Contents tagged with Venezuela

  • Russia warns of ‘catastrophic consequences’ if US sends troops to Venezuela

    The US can expect “catastrophic consequences” if Washington opts for military intervention in the Venezuelan political crisis, Russia’s Foreign Ministry threatened on Thursday. 

    The swearing in of oppositionist Juan Guaidó, head of the National Assembly, as “acting president of Venezuela” and his immediate recognition in this capacity by the US points towards the “desire to pull off in Venezuela the time-tested script of replacing unfavorable governments,” the Russian department said in a …

  • Ukraine backs Juan Guaido’s presidency in Venezuela

    Ukraine supports Juan Guaidó, the head of the National Assembly of Venezuela who recently declared himself president of the country, Ukrainian Foreign Minister Pavlo Klimkin wrote on Twitter.

    “Responding with force to the demands of peaceful protesters is a shortcut for the government to lose its legitimacy. We are betting on the National Assembly and the wisdom of its president Juan Guaidó to emerge from this political crisis,” Klimkin said in the tweet.

    The opposition’s demands for new …

  • Russia eases Venezuela’s debt repayments

    Russia has agreed to restructure the loans it has issued to the Venezuelan government over the last few years, and has proposed a plan to revive the economy to Nicolás Maduro, Russian Deputy Finance Minister Sergei Storchak told RIA Novosti on the sidelines of the Gaidar Forum on Tuesday.

    According to Storchak, Venezuela’s repayments schedule has been changed, since it had become impossible for Maduro’s government due to the economic degradation, food shortage, and the collapse of oil …

  • Russia developed a plan to rescue Venezuela’s economy

    Russian authorities developed a plan to pull its strategic partner Venezuela out of the deep crisis. Venezuela’s economy is in collapse and inflation reached about 1,300,000% last year, Russian publication the Bell reported, citing sources in Russian government.

    There are four main points in the proposed package of measures.

    First, Russian economists offer to introduce a basic income for Venezuelan households. They claim a basic income is a more effective measure to combat poverty than fuel …

  • Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers fly over Caribbean Sea with Venezuelan F-16 fighter jets

    The two Russian Tu-160 strategic bombers which arrived in Venezuela earlier this week have made a roughly 10-hour flight over the Caribbean Sea, the Russian Defense Ministry reported on Wednesday evening.

    The Defense Ministry’s report notes that the Tu-160 missile carriers were accompanied at certain stages of the route by Su-30 fighters as well as F-16s from the Venezuelan Air Force. During the flights, pilots from both countries practiced cooperating in the air.

    The Russian military …

  • Russia moves strategic bombers to Venezuela

    Russia has started transferring Tu-160 strategic bombers, which are capable of carrying nuclear weapons, to Venezuela.

    “This will be the seventh “sortie” by Russian strategic aircraft in the last three months – the frequency of flights is increasing, and this is perceived by the US as provocation,” says Mark Schneider, a former Pentagon official.

    At the end of October, Tu-160 bombers were spotted on the Norwegian border. British and Norwegian fighters were scrambled to intercept them.

    In …

  • Russia to help Venezuela cope with their crisis

    A group of officials from the Russian Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Economic Development, the Russian Central Bank, the Federal Tax Service, and the Treasury, are visiting Venezuela at the invitation of the Venezuelan government, TASS news agency reports citing Andrei Lavrov, a spokesman for the Russian Finance Ministry. According to Lavrov, Caracas is anticipating an exchange of experience with the Russians in the field of economic reform.

    According to Lavrov, those who came to …

  • Putin wishes Maduro success as inflation in Venezuela reaches 1,000,000%

    Russian President Vladimir Putin wished success to Nicolas Maduro, President of Venezuela, whose second term began in the midst of a severe economic crisis, as well as shortage of currency and hyperinflation.

    As reported by TASS, at the ceremony of receiving credentials from new ambassadors, Putin wished success to Venezuela in stabilizing the situation in the country.

     “We sincerely wish success to the leadership of the country, our friends in Venezuela and all the people in this country in …

  • Russia condemns assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Maduro

    Russia strongly condemns the assassination attempt on Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro, announced the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation.

    “We strongly condemn the assassination attempt committed on August 4 on the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, as a result of which 7 people were injured. The use of terrorist methods is categorically unacceptable as tools of political struggle,” reads a statement on the website of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs. …

  • US Treasury Department accuses Venezuelan President Maduro of drug trafficking and money laundering in Russia

    The United States has accused Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro and Diosdado Cabello, Maduro's second-in-command in the ruling United Socialist Party of Venezuela, of getting revenue from the drug trade, reported the Voice of America.

    The US Treasury Department published a statement indicating that Cabello had confiscated small quantities of drugs from drug traffickers, collected them in a large batch, and exported them through Venezuela's state airport.

    "Cabello, along with President …