Contents tagged with War in Ukraine

  • OSCE: Separatists prevent proper monitoring near Yasynuvata

    The Principal Deputy Chief Monitor of the OSCE, Alexander Hug, stated at his briefing in Kyiv that the OSCE is unable to properly monitor the situation near Yasynuvata.

    "Our access to Yasynuvata fully depends on the DPR [the so-called Donetsk People's Republic]. Almost every day of the week our monitoring mission has to be followed by their [DPR] representatives. This is the only way we could do monitoring in the area of Yasynuvata" he stated.

    According to Hug, there are multiple restrictions …

  • Separatist commander acknowledges heavy losses near Avdiivka

    The founder of the Vostok separatist battalion, Alexander Khodakovsky, acknowledged that 13 in his unit were killed and 90 were wounded between March 7th and April 7th.

    “The biggest losses were suffered in the industrial zone between Yasynuvata and Avdiivka. This is becoming, as our fighters say, the second Airport*,” he wrote on his LiveJournal page.

    “I do not have the information about the losses in the other units, but I can guess that they are considerable too… Only the Vostok battalion …

  • Heavy fighting reported near Avdiivka

    According to several Ukrainian soldiers, heavy fighting has erupted near Avdiivka, where a separatist offensive involving members of the Russian Special Forces (GRU) was launched, CRiMe reported.

    The Ukrainian servicemen told the online publication that the offensive includes the use of tanks and other heavy weapons that are banned by the Minsk agreements. They also stated that Russian GRU forces were involved in the fighting.

    “Before the offensive we managed to intercept their radio …

  • Poroshenko urges Washington to supply Ukraine with weapons

    Since 2014, nearly 10,000 people have been killed in the Donetsk and Luhansk regions, including over 2,700 military personnel. On March 31, Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko provided this data in Washington during a speech at the forum “Ukraine's Battle for Freedom Continues” at the US Capitol Building.

    According to Poroshenko, the number of people killed due to the conflict in the Donbas exceeds the military losses of the US in Afghanistan over 15 years. "1.8 million people have lost their …

  • Ukrainian Armed Forces expect separatist assault on government-held Avdiivka

    The fighting around Avdiivka in eastern Ukraine has intensified in recent days, and, according to journalist Roman Bochkala, separatist groups are preparing a major assault on Ukrainian positions.

    Bochkala noted on his Facebook page that members of the so-called Donetsk People’s Republic have been using heavy artillery, weapons that are prohibited by the Minsk Agreements, to prepare for an offensive on Avdiivka.

    The Ukrainian Armed Forces insist that they defend their positions using only …

  • Poroshenko: International peacekeepers are needed in eastern Ukraine

    The President of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, stated that international peacekeepers are needed to ensure security in the Donbas.

    “We need international peacekeepers that will ensure the safety in the Donbas during the withdrawal and transfer of authority. Take your Plotnitsky and Zakharchenko back, take your paratroopers, who you brought here, and we will restore Ukrainian sovereignty,” he said while addressing residents of Mykolaivka in the Donetsk region.

    Poroshenko noted that the main goal …

  • Pope Francis calls for an end to the war in Ukraine during Easter address

    Pope Francis has called for an end to the war in Ukraine and for a release of all prisoners of war in the country. He said this during his Easter message “Urbi et Orbi”, as reported by Krym.Realii with reference to Radio Vatican.

    "May the Lord of life accompany the efforts aimed to reach a final overcoming of the war in Ukraine, inspiring and supporting humanitarian assistance initiatives, among which include the release of prisoners," the Pope said.

    On Sunday, Catholics around the world …

  • Belarus initiates 135 criminal cases against individuals who fought in Ukraine

    As the Head of the Main Directorate for Combating Organized Crime and Corruption Nicolai Karpenkov said in an interview with the newspaper Zvezda on March 25th, criminal cases have been initiated against Belarusians fighting on both sides of the conflict in Ukraine, as reported by Radio Polsha.

    “It is important not to let in foreign militias-mercenaries, radicalized Muslims, members involved in military actions in Ukraine and in the Middle East to Belarus. We are developing operational records …

  • Ukranian Intelligence: Six Russian servicemen were killed in Avdiivka

    The Main Directorate of Intelligence of Ukraine reported that six Russian servicemen were killed and five others were injured on March 22-23 during attempts to attack the industrial area in Avdiivka. “The enemy continues to maintain tension in the direction of Donetsk. High intensity of shelling of ATO forces’ [Ukrainian army] positions, including use of grenade launchers, 82 and 100-mm mortars, remains in Avdiivka and Yasynuvata,” the report says.

    In addition, the Intelligence noted that …

  • Separatists attempt to dislodge Ukrainian forces from industrial area of Avdiivka

    On Tuesday evening, the industrial area of Avdiivka became the site of heavy fighting, as reported by Ukrainskaya Pravda, citing Ukrainian Armed Forces spokesman Sergei Zhmurko.

    According to him, during the last three weeks, separatists moving from Yasynuvata have been trying to move through Avdiivka's industrial zone, which is located near the Yasynuvata railway junction.

    "Militants shelled using artillery and mortars, then sabotage groups tried to get through our observation posts to the …