports that Russian mercenaries have been sent to protect Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro during the political crisis in the country.

    Shabaev told RBC that on 21 January he received a request for assistance from a fighter in one of the Russian private military companies (PMCs). “One of the boys who is involved in the protection of the elite persons in the current structures of the …

  • Venezuelan ambassador to Russia: Caracas is ready to accept Moscow’s mediation

    The ambassador of Venezuela to the Russian Federation, Carlos Rafael Faria Tortosa stated that Venezuela is ready to accept Russia’s mediation in order to establish a dialogue between the government and the opposition.

    “We heard the statement made by Russia, we also heard the offer from the Russian side to serve, if necessary, as a mediator in the dialogue between the government of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela and the opposition,” he stated.

    Faria Tortosa reminded that earlier …

  • Kremlin accuses the United States of attempting to introduce direct control in Venezuela

    The Russian Foreign Ministry responded to the decision of the US Department of State to appoint a person responsible for the situation in Venezuela. Maria Zakharova, the official representative of the Russian Foreign Ministry, said that this was an attempt by Washington to introduce direct control in Venezuela.

    “This is Washington’s attempt to introduce direct control of the political situation in Venezuela, which the American establishment regards as its future regional vassal. In Iraq, …