Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • Fighting increases in eastern Ukraine

    The situation in the Donbas region remains tense, as both the Ukrainian Armed Forces and pro-Russian separatists blame each other for violating the ceasefire on February 27th. The Ukrainian Armed Forces Press Center reported that attacks by pro-Russian separatists increased after nightfall.  In the Donetsk region, Ukrainian positions came under fire from small arms, heavy machine guns, and grenade launchers near the towns of Zaitsevo, Novgorodskoye, and Luganskoye, the statement said. …

  • Ukrainian Intelligence Suggests Russian Military is Preparing an Amphibious Assault on the Donbas

    Ukrainian intelligence says that the deployment of sabotage and intelligence activities to Mariupol is associated with the preparations for an amphibious operation as reported by the press service of the Main Directorate of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense.

    "The 9th Division motorized rifle regiment (in Novoazovsk city) of the 1st corps has been strengthened with units from the 810th Division Marine Brigade of the Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation," the statement said.

    It was …

  • In the Donbas, Surkov Discussed the Possibility of a Renewal of Hostilities

    The Assistant to the President of Russia, Vladislav Surkov, has travelled to the occupied Donbas region twice this month and discussed the possible resurgence of hostilities, as reported by the Ukrainian intelligence service.

    “The main goal of the Russian occupational forces is to reach the administrative borders of the Luhansk and Donetsk regions,” stated a representative of the Department of Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense. Vadim elaborated on the Kremlin’s decisions on the further …

  • Fighting continues in town of Marinka in eastern Ukraine

    Militants are preparing to capture the city of Marinka, which is located on the Western outskirts of the Donetsk region.  This was reported by the headquarters of the Anti-terrorist Operation (ATO) on the 18th of February.

    Due to the increasing number of attacks and the danger to the lives of civilians, the military has stopped working at the Marinka checkpoint.  More than 5 000 people pass this checkpoint every day.  The militants have accumulated military equipment and personnel in the …

  • Moldova Sentences Mercenaries who Fought on the Side of Pro-Russian Separatists in Eastern Ukraine

    At the beginning of the year ten mercenaries were arrested in Moldova who fought on the side of the Russian-backed separatists in eastern Ukraine.  Two of them have already been sentenced to three years of imprisonment, as announced by the Acting Prosecutor General of Moldova, Igor Popa, Radio Liberty reported.

    Popa noted that the investigation against eight other suspects continues.  They are all between 26 and 32-years-old and all of them are Russian speaking natives from the south of …

  • US Senator: We have yet to see Russia's Real Commitment to the Minsk Agreements

    Ben Cardin, a member of the U.S. Senate Foreign Affairs Committee, expressed concern about the implementation of the Minsk Agreements, which are designed to reduce tensions in eastern Ukraine.  Completed a year ago, the Minsk Agreements represent a package of measures related to security and policy, agreed to by Ukraine, Germany, France and Russia, to resolve the conflict in the Donbas region.

    "Thursday was the first anniversary of the Minsk Agreements.  While all parties expressed the …

  • Kate Byrnes: Russia Continues to Violate its Commitments in Ukraine

    The U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission to the OSCE accused Russia and separatists of ceasefire violations.

    The U.S. Deputy Chief of Mission, Kate Byrnes spoke at a meeting of the OSCE Permanent Council in Vienna and provided an overview on the deteriorating situation in eastern Ukraine. She noted that the U.S. is concernedly "noticing an increase in violence along the border" in the Donbas.

    During the past weekend, the diplomat said that ceasefire violations had increased more than four times …

  • Merkel plans to extend sanctions against Russia due to non-compliance with Minsk Agreements

    A joint press conference was held on Monday in Berlin with the President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, and the Chancellor of Germany, Angela Merkel in which Merkel stated that the sanctions against Russia will be extended due to the non-implementation of the Minsk Agreements.

    “We have to extend sanctions against Russia as we take into consideration the fact that the Minsk Agreements have still not been put into effect.  The implementation of these agreements should be a precondition for …

  • Russian Authorities Refuse To Reopen Investigation into Deaths of 159 Servicemen

    Employees of the Main Military Prosecutor's Office, who oversaw the inspections and criminal cases on the death of 159 soldiers in the period from 1 January 2014 to 30 July 2015, did not reveal any violations of the law. They confirmed the legality of the decisions taken. This was the official reply of Major General Justice Maxim Toporikov, Russia’s Chief Military Prosecutor to Human Rights Council President Sergey Krivenko.

    "The circumstances of the death of Russian servicemen specified in …

  • Strelkov: DPR and LPR Would Be Quickly Defeated By Ukraine If Not for Russian Support

    The former Minister of Defense of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic, Igor Strelkov, believes that the armed forces of Novorossiya (New Russia) would be rapidly destroyed without the support of the Russian Army should the armed forces of Ukraine decide to attack. Strelkov stated this in his interview, published on the separatists’ social network page.

    “Based on available information, I regret to say that the DPR Army would be destroyed in few days. The DPR and LPR Armies, the so-called …