Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Ceasefire broken in Donetsk; holds in Luhansk

    Andrei Lysenko, the spokesperson of the Presidential Administration of Ukraine on issues related to hostilities in the Donbas region, reported on January 9th that there were no losses or injuries among Ukrainian soldiers on the front line.

    According to the report, in the Luhansk region the ceasefire continues to hold but in the Donetsk region near Svetlodarsk opposing forces fired repeatedly at Ukrainian forces simultaneously from several directions to the south from Luhanskoye. The Ukrainians …

  • Poland to station 3 brigades along eastern border

    Polish Defense Minister Antoni Macierewicz stated that the Polish Defense Ministry plans to station three brigades along the eastern border of the country in 2016. Poland shares its eastern border with Ukraine, Belarus and Lithuania.

    “We have already started work on the creation of three defensive brigades along the eastern border of the country. These brigades will be an integral part of the Polish Armed Forces. They will become the fifth type of Polish Armed Forces,” Polish Radio quoted …

  • Ukrainian intelligence determines location of 57 prisoners in Donbas

    An Adviser to the Chairman of the Security Service of Ukraine (SSU), Yuri Tandit, stated that illegally armed groups hold about 140 Ukrainian citizens as prisoners, and the SSU has found the exact location of 57 of them. “We know the exact location of 57 people. We have seen traces of others, there are almost 140 hostages in Ukraine. We hope that Russia, as a participant of the Minsk Agreements, will do everything in its power to accelerate the exchange of prisoners,” Yuri Tandit said.

    Tandit …

  • Bellingcat: 20 Russian Soldiers Involved In Downing of MH17

    The founder of the Bellingcat group of experts, Eliot Higgins, announced that the company has further narrowed the list of people thought to be involved in the downing of Malaysia Airlines Flight 17. Twenty Russian servicemen are included on the newest version of the list. In an interview with the Dutch magazine NOS, Higgins stated that the Bellingcat report with the names and pictures of suspects was handed over to the Prosecutor’s Office of the Netherlands.

    The Prosecutor’s Office confirmed …

  • Russian Spy Chief Dies

    According to a statement released by the Interfax news agency, Colonel General Igor Sergun, the director of GRU (Russia’s military intelligence agency) unexpectedly died on Sunday at the age of 58.

    Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu did not specify the cause of death and offered no additional details.

    Igor Sergun joined the Soviet military in 1973, in 1984 he joined military intelligence and became chief of the GRU in 2011.

    Last year the US and European Union added Sergun to the sanction …

  • OSCE Informed Of Pro-Russian Separatists' Weapons Violations

    The General Intelligence Directorate reported that Ukraine has informed the representatives of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission to Ukraine about the placement of prohibited weapons in the regions of three settlements: Lobachyov, Bezymyannoye and Jubileynoye.

    “The situation in the ATO zone remains challenging. Pro-Russian militants shelled Ukrainian positions 20 times using small arms and grenade launchers,” the report said. Intelligence officers noted that they provided information about …

  • Waszczykowski: War in Donbas one of the main threats to Poland

    The Polish Minister of Foreign Affairs, Witold Waszczykowski, stated in a radio interview that the armed conflict in eastern Ukraine, initiated by the Russian Federation, is one of the main threats for Poland in 2016. “It wasn’t Poland that created the ice age, nor was it responsible for attacking other countries and it was not us who sent little green men to other countries in order to take away part of their territory,” Waszczykowski said.

    “Therefore, if we are talking about problems, they …

  • Ukrainian ceasefire violated on first day of 2016

    The Ukrainian Army and the pro-Russian separatists in Eastern Ukraine have accused each other of violating the "Christmas Truce" on January 1st.

    The truce came into force on December 22nd and was mutually agreed upon by the opposing forces. In the last few days, according to the Ukrainian command, the Ukrainian Army’s position was shelled 22 times with mortars and grenade launchers. Government troops have suffered no casualties yet.

    Separatists reported that one person was killed in their …

  • 6 Russian soldiers killed and 9 injured in eastern Ukraine

    Six regular Russian servicemen were killed and nine were wounded in skirmishes in the Donbas region on Tuesday, reported the the Press Service of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine.

    "As a result of friendly fire, six soldiers of the 9th Separate Motorized Rifle Regiment were killed and nine wounded," the Press Service stated.

    The Main Directorate of Intelligence also reported that the main focus of Russian troops in the ATO zone is to provide logistical …

  • Russian-backed militants shell residential area

    A group of militants disguised as Ukrainian ATO (Anti-Terrorist Operation) fighters shelled residential areas in the Zaytsevo region, reported the ATO press center. The attackers appeared to be one of the pro-Russian, illegal armed groups poorly disguised as Ukrainian servicemen. The militants fired indiscriminately on Zaytsevo’s residential infrastructure using small arms.

    “Criminals are trying to mislead local residents, accuse Ukrainian soldiers of ceasefire violations and discredit ATO …