Contents tagged with War in the Donbas

  • Girkin: 'A regular army' is fighting against Ukraine in Donbas

    The former ‘Defense Minister of the DPR,’ Igor Girkin (Strelkov), said that those fighting for the ‘Republics’ of the Donbas against Ukraine is not a ‘militia,’ but a ‘regular army,’ as said in an interview with ROY TV, a short excerpt of which was uploaded to YouTube.

    "There are no ‘militia’ there ... They are contract soldiers, who, for 15,000 rubles (or $254 USD), which is very good money there, will shoot their own people if necessary. There are these types of people in a number of units .. …

  • Pro-Russian separatist leader says his battalion suffered heavy losses in 2016

    The founder of the separatist Vostok battalion, Alexander Khodakovsky, stated during an internet conference that the Vostok battalion suffered heavy losses in 2016, as 200 people were killed and 300 were injured.

    “We have officially acknowledged that 200 people were killed and 300 were injured in 2016 and that is almost 70% of the casualty toll that we suffered during the 2014-2015 war period. The year of 2016 has been a year of a very confusing truce that has led the Vostok battalion to [ …

  • Ukrainian Minister of Interior: Ukraine is preparing for the 'de-occupation' of the Donbas

    During the next two years, Ukraine will conduct the "de-occupation" of the Donbas, and is currently preparing for this process, as stated by the Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Arsen Avakov, the ministry’s press service reported.

    On Friday, the Minister of Interior held an enlarged session of the Military Council of the National Guard of Ukraine, in which the Secretary of the National Security and Defence Council (NSDC) of Ukraine, Oleksandr Turchynov, participated.

    "I am sure that …

  • OSCE witnessed a significant increase in violence in eastern Ukraine

    OSCE observers witnessed fierce fighting in the Donbas. In the three days from November 7 to November 9, more than 4,000 violations of the ceasefire were recorded, and over the past week, more than 7,000, as stated by the principal deputy chief monitor of the OSCE Special Monitoring Mission in Ukraine, Alexander Hug, at a briefing in Kyiv, UNIAN reported.

    “The security situation along the line of contact in eastern Ukraine remains unstable. Over the past few days SMM observers witnessed …